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The Ignore Function


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2 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

So I got curious and tried to add myself to ignore...



It didn't work out, I guess I'm just too powerful to ignore.


I guarantee you that bit of code was added specifically because you weren't the first person to try that.

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21 minutes ago, Crystal Dragon said:

Heh. Just deserts, imho.


Exactly since called non-Japanese insects and declared "rules" that he'll block any non Japanese post in responses to his posts (yet write that threat in English) and then treat/comment poorly about that voice actress as he did in his response to her video posts concerning the way she was treated.  

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1 hour ago, Sanguinesun said:

Exactly since called non-Japanese insects and declared "rules" that he'll block any non Japanese post in responses to his posts (yet write that threat in English) and then treat/comment poorly about that voice actress as he did in his response to her video posts concerning the way she was treated.  


Yeeah, sorry, no.  If you're going to go Full Diva like that, social media is probably not right for you.  The Twitter "Ratio" is not only swift, and brutal, it remains long after the conflict ends.

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AE ARC's (So Far!)


15252 Child of the Tsoo - [SFMA] Ninjas, sorcerers, and human trafficking (Origin Story - Stick Figure/Storm Lotus)

50769 Hunt of the Eclipse - [SFMA] Finding something that was lost to Arachnos for nearly 20 years (Origin Story - Daisy Chain)

53149 Spells as a Service - [SFMA] When a young hacker makes a connection between magic and mathematics and encodes it into a computer program, chaos breaks loose!

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It is perhaps the nature of the era and place of the internet that I came up in (to wit: Newgrounds, SomethingAwful, 4Chan, circa the early aughts) that I don't often make use of ignore functions, because the level of overt and visceral filth spewed by contemporary internet posters is fairly milquetoast compared to my own jaded baseline.  I tend to take a very 'Thunderspy' attitude that there is no perfect means to absolve oneself of the responsibility of taking an active role in one's own self-care, which can include avoiding distressing interactions on the internet.  Tragically, we cannot reasonably expect to never, ever have to deal with the malignant fuckwits who make up a not-insubstantial portion of the human species, especially not on cesspools like "General" chat channels and "Official Forums," and so good netiquette demands both a reasonably thick skin and a good gauge for when there's nothing to be gained from engagement.


Aspirationally, would it be good to not be confronted with a Boschian hellscape of rhetorical vomit when entering any wide-audience internet forum?  Certainly.  But the Moderators here are doing about as well as we should expect volunteer tone police to do when confronted with the slavering tide of primal human Id that is opinions on the internet.


That is to say, I highly endorse the use of proactive tools like the ignore function, despite making very little use of them.  Unlike others in this thread, I will not intimate that maybe people on the internet will change their minds and become better so you should give them a chance.  Those are not Vegas odds.   If they were improving and growing as a person, they probably would be outside doing something worldly rather than getting in circular fights on an internet forum about an old MMO.  Misery loves company, and despite how Misery acts, Misery isn't entitled to your or anyone's eyeballs.  The responsibility falls on you to curate your own experience when imperfect moderation fails.



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Lead of the <New Praetorians Initiative> supergroup.  Goldside enjoyer.  Perennial RP-etiquette overthinker.

Most of my writing is SG-internal, but the following are SFMA that anybody should be able to play if you want new story-based content.

  • NPI: Duray, Duray | 25575: - The New Praetorians scramble to stop the Praetorian and Primal Virgil Durays from getting the band back together.
  • NPI: Brickstown Vice | 36729, 40648, 40803 - The New Praetorians aid Marauder in a drug bust that dredges up his past.  Branches into two paths.
  • NPI: Red Resistance | 43796 - The New Praetorians run afoul of vigilantes after a robbery gone wrong.  Crossover with <Hero Corps Founders Falls>.
  • NPI: Leucochloridium | 44863: - A wellness check on a Woodvale cleanup officer turns over unfinished, Praetorian business.
  • How Emperor Cole Saved Christmas | 45794 - A 100% authentic simulation of how Emperor Cole singlehandedly saved the holiday of Christmas!
  • Bassilisk | 51947 - Several Paragon City villain groups fight over the Rikti's dumbest entirely-canonical doomsday weapon.
  • A Freakshow Love Story | 54544 - Ganymede the cherub calls upon heroes to break up a toxic romance that's going to have explosive fallout!
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13 hours ago, SeraphimKensai said:

So I got curious and tried to add myself to ignore...



It didn't work out, I guess I'm just too powerful to ignore.

Not sure what would be the problem. I mean, I ignore myself on daily basis.
"I should stop smoking" - yeah, ignored

"I should go to the gym" - ignored too

"Let's have a beer or something" - actually, I cannot ignore that one. Maybe it's a bug

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7 hours ago, TwoDee said:

Aspirationally, would it be good to not be confronted with a Boschian hellscape of rhetorical vomit when entering any wide-audience internet forum?  Certainly.  But the Moderators here are doing about as well as we should expect volunteer tone police to do when confronted with the slavering tide of primal human Id that is opinions on the internet.

You should be writing poetry.

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Originally on Infinity.  I have Ironblade on every shard.  -  My only AE arc:  The Origin of Mark IV  (ID 48002)

Link to the story of Toggle Man, since I keep having to track down my original post.

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7 hours ago, TwoDee said:


That is to say, I highly endorse the use of proactive tools like the ignore function, despite making very little use of them.  Unlike others in this thread, I will not intimate that maybe people on the internet will change their minds and become better so you should give them a chance.  Those are not Vegas odds.   If they were improving and growing as a person, they probably would be outside doing something worldly rather than getting in circular fights on an internet forum about an old MMO.  Misery loves company, and despite how Misery acts, Misery isn't entitled to your or anyone's eyeballs.  The responsibility falls on you to curate your own experience when imperfect moderation fails.



I think this sums it up nicely.


I resonate with the highlighted portion. It's why I stopped being so well, argumentative. It's not benefiting me, the other individual, or well any others caught up in the argument. I wanted to pass along this tool so that others can maximize enjoyment of visiting these forums, cutting out the arguments and whatnot, and once they're done still have ample energy to focus on real world matters, or the actual game if they so choose.

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Aspiring show writer through AE arcs and then eventually a script 😛


AE Arcs: Odd Stories-Arc ID: 57289| An anthology series focusing on some of your crazier stories that you'd save for either a drunken night at Pocket D or a mindwipe from your personal psychic.|The Pariahs: Magus Gray-Arc ID: 58682| Magus Gray enlists your help in getting to the bottom of who was behind the murder of the Winter Court.|



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19 hours ago, MistressOhm said:


Yeeah, sorry, no.  If you're going to go Full Diva like that, social media is probably not right for you.  The Twitter "Ratio" is not only swift, and brutal, it remains long after the conflict ends.


He's reinstated his twitter account now and seems to have gone right back to his mass blockings.

Edited by Sanguinesun
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6 minutes ago, Krimson said:

Let him do his worst. He's going to find out just how many players are displeased about this, and blocking is going to become a full-time job. I have no sympathy for a company that treats a voice actor like a fast food worker. 


Especially when that company is based in a country where voice acting is a highly-respected profession.

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2 minutes ago, Krimson said:

The top 10 are pulling more than a million per year, including Kana Hanazawa. I'm speaking more of Kamiya's personal disdain of anything not Japanese. 


As I noted before, he does have an almost Japanese-Imperial-Flag-Waving-Black-Bus(if you're aware of that culture) dislike for non Japanese.


Also this might be an insightful Hanazawa interview for you related to some of the practices of things in Japan.  English translation option on the page may but a bit difficult to follow though as its not a great translation set up.  Voice actor, Kana Hanazawa and women's talk! | Tokyo tsumitate daughter | Marui | Marui (transer.com)  If you can read it in Japanese, it's better(just click the lang option at the top).

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The only Japanese people I ever socialized with were at Dojos, and it was pretty casual while being strangely formal.  The exception was a pal I had in my late teens.  We hung out for almost two years together.  He was a trouble maker from a good family....so they shipped him to America.  We drank beer and did some street racing, and various strange substances as we found them.  We were even stupid enough to drive to Compton to score weed.  More than once. Basically I know almost nothing about the japanese culture.  I asked him to teach me Japanese (we were in the same damn martial arts class) and he flatly refused. 


I believe what we might be seeing is pure greed disguised as "brand X nationalism"  I think there is a lot of that in the world.  When you are being a truly greedy shit a great way to distract people is wave a flag around.




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22 hours ago, Krimson said:

I've never met a Japanese person I didn't like, which is why I never want to meet him. The interview is pretty neat once I got myself in the right headspace to read it. 


The mrs is actually Japanese. 


21 hours ago, Snarky said:

The only Japanese people I ever socialized with were at Dojos, and it was pretty casual while being strangely formal.  The exception was a pal I had in my late teens.  We hung out for almost two years together.  He was a trouble maker from a good family....so they shipped him to America.  We drank beer and did some street racing, and various strange substances as we found them.  We were even stupid enough to drive to Compton to score weed.  More than once. Basically I know almost nothing about the japanese culture.  I asked him to teach me Japanese (we were in the same damn martial arts class) and he flatly refused. 


I believe what we might be seeing is pure greed disguised as "brand X nationalism"  I think there is a lot of that in the world.  When you are being a truly greedy shit a great way to distract people is wave a flag around.





Nah xenophobia is rather pervasive in the culture and complicated.   There are of course many many JP folks who are not but many also dont realize how xenophobic they are.

Edited by Sanguinesun
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