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I have been playing COH for an exceptionally long time. And during that time one power has always bothered me: Clear Mind.

Currently, Clear Mind is a single target cast. This is fine when you are on a team with another player. Easy to spot they need CM. But once you get a full team or even a league it becomes a nightmare.

You could say, “Well Dee, they can use break-frees.”

True. I learned a lesson long ago, never rely on anyone to keep you alive in a fight other than yourself. But what happens if that person has zero break-frees left? What happens if you are that player and forgot to bring break-frees with you? There are all manner of situations or reasons a player does not have break-frees on them. If you are a squishy player up against some nasty mez heavy enemies, you’re going to chew through break-frees like they are a bag of Reese’s.

"But Dee, cast it before battle."

Hilarious. If you never played a healer, you have no idea what it is like to cast C.M. Cast it on a player. Wait for the power to recharge. Cast it on the next. Ugh. By the time you are done casting C.M. on a team of eight, the first C.M. is already diminished. True not all players need CM. But when you are on a team of all squishy, well, good times.

"People should tell you they need C.M."

This used to work back in the day on live. But overtime and with changing the difficulty and leagues being added, it's not as easy as it once was to call out for C.M. And it's not easy for the healer because he/she is in the middle of trying to keep people alive in a league or even a Task Force. So, if you are in a league, and you’re the only healer with C.M. and let us say nine people call out for C.M. that is going to be impossible to fill.

"Sounds like Dee, you need to pay more attention to people on the team."

Again, hilarious. I am a hover player. It is easier for me to hover above the team and cast. And yes, I can see better as to what is going on. On occasion, I may catch someone who needs C.M. But with a dozen powers going off, pets, difference in power colors the number of enemies and their powers and everything else you can pile on top. Think of yourself having a window seat on an airplane, you look out the window and see people that look like ants, and you may make out if one needs C.M.

"Who cares, Dee!?!?! If they don't call out for C.M. or they are out of break frees, let them be mezzed!"

See, this is probably why you don't play a healer, or you do and just have a poor bedside manner. I cannot speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. I chose to play a healer to help keep people alive--I enjoy it. When someone falls in battle, I feel so awful about it happening, I will apologize to the person. Yes, there will be moments I cannot save everyone, it's a game and unpredictable crap happens. But, I feel that having Clear Mind as an AOE can improve not just me but to all players with said power to be more effective.

So, what should change?

Make C.M. an AOE.

This would do two things:

One, make it far easier for any player to cast C.M. on the team/league. One and done.

Two, it would take away the guess work of, “Who needs a Clear Mind?”

And as a bonus it would allow the healer to utilize Clear Mind while roaming around by him/herself. Its rather frustrating being in a mission by your lonesome, out of break frees, and you’re staring at C.M. wishing you could use it.

Yeah, I am all for making Fortitude an AOE as well, with a longer cooldown timer. But right now, I ask again for the thousandth time: PLEASE MAKE CLEAR MIND AN AOE.

Thanks and Tare Care 😁

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I'm not opposed to the idea. 

I'm not convinced it's needed, but it does come up fast enough to cast on each member of the team one-after-the-other. 

You'd save cast cycles, but not really change the limits of how many you can buff with it.  Much like Bubbler shields.


That said, if the devs choose NOT to take action on this, I would offer my own personal triage steps

  1. Can I pop Vengeance?  OH YEA BABY!
  2. ELSE, is someone in dire need of a Heal / Rez / Other major buff?  Do that. 
  3. ELSE, is someone actively mezzed right now?  CM them.
  4. ELSE, did they just pop a wakie?  Heal if can, then CM. get them back in the fight instead of being wobbly.
  5. ELSE, Scrapper, Tank, Brute, Stalker, VEAT, Sentinel?  You'll get nothing and like it! (unless you qualify for #3/4, above)
  6. ELSE, are you a Defender/Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind who could hit me with CM or equivalent in return?  I prioritize you before other pre-emptive CM's.
  7. ELSE, are you a player controlling a squishy who cannot provide me with CM?  I'll CM you at this stage down the list. 
  8. ELSE, are you somebody else's MM pet?  I *so* do not care.
  9. ELSE, are you my MM pet?  I might care. If soloing. And you're a T2 or T3 pet. 

I love the idea, being an emp myself...


It is much more convenient to have as many support powers be a PBAOE, thus it allows you get a good number of players, those players who need your buffs, heals, etc. Would know to cruise nearby you, and this way you can focus more on your focused heals on those melee getting their hinds handed to them, besides staying alive, since most healers are rather soft. A dead healer or neutralized healer is of little consequence to their team


as a Stormy, I really wish O2 was a a PBAOE so as many as possible could benefit from the ability as possible, and be a better second line healer/supporter.




I would argue since mez protection powers were intentionally left out of the "short-cooldown single-target buffs are now AoEs" change (and in the case of the one buff which gives mez protection and was made an AoE the mez protection only applies to the initial target), and considering the back-and-forth discussion about the changes to Rune of Protection and its impact on mez protection for squishies, this is something that probably won't happen.

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     What @macskullsaid.  Getting everyone buffed is why Empathy is such a busy set.  Since turning into an AoE is unlikely I surely wouldn't object if they bumped up the duration some.  Even 2 minutes duration would help with the feeling of constantly having to cast CM.  

     PS: Increase Density (Kinetics) is the power he's talking about.


Love the list @MTeagueabout the only change I'd make is I'm really wanting to hit the recently awakened with CM then Fort then a Heal if needed.  CM first restores their ability to do things for themselves like use inspires, move away, use an escape power etc..

  • Thanks 1

I feel you, LadyDee.  I'm a bad Emp in that I've often felt like dropping the power all together, because I keep forgetting it's a thing to help out someone going Zzzz.  Basically I just send it along with the other two big powers (Fort, Ad. Boost), just cuz it's there, but yeah, I'm not going to just sit there and click it endlessly for a team.  And yet I too feel badly when one of them dies!  Maybe this is why I only have one Emp.


Tim "Black Scorpion" Sweeney: Matt (Posi) used to say that players would find the shortest path to the rewards even if it was a completely terrible play experience that would push them away from the game...


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
Ignore those farming chores, skip your market homework, play any power sets that you want, and ignore anyone who says otherwise.
This game isn't hard work, it's easy!
Go have fun!

I'd love for CM to be an AoE, but also would be OK with a longer duration. Currently on my /emp MM I CM with Fort mostly. Which I know is a waste for many ATs. I do try to CM squishy ATs separately that don't get Fort as a priority but catching everyone and keeping up with it all is a major hassle that may or may not result in benefiting anyone depending on mobs encountered and the roll of the virtual dice.

Posted (edited)

Haven't had an Empath since Live (so I don't remember) but does Clear Mind work if/when someone uses an Awaken and has that "Drunken Walk of Shame"?


Edit: it can get busy if you're applying to the mezzed AND the awoken

Edited by Nemeroff

"What are dominators... Much like a spider traps a bug, wraps it up, then starts chewing on it when it's completely unable to escape or defend itself."


I only clear mind the blasters to be honest. Maybe the corruptors/controllers if I remember, but blasters get top priority from me. And if there's a lot of blasters, then i usually CM the one that has the most kitted out build or tries to get the most damage.


I haven't played my emp in a while though, but it really is fun watching a pro blaster with empathy buffs completely annihilate everything

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