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Irrelevant to the topic at hand.  It's not about what people are doing, but what or why they aren't, and the question about someone *not* taking a power is also a moot point, as the scenario posed is someone having a power and not using it.

It's not irrelevant.  It's a subset of precisely what you're talking about.  What they're not doing, what they are doing, ultimately why they're not playing in the way you expect them to.


Yes, that's the question.  Why isn't it a plausible outcome that the player not using some ability presents a learning opportunity, though?  Why is keeping any advice or insight about how using a power can result in a positive outcome verboten?

Because it's not your business.  And there's no guarantee that focussing on the things you are talking about is going to result in a positive outcome.



It's not impossible that is the case, but I do not believe it's as common as you present.

I've been playing this game since 2006.  In the vast majority of cases, in my experience it is.  YMMV.



Maybe not in the immediate sense, but as a possible cause of a cascade effect, certainly.  Someone gets mezzed, they can't fire off some helpful ability, which causes someone else to drop, which leads to the rest of the team getting overwhelmed.  I've seen it happen before...


Of course that happens, but I would suggest the only reason when it's worth saying, "maybe that's not such a great idea" is if it keeps happening.  You're talking about a very specific set of circumstances which usually comes as a result of a simple one off mistake, rather than a fundamental playstyle flaw.



I mean, if you and your teammates are basically "soloing together", then maybe.  For less optimized or maxed-out folks, it does matter.

Again, exception, not rule.  Coh in 2022 doesn't have anywhere near the same requirement for syncronised team work as it used to and actually, "soloing together" seems to be how the majority of PUGs play now anyway, largely because there's very little reason to play otherwise.  Granted it's a different situation on things like MO TFs, but then the kinds of people who attempt that kind of content generally would be even less likely to require or appreciate "Helpful" advice from some random dbag who thinks he knows more about their character than they do.


As a general rule, sure, but since what resources each player has at their disposal can vary widely, a bit of a deep-dive into what particular powers could be best leveraged and how, when, or where, is worth examining.

Haha.  Seriously?  It really isn't.  Honestly, it's not.  The only time I've ever examined what powers other players have is not as a way of critiquing their builds or play style, but usually from curiosity for power sets or combos that I've not played before.

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I’ve been criticized because I rarely use blasters, I generally use sentinels. My response is I’m so aggressive that sentinels are better because they have defenses. My best response to the criticism is to use my ice/willpower sentinel. It has made some converts 

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6 hours ago, SteelRat70 said:

other team members thinking they know best about how I play my character or anyone elses but their own is rarely likely to be received well.

Feedback is a gift, being able to take constructive feedback is a skill. It's hard to stomach sometimes but at the end of the day total dismissal of any feedback is not a sign of growth, not just in game but also in RL.


For example when I start a new job I shadow more seasons colleagues and eventually I take lead on some projects with them shadowing me. They give me feedback, sometimes solicited, sometimes not.


I take some of those feedback into heart and I can discuss other feedback with open dialogue if I feel that I have a counter to their point. If I harbored the "don't you dare to assume you know me and tell me what to do" attitude I wouldn't have a job.


I know this is a video game, but it doesn't mean that there's no room to exercise that bit of emotionally intelligent human interaction just because you don't know who's on the other keyboard. Is it really THAT difficult to respond with unsolicited advice whether good or bad with "thank you for that insight, I'll look into it!" Worst case scenario the advice is ignored, best case scenario maybe you've learned something that can help team play or even up your own enjoyment of the game.

Edited by Nemu
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Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


I am the Inner Circle!

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1 hour ago, Nemu said:

Feedback is a gift, being able to take constructive feedback is a skill. It's hard to stomach sometimes but at the end of the day total dismissal of any feedback is not a sign of growth, not just in game but also in RL.


For example when I start a new job I shadow more seasons colleagues and eventually I take lead on some projects with them shadowing me. They give me feedback, sometimes solicited, sometimes not.


I take some of those feedback into heart and I can discuss other feedback with open dialogue if I feel that I have a counter to their point. If I harbored the "don't you dare to assume you know me and tell me what to do" attitude I wouldn't have a job.


I know this is a video game, but it doesn't mean that there's no room to exercise that bit of emotionally intelligent human interaction just because you don't know who's on the other keyboard. Is it really THAT difficult to respond with unsolicited advice whether good or bad with "thank you for that insight, I'll look into it!" Worst case scenario the advice is ignored, best case scenario maybe you've learned something that can help team play or even up your own enjoyment of the game.

Very true.

Giving constructive feedback is an even harder skill to learn.


 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

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3 hours ago, Snarky said:

After much discussion I think it is pretty clear we can all blame the Tank players

A friend asked me to join a PI radio team.   I was playing my fairly uber tank and join near the end of the mission.   We exit, leader says they're done for the night and I find myself in lead.  Not really what I wanted to do, but OK.  I do a couple of the usual roll over the council +4s, but then do the Arachnos in a bank mission.

Total team wipe.  To the team's credit, everyone came back and we did it more intelligently.  So maybe a learning experience for all.

We did a couple more missions before I called it a night.

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4 minutes ago, lemming said:

A friend asked me to join a PI radio team.   I was playing my fairly uber tank and join near the end of the mission.   We exit, leader says they're done for the night and I find myself in lead.  Not really what I wanted to do, but OK.  I do a couple of the usual roll over the council +4s, but then do the Arachnos in a bank mission.

Total team wipe.  To the team's credit, everyone came back and we did it more intelligently.  So maybe a learning experience for all.

We did a couple more missions before I called it a night.

Obviously people are initially hesitant to follow a lemming...

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I find a lot of the, "PUGs are horrible" sentiment on the forums to be overblown. However, I have to admit to wondering about the Kinetics possessing character who only once managed to provide a buff and never, so far as I experienced, provided a single heal across an entire TF.


Why have the powerset and the powers if you're not going to use it?

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4 hours ago, Nemu said:

Feedback is a gift, being able to take constructive feedback is a skill. It's hard to stomach sometimes but at the end of the day total dismissal of any feedback is not a sign of growth, not just in game but also in RL.


For example when I start a new job I shadow more seasons colleagues and eventually I take lead on some projects with them shadowing me. They give me feedback, sometimes solicited, sometimes not.


I take some of those feedback into heart and I can discuss other feedback with open dialogue if I feel that I have a counter to their point. If I harbored the "don't you dare to assume you know me and tell me what to do" attitude I wouldn't have a job.


I know this is a video game, but it doesn't mean that there's no room to exercise that bit of emotionally intelligent human interaction just because you don't know who's on the other keyboard. Is it really THAT difficult to respond with unsolicited advice whether good or bad with "thank you for that insight, I'll look into it!" Worst case scenario the advice is ignored, best case scenario maybe you've learned something that can help team play or even up your own enjoyment of the game.


Knowing when to keep your mouth shut is also a valuable life skill.


Honestly, it's not even about whether or not advice is given, its about the place it comes from.  "Icouldobetteritis" is even the title of this thread.  People with that ailment need to do nothing but get over themselves.

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31 minutes ago, Erratic1 said:

I find a lot of the, "PUGs are horrible" sentiment on the forums to be overblown. However, I have to admit to wondering about the Kinetics possessing character who only once managed to provide a buff and never, so far as I experienced, provided a single heal across an entire TF.


Why have the powerset and the powers if you're not going to use it?


oh man, this is rage inducing like nothing else


having a kin on the team that sits there using their lame ineffective blasts at range and not blessing the group with God’s Fulcrum Shift 🙏 and The Lords Speed Boost 🙌 should be punishable by a gruesome and memorable death


it’s the reason my co-main is a kin defender, to play the set right

Edited by MoonSheep
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43 minutes ago, SteelRat70 said:

Knowing when to keep your mouth shut is also a valuable life skill.

Yes, in my travels I picked up that skill too. Now I know how to make friends and when to hold my tongue.


@biostemmaybe change the title of the thread to "IthinkIcanhelpyoubebetteratthisitis" A title does say a lot and set the tone for the conversation.


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Liberty, Torchbearer, Excelsior, Everlasting

Jezebel Delias

Level 50 Fire/Elec/Mace Blaster


I am the Inner Circle!

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Yes.  If all a Kin does is speed boost, I don't care what else they do.  I was on an ITF once with a Kin that didn't even have Speed Boost in their power list.  I checked because I figured I was just missing out by playing a scrapper who was being semi-insane, but then looked at the team buffs and noticed NO ONE had a boost.

They didn't take it because it was "worthless to them"

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7 hours ago, Erratic1 said:

I find a lot of the, "PUGs are horrible" sentiment on the forums to be overblown. However, I have to admit to wondering about the Kinetics possessing character who only once managed to provide a buff and never, so far as I experienced, provided a single heal across an entire TF.


Why have the powerset and the powers if you're not going to use it?

Not defending mediocre players.  Just hopefully giving some insight. As I was experimenting with various Dark Dark squishies I made a Corruptor, 50d, played a week,  Shelved.  Went back to it from time to time.  Played it like a lopsided Blaster, and built it that way.  But now I am taking a Dark Dark Corruptor and slow levelling it through the game.  Not having access to a LOT of the later powers I am really starting to learn the rhythm and finesse of debuffing the crap out of stuff.  (Dark's main job) When I do that job well I rarely need to heal.  And most of my low AoE is cones, so I tend to not be near my teammates enough for a heal.  Not sure what the Kin's blast set was but they might have had similar issues.

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42 minutes ago, lemming said:

Yes.  If all a Kin does is speed boost, I don't care what else they do.  I was on an ITF once with a Kin that didn't even have Speed Boost in their power list.  I checked because I figured I was just missing out by playing a scrapper who was being semi-insane, but then looked at the team buffs and noticed NO ONE had a boost.

They didn't take it because it was "worthless to them"

That could of my one of my kins. I have one that I couldn't fit speed boost in the build. However, if it was me though I was probably busy laying waste to everything in my path and the ITF lasted about 9 minutes.

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On 1/4/2023 at 6:03 AM, biostem said:

it seems like an extremely fine line between providing helpful tips and sounding like a control freak barking orders


It is, and MMOs are so painfully easy that it doesn't require it anymore. But I'm with you, I feel the same way and unless someone is significantly impacting play that I wish to accomplish I'll keep my mouth shut. If it's not something I'm invested in, I'll drop group. It's not EverQuest, anything can be done a different way.


In the same vein, I do appreciate it when I get tips on how to improve my own play. No one has all the answers; critical feedback is key to growth.

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1 hour ago, Krimson said:

My last few builds sort of do that. I run contacts, and sometimes lowbie groups if they happen to be the right level at the right time. My farming DP/Device Blaster was SUPPOSED to just run contacts, but I ended up joining a +4 Hollows Frostfire Group that did the entire story arc and came out at level 19. Often though I'll pick contacts, using the Contact button, since they come with convenient teleports. I usually make it to the mid 30s before I can't do it anymore, and I farm out the rest. Highest I made it to was like level 38. 😄 


But even if I do go from Mids to slotted 50 in three hours (I did that ONCE just to see how long it would take, it was my Fire/Therm Troller who was a toon I remade from Live), that toon is going to get played. If I do have a fresh 50 on some power sets I am not completely familiar with, then I start out with street sweeping. I have mentioned this before, street sweeping is where I get MOST of my Purple Recipe Drops and almost all my Catalysts. Catalyst usually happens in about 10 minutes. Then when I have some sort of chain happening, I'll try out some missions. I usually leave Dark Astoria until about Vet Level 6 or so when I have some level shifts so I can hit it hard. Plus, I will have an attack chain or few by then.


My two toons Mushidoru and Van Greissen were saved for October, because I used the Trick or Treat method to level them. I had big plans to level them over a couple of weeks and such and... Three Days. They were both done in three days. Here I am, October 5th and all my leveling plans are done. That even included taking a break around level 35ish to do the Patron arc, cause I do that solo on each and every toon I can because it is part of my Zero Respec leveling process. I ding 35, and then run Patron BEFORE I actually level up. 


So you have that build I made for the Dark/Dark Corr, and you know I have used that build for solo Giant Monster Hunting and a bit of Smashing/Lethal Farming. You're level 24 now. Start slotting your toon. Even if you don't end up using my build, you can use parts of it. Slot Health and Stamina. Look at your Defense and Resistance powers. You're probably going to slot the ATO sets anyway so might as well work those into your most used offensive powers. Your heals should be slotted too, but you can use generic IOs while leveling, especially Accuracy. Later on, the set bonuses will mitigate the need for generic Acc IOs, but during leveling you want to make sure you land them because they keep you alive while squishy.

Yes thanks for the build!  I am stuck at 24 until I finish all 20-25 Redside stuff.  Its like 9? More contacts.  Before the shift into late 20s I like a mostly SO build.  With a few globals and procs. I have 2-3 partial sets for ranged increase slotted. Cones.  

Once I finish this group I PL right up to 29 and relock.  No messing around, twenty minutes tops in a farm and a respec. That is when your build ideas will start easing in. 

I will be doing Gold for badges.  Crappy all 50? Arcs.  And Blue for badge missions.  For this I will take the alt build and front load it for pre20 work with a nearly all SO buildout.  I was going to do this with Red 20-25 but the DiB buffs are timed and I am bored.  Once past 30 I will run one of the accursed Gold Arcs a day.  Spread the misery out.  I am doing the TFs and SFs as I level.  Posi 1/2 Synapse and Tarikoss done.  Keeping an eye out for a Cavern Trans if possible.  I will do the TF/SF 20-25 when I hit 29.  Shark and Nerva always feel grindy to me so not ecstatic. There are some nice written arcs there but there is a little blue side stuff this with packing peanuts too.  St Mart is fun and challenging.  GV can mostly be done at 50 without Ouro.  I seem to have  a plan and little motivation lol.  But it is only a week into the year and I am at about 300 badges

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1 hour ago, Snarky said:

Yes thanks for the build!  I am stuck at 24 until I finish all 20-25 Redside stuff.  Its like 9? More contacts.  Before the shift into late 20s I like a mostly SO build.  With a few globals and procs. I have 2-3 partial sets for ranged increase slotted. Cones.  

Once I finish this group I PL right up to 29 and relock.  No messing around, twenty minutes tops in a farm and a respec. That is when your build ideas will start easing in. 

I will be doing Gold for badges.  Crappy all 50? Arcs.  And Blue for badge missions.  For this I will take the alt build and front load it for pre20 work with a nearly all SO buildout.  I was going to do this with Red 20-25 but the DiB buffs are timed and I am bored.  Once past 30 I will run one of the accursed Gold Arcs a day.  Spread the misery out.  I am doing the TFs and SFs as I level.  Posi 1/2 Synapse and Tarikoss done.  Keeping an eye out for a Cavern Trans if possible.  I will do the TF/SF 20-25 when I hit 29.  Shark and Nerva always feel grindy to me so not ecstatic. There are some nice written arcs there but there is a little blue side stuff this with packing peanuts too.  St Mart is fun and challenging.  GV can mostly be done at 50 without Ouro.  I seem to have  a plan and little motivation lol.  But it is only a week into the year and I am at about 300 badges

My do all the content with a Bio/EM Tank is up to level 19.  Currently doing the blue side and will then do the red.  then level up, do that red stuff, then back to blue.

One thing I have noticed, more of the pointless, hunt a bunch of mobs on the blue side so far.

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12 hours ago, Nemu said:

Yes, in my travels I picked up that skill too. Now I know how to make friends and when to hold my tongue.


@biostemmaybe change the title of the thread to "IthinkIcanhelpyoubebetteratthisitis" A title does say a lot and set the tone for the conversation.



You may not realise how hard this has hit home.  I reread biostems OP and have realised that for some reason I completely missed the place he was coming from and it was nothing like what I initially thought.  I don't know how or why I got that so spectacularly wrong, but in any case @biostem I apologise for acting like a dick. 

I'm dealing with some personal demons at the moment, and I'm aware that I've channeled those issues in entirely the wrong way.  None of you deserved that and it's very much a me problem, rather than a you problem.

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22 minutes ago, SteelRat70 said:


You may not realise how hard this has hit home.  I reread biostems OP and have realised that for some reason I completely missed the place he was coming from and it was nothing like what I initially thought.  I don't know how or why I got that so spectacularly wrong, but in any case @biostem I apologise for acting like a dick. 

I'm dealing with some personal demons at the moment, and I'm aware that I've channeled those issues in entirely the wrong way.  None of you deserved that and it's very much a me problem, rather than a you problem.


top guy, i’m always down to team on excelsior if you’re about and wanting to chill mate 👍

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