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  On 5/29/2019 at 11:54 PM, Kaldar5 said:

Content Guidelines

The following is considered prohibited content:


Controversial and adult content, including:

Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content


So I have seen some people have unclickable f-list (sexual fetish/preference summary) addresses in their character bios.

A viewer would have to actively copy/paste this text into a web browser to view it.


Personally I think this is not adult content in CoH itself, but can we get a clear ruling on if this is allowed?


Edit: I don't have any problem with the CoC, just wanted to check on this aspect.


Honestly I care more about the answers to this and other similar things than how the LLC is coming along.


More specific rules of conduct is cool in a world with Pocket D and Rogue Entertainment.



Content Guidelines

Controversial and adult content, including:

Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content

Violent content

Controversial religious content

Anything involving controversial real-world individuals or organisations

Anything involving sensitive events, both current and historical


I read this on Discord the other night when it was republished - and there are two parts that make me sort of wonder:


1) I don't see how violent content can be prohibited when City of X is mostly about combat - that is the very definition of violence. I realise we have the PG-13 version of violence with no blood, but fighting is fighting.


2) "Sensitive" is a reeeeeaaaallly fluffy word - what is sensitive to one person, is completely irrelevant to the other and usually this sort of thing is judged by who feels offended not whether said offense makes sense or not. In City of X we have the Fifth Column (there was much rejoicing when they returned) and although we again have the PG-13 version of things, they ARE Nazis! True they are not building extermination camps in Boomtown but I am pretty sure Nazis still register as a sensitive subject in many places.


So basically, I cannot see a way in which the game itself is not a violation of the Content Guidelines unless there is some sort of implied grandfathering-in of anything already IN the game is ok, but new content cannot be violent or sensitive?


  On 5/30/2019 at 11:40 AM, Rhinoxx said:


Content Guidelines

Controversial and adult content, including:

Sexual, provocative, pornographic, or adult content

Violent content

Controversial religious content

Anything involving controversial real-world individuals or organisations

Anything involving sensitive events, both current and historical


I read this on Discord the other night when it was republished - and there are two parts that make me sort of wonder:


1) I don't see how violent content can be prohibited when City of X is mostly about combat - that is the very definition of violence. I realise we have the PG-13 version of violence with no blood, but fighting is fighting.


2) "Sensitive" is a reeeeeaaaallly fluffy word - what is sensitive to one person, is completely irrelevant to the other and usually this sort of thing is judged by who feels offended not whether said offense makes sense or not. In City of X we have the Fifth Column (there was much rejoicing when they returned) and although we again have the PG-13 version of things, they ARE Nazis! True they are not building extermination camps in Boomtown but I am pretty sure Nazis still register as a sensitive subject in many places.


So basically, I cannot see a way in which the game itself is not a violation of the Content Guidelines unless there is some sort of implied grandfathering-in of anything already IN the game is ok, but new content cannot be violent or sensitive?


Both of these are terms of art with fairly specific legal definitions:


"violent content" means graphic, gratuitous depictions of violence, injury and death, like describing in depth someone being executed by decapitation or showing a picture of someone holding their guts in their hands as they bleed out in the street; the kind of violence in CoH is "cartoon violence", where nobody is bloodied or permanently maimed, injuries are abstracted away as a missing portion of a health bar, enemies are "defeated" instead of killed, and defeats are represented by comically tumbling away and fading out


"sensitive events" means mass-casualty events, large-scale tragedies or especially heinous crimes like wars, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, spree shootings, plane crashes, child abuse, rapes and so forth; "the Fifth Column" aren't an event, and the game pointedly avoids talking about any specific real-world Nazi beliefs or war crimes, leaning much more heavily into a comedic "creepy guys in Hugo Boss uniforms with a wonder-weapon obsession" depiction.  In my opinion this rule is primarily to give the GMs grounds for telling people that they can't name characters things like "Eliot Rogers" or "Touchy-Feely Priest" or "Missing Malaysia Plane".

  On 5/30/2019 at 1:18 PM, rawketsauce said:

'Basic indemnity'


What the fuck? You're not responsible for anything you idiots


yeah that is indeed what the indemnity clause indicates, thanks Supreme Court Justice Learned Hand

  On 5/30/2019 at 1:18 PM, rawketsauce said:

'Basic indemnity'


What the fuck? You're not responsible for anything you idiots, you host a game server from a dead company. Enforcing COPPA? LOL


Who are you people anyway? You seem like disconnected SJW's who somehow got their hands on something nice.


Gotta love it when someone calls other people "idiots" and then expect to hold any kind of civil conversation thereafter.

Of course the use of "SJW" pretty much box you in anyways.

  On 5/30/2019 at 12:52 PM, jimpjorps said:

Both of these are terms of art with fairly specific legal definitions:


Fair enough - if this is reference to legal speak that covers these terms in that detail, that is fine by me - but just reading the phrases left a lot up in the air from my point of view.

  On 5/30/2019 at 1:18 PM, rawketsauce said:

'Basic indemnity'


What the fuck? You're not responsible for anything you idiots, you host a game server from a dead company. Enforcing COPPA? LOL


Who are you people anyway? You seem like disconnected SJW's who somehow got their hands on something nice.



Some people just want to see the world burn.



Others have gasoline.



And a match.


If you dont like it, then stop using it.

There's no need to get all abusive over this.

I used to play under the handle @Purple Clown, back on Live. Now I play under @Lunchmoney


I'm in the UK and play on Reunion.



Here's a thought...


How about we let the good folks running this show figure out what they have to do to keep afloat from a legal, financial perspective, and ask for our help when necessary.  Other than that, our options are really easy.  You either dig what's going on and play here, or you don't, and you go elsewhere.  Complaining about folks doing volunteer work on your behalf is just kinda silly, and you are not paying ANYTHING to play here, so let's keep things in perspective.

What was no more, is REBORN!


Dont see what the big deal is folks. When you play coh or game xx do you even read the tos or other legal bs before signing or accepting it? I don’t know anyone but a few super paranoid people that do. You lose nothing for playing here.... all that is required of you is internet access and a potato computer. Sign agreement or not, whatever... not a big deal and certainly no something I expected to see anyone complain about.


respectfully, an LLC is not merely an entity created for the sole purpose of making profit.  While not a usual path to take, a non-profit can be a non-profit company. 


The sole purpose of an LLC is to protect the personal assets of those involved in a "business" venture.   




Thanks to those who are behind this, they're putting a lot at risk personally.  Sincerely appreciate their effots on behalf of the rest of the community. 


cheers :)


To the people asking for a button to click to agree:


The internet has ruined you. "Agree" doesn't mean "click an Agree button", it means "accept the runes and information laid out and act accordingly". All the OP said was 'you have to agree to these terms', not 'you have to click Agree to these terms'.


So the new ToS basically says that if they get caught not only are they going to go down with the ship, but that they have to release our information and also that they aren't held financially responsible for attorney fees, fines, imprisonment... etc. from playing this game, (which I thought was a violation of the original ToS from the original CoX). Am I reading this right or not? Just wondering. Also, can we get a better picture of how "Grey" this legal area is? Doing something clearly illegal is awful, but I am on board with the whole disney copywrite system (A.K.A. Beauty and the beast, Little mermaid, Cinderella... all stories which Disney plaigarized because they were too old to have rights. And technically anyone can make their own version of any of these).


Anyhow, just wondering if we can get a clarification on what is and is not legal about this system. Thanks!

  On 5/30/2019 at 3:01 PM, OmegaX123 said:

To the people asking for a button to click to agree:


The internet has ruined you. "Agree" doesn't mean "click an Agree button", it means "accept the runes and information laid out and act accordingly". All the OP said was 'you have to agree to these terms', not 'you have to click Agree to these terms'.


There is an "agree" button, it's just in-game and not in the forums post


As I understand it, there is no legal precedent for a company going after players on a "grey area" server.

What was no more, is REBORN!


Sorry to be the badger in the bedroom guys, but you should know how copyright laws work.

I am only posting so you don't further dig a deeper hole for yourself.


You cannot "legally" ask others to be legally bound to property that you do not own.

NCSoft is still, (as of this post) the soul legal owner of the City of Heroes franchise.

There is no such thing as grey ownership. In any court, you must prove you own it or that you do not.

If you do not own the property, then you have no legal claim to bind others to an indemnity clause.

It would be the same as hijacking a neighbors car and asking everyone in the car to sign a save harmless clause in case you get caught by authorities.


My stern opinion, (not legal advice) as my practical and physical knowledge of dealing/filing/countering copyrights claims of music, screen plays, books, etc.. and ownership of digital and analog media with copyrights and rights reserved, would be for you to seek out a law firm that handles actual copyright law. You could be entering into a worse situation by claiming rights to property that isn't yours. If this is the case, then NCSoft would have a rock solid case against you with ample evidence that you have provided them.


I'm reading this as I type this post and I just don't see what possible issue anyone could have with....wait a minute....what's this last line? "By playing this game you agree to the possibility of being chosen to have your mouth sewn on to another person's...."...ewwwww.....what the hell, man! What the hell!

  On 5/30/2019 at 4:21 PM, Dr. Gemini said:

I'm reading this as I type this post and I just don't see what possible issue anyone could have with....wait a minute....what's this last line? "By playing this game you agree to the possibility of being chosen to have your mouth sewn on to another person's...."...ewwwww.....what the hell, man! What the hell!


Funny!  +1 Inf

"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." - Niels Bohr


Global Handle: @JusticeBeliever ... Home servers on Live: Guardian ... Playing on: Everlasting

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