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Hazard zones con even level to +x

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40 minutes ago, honoroit said:

pvp zones do this, dont they? good hunting too

No, PvP zones set the character to an appropriate level for the zone. Though they are good for hunting because of that. What the OP is asking for is to make the hazard zone mobs levelless. So a level 50+1 incarnate (since they are not incarnate zones) can enter the hazard zones and see things like white con Hellion minions that still lack the abilities to fight back at that level.


Edit: Rather, I should say, so that any character can enter the hazard zones and see hazard zone mobs that con at their level. Even if those mobs still only possess the abilities of level 8 mobs like in Perez Park.

Edited by Rudra
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Only if/when mobs in a Hazard Zone qualify as, you know, hazardous to the character do to size, rank, level difference, powers and abilities.   On the otherhand returning to the Hollows where you once got curb stomped by Ogres in the Gulch and sending them flying with your Claws-Shockwave is its own reward, a feeling of gaining power over time within the game for the character.

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Ive thought of this before and while it does bring a bit of the hazard back for high level players,  it removes quite a bit of the hazard to low level players since they would have no chance to encounter spawns full of purple minions.  The entire zone becomes 'flat' in regard to enemy difficulty so one area cant be easy while somewhere else is hard.


I still like the idea but it would probably need seperate implementation.  Im thinking a recluses victory situation but extended further out into the city where stronger and better geared mobs would make more sense.  Hellions and Skulls are fun to beat down,  but they are small time in Paragon City and shouldnt pose a threat to a high level hero.  An alternate timeline Perez Park would be totally fine for this type of thing though.


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17 hours ago, fitzsimmons said:

This is something another server did well.  Hazard zones like The Hollows, Perez, etc have enemies where the minions con white, LTs yellow, etc.


Would it be possible to do that here?  Would be nice to see if so.

What is your thought process behind this suggestion, though?  Do you feel that a fully realized character should still face a threat against these lower level groups?  Is it to take advantage of the large groups for better XP?  What is the goal with your suggestion or the hole/problem you are trying to address?

Edited by biostem
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In terms of defining the "problem," I think it's mostly rooted in nostalgia for the "olden days" of street sweeping and when the hazard zones were considered much scarier. To that end, I have a weird idea. 


In each of the hazard zones, set up some kind of "Street Sweeping Trial." Like any trial/TF, you get exemplar'd to the appropriate level range. When you start it up you get put into an instanced version of the appropriate zone and you just get to murderize all of the different groups that live there. And I guess that's it. Maybe after you kill everything a final boss shows up or something, or maybe not. 

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6 minutes ago, FupDup said:

In terms of defining the "problem," I think it's mostly rooted in nostalgia for the "olden days" of street sweeping and when the hazard zones were considered much scarier. To that end, I have a weird idea. 

Well, there's an intended level range to each hazard zone - go there when appropriate, and it'll be the same scary challenge that you remember it being.


6 minutes ago, FupDup said:

In each of the hazard zones, set up some kind of "Street Sweeping Trial." Like any trial/TF, you get exemplar'd to the appropriate level range. When you start it up you get put into an instanced version of the appropriate zone and you just get to murderize all of the different groups that live there. And I guess that's it. Maybe after you kill everything a final boss shows up or something, or maybe not. 

I can get behind some sort of hazard zone contact that exemplars you to that that zone's max level.  Maybe just place an appropriate instance of the Ouroboros time stone thingy in-zone and have it point you to a relevant contact...

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The problem with pushing for any revamp of hazard zones to promote street sweeping is that AE is effectively already the king of that kind of 'rush from one mob to the next and kill everything' content. It does the same thing street sweeping does, just faster, always at max level, and for much higher reward per time spent. Making hazard zones always con-even doesn't actually give any draw for players to go there.


IMO, I'd rather see hazard zones be adjusted as Co Op zones with repeatable missions that work within their existing level range. Have Crey step into Perez Park with a public works project, contracting superpowered individuals to 'clean up the gangs and Hydra menace' - this would showcase their public image before any of the later corruption arcs and gives the Paragon Protectors a place to shine early outside of Brickstown. Vanguard could enter into Boomtown and establish an early presence as the 'alien opposition' group with a liaison accepting anyone who follows their rules in the raging conflict between the Council and the 5th Column (Nictus invasion seems like something that should be on their radar, anyways). Striga Isle doesn't really need much additional context as it seems like they'd accept anyone willing to take down the Council and the Family, and Crey's Folly could have some room for a Midnight Club attache working against the Rikti and the Devouring Earth.


Toss in some new badges and perhaps make the missions tie into the Tip/Alignment system and there's a whole host of reasons for new and old characters to run through the zones that adds to underused in-game mechanics and works with pre-existing lore.

Edited by El D

Global is @El D, Everlasting Player, Recovering Altaholic.

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Appreciate the conversation around it.  The drive behind posting it is it's one of the 2 things I've heard about on this other server that they'd like to see HC do which would potentially pull them back in.


The hazard zone bit and also the ability to run every contact at level 50 (or whatever your current level is if you've out-leveled your contact).  Frostfire at 50.  Dr. Graves at 50, what-have-you.  You never outlevel your contacts.  I think it'd be neat and I've tried it and have seen it and running Frostfire at level 50 is a lot more free-ing than running at level 10 or whatever level it's normally run at.


I'm certainly fine without it happening but I wanted to post the suggestion and get an idea as to whether or not there'd be any appetite for it.  I certainly understand some of the pitfalls.


Thanks and regards,

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7 hours ago, fitzsimmons said:


The hazard zone bit and also the ability to run every contact at level 50 (or whatever your current level is if you've out-leveled your contact).  Frostfire at 50.  Dr. Graves at 50, what-have-you.  You never outlevel your contacts.  I think it'd be neat and I've tried it and have seen it and running Frostfire at level 50 is a lot more free-ing than running at level 10 or whatever level it's normally run 


Thanks and regards,

Unfortunately it's not even remotely as easy as just making Minions of Igneous as lvl 50 and Malta or Storm Elementals as level 7.  Powers and abilities need to be adjusted (scale) for more than a few foe types, i.e. a lot of work to do a quality job of it.  That’s what @Rudrais talking about in their first replies, I believe.  You can already self exemp even for street sweeping via Ouro if desired as well and still possess a notable edge over the local foes.

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