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Human form can almost fly if you TP successively. For this to work, it's better to bind the TP to a key or make a macro. Also, it helps to have a destination; you can't really go up and take in the scenery.

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Knowing you plan to play primarily in Nova form...


Im guessing you were floating in Nova form blasting, shifted to human fell, and took falling damage.


I would incorporate a tp bind, so it toggles off Nova form and teleports to your target so you can pop more/stygian circle/eclipse/etc. Then have a second teleport bind bringing you straight up, where you then toggle Nova form back on, so now you can use your cone/AoE blasts and get the bulk of the targets in your cone. Then pick off survivors with single target. Rinse and repeat.


The first bind you can do easily enough compounding it with a toggle_off and $$ powexec_loc. The second bind you could do via a rolling bind, or just manually toggle Nova form back after the teleport.

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