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brute stealth

seihyup kim

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There are some armor sets like Dark and Energy that have stealth.  Why it's so is a bit of a mystery to me; since all brute armors have taunt auras, stealth is about as useful as the nipples on a boar hog.  They do provide a brief moment where mobs do not notice you until the aura fires, but I've never found that super useful outside of speed runs.  But they do add a little bit of defense, and take defense sets, which is good for muling stuff like LotG Recharge, Kismet Accuracy, and Reactive Defenses Scaling Damage Resistance. 


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6 hours ago, Heraclea said:

There are some armor sets like Dark and Energy that have stealth.  Why it's so is a bit of a mystery to me; since all brute armors have taunt auras, stealth is about as useful as the nipples on a boar hog.  They do provide a brief moment where mobs do not notice you until the aura fires, but I've never found that super useful outside of speed runs.  But they do add a little bit of defense, and take defense sets, which is good for muling stuff like LotG Recharge, Kismet Accuracy, and Reactive Defenses Scaling Damage Resistance. 

Oh my friend!  How wrong you are.  I once thought as you do, sitting on a SS/Inv looking at Dark...WTF?  Oh, but now...   Dark Armor has No Defense, except a tiny amount on Cloak of Darkness (the Stealth cloak)  None.  Wait, it depends on what you call "Defense"  Not being seen by enemies until I want their agro....Defense.  AoE stunning those that see me (Stun Aura)  Defense.  Scaring the crap out of those that see me?  (Fear Aura) Defense.  Hitting those that see me so that I debuff their accuracy.  Defense  You see, Dark Armor's Stealth Cloak allows you to pick your fights,  You can crush an entire spawn and the spawn 30 feet away just stands there eating their sandwiches and talking about how henchmen need better health benefits.  They do not see a Stealthed Brute until you choose for them to.

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^ What the Snarky one said.

And that pick and choose your battles is why I'd have Stealth on any character no matter the AT.  It's also one of the reasons I might have and use a Taunt on a Brute.  Get behind the mob(s) in that crowded intersection, pull them out, getting their interest and then you and the team tear them to shreds without drawing extra aggro/adds that sure I can survive but maybe others won't.


So does a Brute require Stealthiness.  No

And do they require Taunt.  Again no.  Are they both useful.  Potentially yes, depending on playstyle and preference.

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2 hours ago, Snarky said:

Oh my friend!  How wrong you are.  I once thought as you do, sitting on a SS/Inv looking at Dark...WTF?  Oh, but now...   Dark Armor has No Defense, except a tiny amount on Cloak of Darkness (the Stealth cloak)  None.  Wait, it depends on what you call "Defense"  Not being seen by enemies until I want their agro....Defense.  AoE stunning those that see me (Stun Aura)  Defense.  Scaring the crap out of those that see me?  (Fear Aura) Defense.  Hitting those that see me so that I debuff their accuracy.  Defense  You see, Dark Armor's Stealth Cloak allows you to pick your fights,  You can crush an entire spawn and the spawn 30 feet away just stands there eating their sandwiches and talking about how henchmen need better health benefits.  They do not see a Stealthed Brute until you choose for them to.

Cloak of Darkness isn't a tiny bit of defense, it's the same value as Weave which the vast majority of high-end brute builds include.  Having access to a second weave-level of defense is increasingly useful in the era of IO sets.  Dark Armor is one of the few resist based sets that's easier to cap defenses on, or to at least build high levels of defense vs. almost everything due to Cloak of Darkness.  Fundamentally Dark Armor should at the minimum consider building for defense, as it is achievable at less cost (in slots and set bonuses, not particularly talking about inf) compared to other Resist based sets.  I've built more than ten dark armor characters since the servers went public, every single one of them had at least one softcapped defense stat (S/L/M) without sacrificing much of anything important.


The rest of what you say is pretty solid, Dark does give a lot of great utility outside of the higher defense numbers too.

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11 minutes ago, Dark Dove said:

Cloak of Darkness isn't a tiny bit of defense, it's the same value as Weave which the vast majority of high-end brute builds include.  Having access to a second weave-level of defense is increasingly useful in the era of IO sets.  Dark Armor is one of the few resist based sets that's easier to cap defenses on, or to at least build high levels of defense vs. almost everything due to Cloak of Darkness.  Fundamentally Dark Armor should at the minimum consider building for defense, as it is achievable at less cost (in slots and set bonuses, not particularly talking about inf) compared to other Resist based sets.  I've built more than ten dark armor characters since the servers went public, every single one of them had at least one softcapped defense stat (S/L/M) without sacrificing much of anything important.


The rest of what you say is pretty solid, Dark does give a lot of great utility outside of the higher defense numbers too.

my highest def is 39% melee.  Happened more or less by accident.  I chased resist and accuracy and recharge

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Just now, Snarky said:

my highest def is 39% melee.  Happened more or less by accident.  I chased resist and accuracy and recharge

39% I would not describe as a small amount of defense either, I would say that is a favorable amount of defense and if you achieved it without even trying, getting the last six percent is not an insurmountable or forgettable option.  Prioritizing other things over defense first is also a viable strategy, I just wanted to address the notion that Dark Armor shouldn't prioritize defense.  It's clearly a set that can do it and do it well without much effort, even by your own accord.  Softcapped melee defense on a melee character is pretty dang good, and anything over 30% is a meaningful amount of defense even when not considering softcaps.

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