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Stop colors resetting when cycling to the top of the options


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Plz make the color selections stop resetting when cycling to the top of the options.




Also: Could the other selections stop resetting when switching body parts. Altho stopping the colors resetting would be sufficient for now.

Edited by xl8
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You will have to be more clear where this is happening, but I would assume its when changing something like Female - Skirts-> Tucked pants type thing and the color palate locations resets?  I believe not all objects have the same color selectioins, but thats assuming someting like Ice Blast animations have a very limited color set to use; Bright, Brighter, and MOTHER F***ING IM BLIND bright; then fire has multiple animations amd different like Classic, Bright Classic, Dark Classic, Bright New, and Dark New animation (can't think off the top of my head what they are called.

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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Hmm... more clear... this won't be helpful, but here goes....


On all my characters, for all their costume options, if I have any color other than black selected, the color turns to black when I cycle through the list and the list starts over. It only resets the color when going one way, typically when I hit the bottom of the list and it cycles back to the top of the list.


I can't say that is what xl8 is experiencing, but I'm willing to bet it is.

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I get this too, often enough to be mildly annoyed by it each time.


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From the description, we are all seeing the same thing.  Problem is, not all options have the same color selections.  I mentioned Ice blast having limited color options and animations vs fire which has multiple color and animation options, even though its an animation.  There are some costume parts that have 🔴🟡, but only 🔴 is used though 🟡 is selected and swapped to 🔵 its still only 🔴; there is no second color pattern in the costume part 🟡/🔵 and I don't mean changing the different selected patterns under plain tights .  Then there are the single color patterns and no second color option at all.


I want to say and I am no expert, the issue results from different modifications to the costume designer over the years.  Memory is fuzzy, but the options way back around release where not as fancy compared to now so this issue wasn't a problem in 2004; new parts were added and the list was reorganized several times.  The problem is probably on the back end of keeping the color frozen than meets some conflict which was a new part added under a different organized list so it defaults.  I could be wrong though 🤷‍♂️


I would just blame GM Jimmy, god of chaos for causing this issue.


edit: when talking about Ice, its just classic, tinted, and tinted alternate animations while both tinted are extremely bright options.  fire has classic, bright fire, dark fire, bright alternate, and dark alternate with a large color pallet to choose that you can select bright and choose a darker color or lighter in the bright animation.  Ice is so limited it still looks white bright with some color on the edges.

Edited by Outrider_01

"Farming is just more fun in my opinion, beating up hordes of angry cosplayers...."  - Coyotedancer

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I get this problem a lot too. Typically only with costume options that, when cycling through, can out right disappear (belt, shoulders, hair, chest detail, split options for glove/boot/shoudler). It is annoying, but I think it has something to do with the code marking the piece as 'null' when swapped out. This then resets the colors automatically to the 'null' setting.

Edited by Dragotect
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4 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

From the description, we are all seeing the same thing.  Problem is, not all options have the same color selections.  I mentioned Ice blast having limited color options and animations vs fire which has multiple color and animation options, even though its an animation.  There are some costume parts that have 🔴🟡, but only 🔴 is used though 🟡 is selected and swapped to 🔵 its still only 🔴; there is no second color pattern in the costume part 🟡/🔵 and I don't mean changing the different selected patterns under plain tights .  Then there are the single color patterns and no second color option at all.


I want to say and I am no expert, the issue results from different modifications to the costume designer over the years.  Memory is fuzzy, but the options way back around release where not as fancy compared to now so this issue wasn't a problem in 2004; new parts were added and the list was reorganized several times.  The problem is probably on the back end of keeping the color frozen than meets some conflict which was a new part added under a different organized list so it defaults.  I could be wrong though 🤷‍♂️


I would just blame GM Jimmy, god of chaos for causing this issue.


edit: when talking about Ice, its just classic, tinted, and tinted alternate animations while both tinted are extremely bright options.  fire has classic, bright fire, dark fire, bright alternate, and dark alternate with a large color pallet to choose that you can select bright and choose a darker color or lighter in the bright animation.  Ice is so limited it still looks white bright with some color on the edges.

Okay... let me blow a hole right through this argument. As an example, when I have pants selected, which has 2 color options because you can texture it, and I cycle down through the list to see how the options look and if they meet my desired look, the colors stay the same all the way down. Hit up arrow, hit down arrow, the colors stay the same. Get to the bottom of the list hitting down arrow and then hit down arrow again to cycle to the top of the list, and the colors reset and now my chosen color is gone and is black. That is not a difference in palettes like with power customization choices. That is a failure in the character creator's costume creation.


To use your given response of tights, select bottoms for the bottom choice or tight for the tops choice, which still has two color choices, I just checked to make sure, it does the same thing. The chosen color stays as long as you do not scroll down through the choices and then have the menu cycle back up to the top of the list. And last I checked, the costume options, not the power customization options, all used the same palette.


Edit: And before anyone points out that the skin palette and the costume palette are different, I'd like to point out exactly that. One is the skin palette, and the other is the costume palette. Then you have the different power palettes.

Edited by Rudra
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14 hours ago, Outrider_01 said:

I would just blame GM Jimmy, god of chaos for causing this issue.

Finally, something we can all agree on!


Clave's Sure-Fire Secrets to Enjoying City Of Heroes
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  • 2 weeks later

I also experience this. It happens to me mostly when I am creating or editing a costume slot. It shows the colors I chose when cycling through costume options, but, when it gets to a certain point in the cycle, the colors change to almost black and almost white without my permission for them to change. I would love this to be fixed so the colors only change when I choose.

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This may need to be moved to the bugs forum.

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