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Showing Character Influence from character select screen.

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Ever had that suspicion you had a character with 10s to 100s of millions of influence to help finish up your new characters build not but sure who it would be out of your 30+ characters? Right now you got to log in again and again then check each character and depending on the zone then have to wait a 0-20 seconds each time you log out again which is just a huge drag..


Like the tittle says lets show that info from the character login screen, make it an option to enable not on by default. Here are my meh photoshop skills to mock up what it would look like, there's prolly way better ways to show this its just a concept!



Edited by Mystoc
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Just now, SeraphimKensai said:

I just use an Excel spreadsheet to track all that.


good idea, although I would prolly end up just forgetting I need to be checking my character influence each time I'm about to log out so that excel sheet would end up being wrong after a while.. for non forgetful people this a great solution though!


On the other hand the fact that something like is prompting the need to use of an excel sheet is a good indication that a change like this in game would be an great QoL feature to have!

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I keep influence listed as a combat attribute in game so I'm always aware of how much liquid influence each character has. I do have to scroll through ingame emails though to see which ones are loads with a billion here or there to get an accurate count (but luckily those are account wide, so I only have to do that for each of my three accounts).

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28 minutes ago, SeraphimKensai said:

I keep influence listed as a combat attribute in game so I'm always aware of how much liquid influence each character has. I do have to scroll through ingame emails though to see which ones are loads with a billion here or there to get an accurate count (but luckily those are account wide, so I only have to do that for each of my three accounts).

I forget that was an feature to track, its like we are batman money is our combat attribute so we can track it 💸 this will help me for sure although its not perfect its better then what I was doing before, thanks

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Honestly, I wouldn't want it cluttering up the screen like that, but if there were (say) an arrow or an "info" button or something that could give extended information on a character, including INF? Yeah.

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Kheldian backstory guide 2.0 is out.

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I've been exactly where you are Mystoc and that's a good suggestion. Back on live I used City Info Tracker but when I came to HC that no longer existed.


I couldn't figure out what to do for the longest time but after a couple months I came across a forum post about leaving an Email from yourself in your ingame inbox so you could just hit reply. So I came up with the idea of leaving the larger sum of money with one character and all the rest keep 50,000ish on hand. That one character with all the money is also the main one that keeps things in the AH, so I didn't have to swap around and figure out who was selling what.


I have a hard time rememebering to do things too. Instead of selling things on each toon, just email them all to one character you choose and sell them from there. While you're emailing the items you can also send that toons influence to the same toon with the items. If any ot her toon needs something, you log into the main one and email it back to the other one. See if you can turn that into a habit for yourself it, really worked well for me and I still do it.

Edited by LKN-351
coma coma coma

Are you looking for Ultramode style, candy coated enhancements and powers?


(they're also in the City Mod installer)

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I wouldn't want that cluttering my character select screen. How would it quantify my liquid assets? Is it just what I'm holding in my characters pockets? What about all the stuff stored in my base or sitting in bids on the Auction House, or emailed to myself? 

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Inf is the least important thing that I tend to log a character to look at.  I tend to consolidate most inf in email building up 500m chunks.


What I tend to log into to check into, recipes.   Special salvage, but those I tend to send over to one of my active characters.


Badges and tasks are another one, though those I tend to track using outside tools (mostly spreadsheets)

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On 3/17/2024 at 9:43 AM, Mystoc said:

Right now you got to log in again and again then check each character


well, I have 2 problems with this.

1) If it is going to show something I need on the character screen that isn't there, it would be more important to me to know if the character needs to level-up or not.

2) I think it would cause massive delay and a strain on the system to have to draw additional information out of the character database and display it on the character selection screen.


If I really need to know how much a character has, I can track it on a spreadsheet.

I have general cap of x influence on a character, any more than that goes into email in 500M infl emails to myself. If a character doesn't have enough extra to load a 500M infl onto an email, then I just email what they have extras - next character, pull that less than 500M infl out and then rollback what extra that character has into an email and repeat until 500M infl.

Then I draw from one of those emails when ever I need loot which is mostly on a new character or if I'm going to buy a bunch of card packs.

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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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On 3/17/2024 at 9:49 AM, SeraphimKensai said:

I just use an Excel spreadsheet to track all that.


On 3/17/2024 at 9:57 AM, Mystoc said:

good idea, although I would prolly end up just forgetting I need to be checking my character influence each time I'm about to log out so that excel sheet would end up being wrong after a while.. for non forgetful people this a great solution though!


Yeah, I do the spreadsheet thing... but sometimes I'm in a hurry, other times I'm just lazy, and occasionally I just forget because I'm old and my memory isn't that great anymore... so the spreadsheet doesn't get updated reliably.

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The login server has almost no communication with the game server.  That is to say the game server hasnt loaded in the characters (in game) as you click around the character select screen.  The game server doesnt keep character information at the ready,  the information isnt available until the character gets logged in and loaded. Having the login server make dozens or even hundreds (depending on the player) of character loads in order to retrieve character information just isnt feasible.


I wouldnt mind having additional information on the character select screen but you probably should track the information on your own.  This may be possible but its not likely.


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