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Earth Troller new Pet power

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Alright, Ima make this fast, the earth controller has a lot of flaws. The holds aren't very good, the set does no damage. I could go on and on about he issues, however I believe by adding one simple power... The power is: Tremor or Fossil, giving the Pet - The animated Stone could allow for more opportunity's for the controller powerset.

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Earth is one of the best controller sets in the game.  Not sure what you mean by "the holds aren't very good".  Yes, the damage is low, but that's most controller primaries.


I'm not sure Animate Stone needs a buff.  It's the tankiest pet (not including Phantom Army) and does acceptable damage as well.

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What this team needs is more Defenders

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     Earth Controller has "a lot of flaws"?!  Proof positive of different strokes for different folks and not every set is for everyone.  While you could buff Animate Stone there's a reason Rocky was a prime contender for number one in the thread "Best Overall Controller Pet for Solo Play" in the Controller forums.  He's one of only two Controller sets with pet(s) which actually Taunt the foes with their attacks.  The other being Illusion (Phantom Army and Phantasm's Decoy).

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Your assessment is flawed. Earth Control is a top-tier control set, having multiple means of both hard (hold, stun, sleep) and soft (knockdown, slow) control. It requires no changes. The ST hold in Earth is exactly the same as every other control set and the AoE hold is better. If you want to play Earth Control with damage, pair it with Storm or play a dominator.

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It's the case with all pets. The difference between MM pets and non-MM pets, is the MM's pets will aggro at further distance once combat starts (edit: which is actually problematic most times if not actively managed) and will aggro when the MM or another of the pets are attacked.


Edit again: Something that could be done is set all pets to aggro if their summoner is attacked. Though this would make some foes, particularly Frostfire, more difficult since you would no longer be able to just snipe and fade until he drops to avoid his pets. No more running battles to reduce number of attacks since his pets would no longer need to be within their surprisingly short aggro radius to attack you.

Edited by Rudra
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Sign me up for “Leave Earth Control alone”. Most control of any of the control sets, providing an option for nearly everything. And Rocky is was Rocky does. And what he does is limited to ST badassery and taunting. He’s a good little fella!

The Splintered Soul Project: (Nyght****) 21 and counting (18 max). 


DSorrow: “Give a man a build export and you feed him for a day, teach him to build and he's fed for a lifetime.

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