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Port Oakes Badge Strangeness (Vidiotmaps?)

Scarlet Shocker

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I'm badging in Port Oakes.


I'm looking for the Hidden Getaway badge (8 on the Vidiotmaps overlay) and I realise that when I use a thumbtack on the marked badge location itself the compas directs me to the abandoned lab. Almost opposite quadrants of the zone.


Not game breaking but funkeh all the same. Is it Vidiotmaps or is it something else?

Edited by Scarlet Shocker
wrong badge title



The Ghost Slaying Axe. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherspectre in the room, accept no substitutes.

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It has to do with the pathing beacons and that the game thinks you need to go through the lab or elevator on the wall to get there.  And if you go through either point,  the game says you need to go back through the same door to reach your destination.  It ends up on a loop with your nav point never showing up in the correct place.


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It's a fairly well documented bug at this point. Here's one thread, and I know there are a couple of others but I didn't really feel the need to dig for them. In the thread I linked, I quoted one of the devs that explained the issue to me, but the summary TheZag gave above is a great summary. And as RikOz pointed out, It is not related to vidiotmaps.

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