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New Powerset for Archetypes

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2 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

And of course the mods can see the IP address that the post was made from.


But you already knew that, don't you, Arcane?

Having played whack-a-mole with someone similar in my own moderation, it's not hard to spoof IPs with VPN.  Usually had to also check a few other factors.

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Is this a forum to discuss ideas or a witch trial? As I stated I'm not this person @KingCeddd03 as others have claimed @Solok was @KingCeddd03 too. Until proof is provided, don't speculate or accuse. Having a liking to an idea powerset that someone else likes is not a crime, nor isn't a bad idea. As I have seen all pos, that discuss, the wanting of arcane/ magic powerset should belong to @KingCeddd03 if that could be proven.

Edited by Wingslord24
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11 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

witch trial

You're the one bringing up magic.  You know who else brings up magic? Witches!


Though in terms of the idea, I think people have pointed out why it's not a good idea, and pointed out why the same arguments you, King, whoever else with the same logic are not a good fit.     Heck, people have pointed out how it could work in the framework, but you're just repeating yourself.

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14 minutes ago, lemming said:




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 Forums  - a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged.

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Spam Response- Spam, in the context of cybersecurity, refers to any unsolicited and often irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent over the internet. 

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25 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

nor isn't a bad idea. 

Except, for all the reasons in this thread, it is a bad idea.


It doesn't fit in the game thematically.


It doesn't fit the game mechanically. 


It doesn't do anything that doesn't already exist in the game. 


And buddy, if you can't sell me on "lets add more options," you're probably not even explaining what you want well. 


A "Magic" power set is a bad idea. Just set this down and walk away. 

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A modification that I'd like to suggest is that, instead of a new powerset, the devs should add a couple of new combat auras. For those that don't know there are auras, in the custom designer, that will allow some auras to only turn on if the character is in combat stance. Also, "only from the eyes" and "only from the hands" are options as well.


So, if the devs made several Arcane Combat Auras, like a wand in the hand that has sparkles or magic coming out of it, or runes that float near the hands or in front of the character, or other options I'm sure you all can think of, this will allow any AT and powerset to be "Arcane."


Would you be ok with something like this @Wingslord24 or @Solok ?

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"It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, the hands acquire posts, the posts become warning points. It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion."


Being constantly offended doesn't mean you're right, it means you're too narcissistic to tolerate opinions different than your own.

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2 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

As I stated I'm not this person @KingCeddd03 



Dude.  You blew your cover six hours after you started this, and that was five hours after some of us saw through it.


On 9/9/2024 at 11:33 AM, Wingslord24 said:

Yes, I just made an account I'm new


On 9/9/2024 at 12:16 PM, Wingslord24 said:

I have been playing this game for a while


Don't do this to yourself.  It's not going to end well.

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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

1. What powers are you looking for in the "magic" set? (Ranged Damage, Crowd Control, or Support)

  • Ranged Damage: Magic can offer various ranged attacks that go beyond the traditional energy bolts or fireballs. You might have:

    • Arcane Missiles: Projectiles that seek out enemies.
    • Mana Storm: A concentrated barrage of magical energy that deals damage over time (DoT) in an area.
    • Spectral Blasts: Phasing through terrain or enemies, ignoring some forms of defense.
    • Reality Tear: High-damage spells that rip through the fabric of reality, potentially causing AoE damage.
  • Crowd Control: Magic excels at controlling large groups or halting enemy actions:

    • Binding Glyph: Temporarily roots or immobilizes enemies in a fixed area.
    • Time Freeze: Pauses a group of enemies briefly, stopping their actions but not making them vulnerable (good for strategic positioning).
    • Polymorph: Transforming enemies into weaker creatures for a short period.
    • Gravity Well: Creates a magical vortex that pulls in enemies, slowing or immobilizing them within a certain radius.
  • Support: Magic can be used to strengthen allies or weaken enemies indirectly:

    • Arcane Shielding: Summons protective barriers that absorb damage for teammates.
    • Healing Runes: Lay down zones that heal allies over time.
    • Mana Transfer: Redirect magical energy to replenish resources for allies.
    • Warding Totem: A stationary magical totem that gives allies buffs like increased resistance to debuffs or damage.

2. What makes this different than what already exists?

Magic offers a layer of versatility that can differentiate it from more traditional damage sets or control sets. Here's how:

  • Ranged Damage: Instead of focusing solely on direct damage like many other ranged classes, magic allows for effects like DoT (Damage over Time) combined with secondary effects. For example, a spell that both deals damage and weakens the enemy's resistances, creating opportunities for multi-class synergy.

    Distinction: Many ranged sets rely purely on energy or projectile mechanics (bullets, lasers), but magic can have manipulative effects like void attacks that ignore armor or mana-based attacks that drain resources.

  • Crowd Control: While other classes might use brute force to knock back or stun enemies, magic could emphasize control through debilitation or status effects. Spells like gravity wells or time manipulation offer strategic battlefield manipulation that purely physical or elemental classes can't replicate.

    Distinction: Instead of just disabling or stunning, magic could warp space, alter movement mechanics, or even force enemy behavior changes (e.g., mind control or fear effects).

  • Support: Rather than just healing or shielding like other support sets, magic allows for esoteric buffs (e.g., increasing ally resistances, granting temporary invulnerability to status effects, or redirecting damage).

    Distinction: The variety of support options extends into different kinds of buffs, debuffs, and resource management, allowing a magical support player to be more proactive in combat. For example, they could cast power-enhancing buffs or damage reflection barriers.

3. What do you expect them to look like?

Visually, magic powers should stand out from the more traditional abilities like elemental manipulation or mechanical weaponry.

  • Visuals:
    • Ethereal and Otherworldly: You might expect bright, swirling runes, ancient glyphs appearing mid-air, portals, or shifting energies that seem to bend reality. Magic should feel as though it’s drawing from hidden or ancient forces, with a mystical or arcane aesthetic.
    • Colors and Animations: Deep purples, glowing whites, spectral greens, and arcane blue colors are common for magic sets, with animations like arcane circles, shifting light, or even cracks in reality forming when powerful spells are cast.
    • Time Manipulation and Space-Warping: Spells involving slowing enemies, freezing them in time, or distorting their perception could have reality-bending effects, like trails of afterimages, glitched animations, or gravity-bending visual effects.

4. What kind of damage type are they?

The damage type for a magic set would likely be Arcane, with some spells delving into unique effects like:

  • Pure Arcane Damage: Damage that is not elemental or physical, bypassing typical resistances like armor or energy barriers. This would make arcane damage unique in how it interacts with different enemies.
  • Temporal Damage: Causing DoT effects or health degeneration by aging the target or reversing their biological processes.
  • Curses and Hexes: While dealing direct damage, curses may also debilitate enemies (e.g., lowering defense, slowing movement, or weakening their attacks).
  • Void or Spectral Damage: Energy drawn from other planes of existence, possibly causing true damage (damage that ignores all defenses) or interacting with enemies that are normally immune to physical or elemental damage.

5. Why do we need an arcane magic set for a superhero MMORPG (focused on Ranged Damage, Crowd Control, or Support)?

Uniqueness in Gameplay

  • Versatile Playstyle: An arcane magic set would offer players a balance between ranged damage, crowd control, and support within a single set. Magic inherently allows for flexibility: players can choose to focus on damage in one scenario, shift to controlling enemies in another, or even act as a healer/buffer if the need arises. No other set can so seamlessly integrate these diverse roles.

Strategic Gameplay

  • Depth and Tactical Utility: Magic would emphasize strategy over brute force, rewarding players for managing multiple effects at once—DoTs, debuffs, buffs, and crowd control. A magic user could manipulate the battlefield to their advantage in ways that a straight DPS class or pure controller couldn’t. This would offer a higher skill ceiling, making it ideal for players who enjoy complex, multi-faceted gameplay.

Synergistic Potential

  • Cross-Class Synergies: A magic class can interact in unique ways with other damage types and roles. For example, a hex-based debuff could make enemies more vulnerable to physical or elemental attacks, or a magical buff could make allies temporarily immune to certain status effects. This cross-class synergy creates new tactical combinations that enhance team play.

Lore and Theme

  • Immersion and Fantasy: Arcane magic provides a deep sense of immersion and storytelling potential. The idea of mastering ancient, forbidden knowledge or tapping into the primal forces of the universe resonates with players who want a more mythic, fantasy-inspired experience in a superhero world. It could also tie deeply into the game’s lore, introducing elements like ancient orders, magical factions, or relics.



This is CLEARLY Describing the mechanics of an Epic Archetype. The only thing this guy is lacking is the highly specific backstory that explains the Existence of the Epic Archetype.


There are some mixed messages of course inside his descriptions of abilities, but only because he's desperately trying to mutilate the Standard Archetypes to get something that Epic Archetypes exist for.


My recommendation here is to go back and modify two version of the EAT... a HEAT (Legacy Chain, has Medieval Melee/Armor Worked in) and a VEAT (Circle of Thorns, has minions and the ability to Sacrifice them for greater summons). This would satisfy all the objectives without arguing about the silly notion that anything the OP asked for belongs in standard Archetypes outside of what already exists or can be tightly constrained to the rules Powersets currently follow for each Archetype. 


He even brings up Lore and Theme, which Epic Archetypes specifically exist to tap into, Unlike Standard Archetypes, which are totally free form in Lore and theme. You could even have it that Legacy Chain, Midnighter's Club, and Circle of Thorns band together to form a Magical Academy to face off against a potent Magical threat that forces them to work together to face. The two EATs that come out of the Hybrid Academy are basically your traditional Wizard/Sorceror/Warlock/Witch/Etc. Spellcaster Classes. I would love seeing a new Night Ward Territory open up that maybe goes back and explores the Gold Side Areas after they fall and reclaims them?


One of the Mystical Threats that could definitely be a possibility would be the Carnival of the Prime World finally crossing paths with the Carnival of Preatoria. Both Carnivals United would be a very dangerous threat, if it goes down the way most people expect it to.


That being said, new Epic Archetypes are probably not the first thing on the list that Homecoming would get to. It's really more of a New Dawn/We Have Cake sort of thing. Maybe, once HC get's more animation and gameplay mechanic people working with them, they can draw some inspiration from what New Dawn has done with Epic Archetypes and flesh this out.

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2 minutes ago, FDR's Think Tank said:

I would love seeing a new Night Ward Territory open up that maybe goes back and explores the Gold Side Areas after they fall and reclaims them?

Night Ward stops expanding after you complete the arcs. It stabilizes as it is, with First Ward still there and itself, but the merging of the Praetorian Earth and the Spirit Realm has been stopped. What isn't addressed in the arcs is how or if the Drudges are able to resume moving souls to their next destination.

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8 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Ranged Damage: Magic can offer various ranged attacks that go beyond the traditional energy bolts or fireballs. You might have:

  • Arcane Missiles: Projectiles that seek out enemies.
  • Mana Storm: A concentrated barrage of magical energy that deals damage over time (DoT) in an area.
  • Spectral Blasts: Phasing through terrain or enemies, ignoring some forms of defense.


Arcane missiles? Okay. All blast sets do that. I'm not even sure what an "arcane missile" looks like.

Mana Storm? DoT is generally relegated to Fire and Toxic. you seem opposed to plants, but Fire blas would cover that. just needs a cosmetic change to make it look more "magic".

Spectral blasts: We aren't going to get any powers that shoot through doors, walls, or any intervening objects. All attacks ignore defenses that don't match their damage type and/or attack type. Generally, the way you get around this is to have a power that applies a defense debuff to a target.


Okay, where is the rest of the power set?


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Crowd Control: Magic excels at controlling large groups or halting enemy actions:

  • Binding Glyph: Temporarily roots or immobilizes enemies in a fixed area.
  • Time Freeze: Pauses a group of enemies briefly, stopping their actions but not making them vulnerable (good for strategic positioning).
  • Polymorph: Transforming enemies into weaker creatures for a short period.
  • Gravity Well: Creates a magical vortex that pulls in enemies, slowing or immobilizing them within a certain radius.


Binding Glyph: Okay, AoE immobilize. All control sets have this. I guess you are just looking for a power customization for this one.

Time Freeze: So an AoE hold. Most of the control sets have this. How is this different from Time Manipulation being proliferated into a control set? Just need a power customization?

Polymorph: This seems disproportionally powerful in general. How long of a recharget is this supposed to have an how many enemies are you talking about hitting at one time with this? And what does "weaker" mean?

Gravity Well: so basically https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Gravity_Control#Wormhole


Where is the rest of the power set?


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Support: Magic can be used to strengthen allies or weaken enemies indirectly:

  • Arcane Shielding: Summons protective barriers that absorb damage for teammates.
  • Healing Runes: Lay down zones that heal allies over time.
  • Mana Transfer: Redirect magical energy to replenish resources for allies.
  • Warding Totem: A stationary magical totem that gives allies buffs like increased resistance to debuffs or damage.


Arcane Shielding: so are  you talking about like https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Electrical_Affinity#Faraday_Cage opposed to shielding individual characters?

Healing Runes: so https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Nature_Affinity#Lifegiving_Spores? with a power customization?

Mana Transfer: okay so some kind of power that "heals" endurance versus allowing the targeted character to recover endurance faster?

Warding Totem: So which? increased resistance to debuffs or damage? If just damage it is like https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Electrical_Affinity#Faraday_Cage with power customization.


Where is the rest of this power set?


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

2. What makes this different than what already exists?

Magic offers a layer of versatility that can differentiate it from more traditional damage sets or control sets. Here's how:


First off,  you're going to have to lose the name "magic".

Magic is an origin so it isn't going to have a power set. 

With the limited number of powers you are suggesting, it more suggests a power pool of some sort. Which again, would not be called "magic"

So from the get go on this issue, you are going to have to figure out another name for the set.

Also, whatever a primary or secondary set is it has to be able to be applied to all the Origins so it can't by default single itself out to be related to one Origin alone.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Ranged Damage: Instead of focusing solely on direct damage like many other ranged classes, magic allows for effects like DoT (Damage over Time) combined with secondary effects. For example, a spell that both deals damage and weakens the enemy's resistances, creating opportunities for multi-class synergy.

Distinction: Many ranged sets rely purely on energy or projectile mechanics (bullets, lasers), but magic can have manipulative effects like void attacks that ignore armor or mana-based attacks that drain resources.


So are you trying to invent another type of "damage"?

Currently, Fire and Toxic do DoT.

Are you talking about having different secondary effects per power? Dual pistols covers this while using the Fire or Toxic ammo.


You're not going to get attacks that "ignore armor". You can get -res powers, but not ones that simply "ignore" armor.

What "resources" are you talking about "draining" and by "draining" to you mean simply removing it from the target or transferring it to you. Electrical blasts can already drain endurance.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Crowd Control: While other classes might use brute force to knock back or stun enemies, magic could emphasize control through debilitation or status effects. Spells like gravity wells or time manipulation offer strategic battlefield manipulation that purely physical or elemental classes can't replicate.

Distinction: Instead of just disabling or stunning, magic could warp space, alter movement mechanics, or even force enemy behavior changes (e.g., mind control or fear effects).


So again like https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Gravity_Control#Wormhole or https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Time_Manipulation proliferated into a controler set.


The distinction is that it basically https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Teleportation#Fold_Space and do everything that that other controller sets do that have a confuse.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Support: Rather than just healing or shielding like other support sets, magic allows for esoteric buffs (e.g., increasing ally resistances, granting temporary invulnerability to status effects, or redirecting damage).

Distinction: The variety of support options extends into different kinds of buffs, debuffs, and resource management, allowing a magical support player to be more proactive in combat. For example, they could cast power-enhancing buffs or damage reflection barriers.


Oh, boy.

So, basically, https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Empathy but without the healing part?>


I don't think we are going to get "damage reflection" barriers. If you had some kind of power like this it would have an endurance cost per point of damage that was "reflected" and I'm assuming that would be a pretty high endurance cost.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:


  • Ethereal and Otherworldly: You might expect bright, swirling runes, ancient glyphs appearing mid-air, portals, or shifting energies that seem to bend reality. Magic should feel as though it’s drawing from hidden or ancient forces, with a mystical or arcane aesthetic.
  • Colors and Animations: Deep purples, glowing whites, spectral greens, and arcane blue colors are common for magic sets, with animations like arcane circles, shifting light, or even cracks in reality forming when powerful spells are cast.
  • Time Manipulation and Space-Warping: Spells involving slowing enemies, freezing them in time, or distorting their perception could have reality-bending effects, like trails of afterimages, glitched animations, or gravity-bending visual effects.


Okay, so power customization of other powers would work. Got it.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

The damage type for a magic set would likely be Arcane


Oh, so you want to add another damage type.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is never going to happen.


9 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

true damage (damage that ignores all defenses)


Yeah, not going to happen.


This is going way into pipe dream territory at this point.


10 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

5. Why do we need an arcane magic set for a superhero MMORPG (focused on Ranged Damage, Crowd Control, or Support)?

Uniqueness in Gameplay

  • Versatile Playstyle: An arcane magic set would offer players a balance between ranged damage, crowd control, and support within a single set. Magic inherently allows for flexibility: players can choose to focus on damage in one scenario, shift to controlling enemies in another, or even act as a healer/buffer if the need arises. No other set can so seamlessly integrate these diverse roles.



You want to create a whole new archetype that has ranged damage, crowd control and support "within a single set".

What would you have for the secondary on this all encompassing "set"?


yeah, this is never going to happen.


Oh, and here is the icing on the cake!


10 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

Strategic Gameplay

  • Depth and Tactical Utility: Magic would emphasize strategy over brute force, rewarding players for managing multiple effects at once—DoTs, debuffs, buffs, and crowd control. A magic user could manipulate the battlefield to their advantage in ways that a straight DPS class or pure controller couldn’t. This would offer a higher skill ceiling, making it ideal for players who enjoy complex, multi-faceted gameplay.



A set specifically NOT for End-gamers (that seem to be somewhere around 50% of the community at the times that I play).


You know, game play of any archetypes can be about "strategy over brute force" but most players seem to like to steamroll/"Hulk smash!"/Bull-in-a-china-shop everything!


Yeah, I have go agree with another post.


7 hours ago, megaericzero said:

.. and I was like "ohhhh ChatGPT. Got it."


I wish I had read your post first @megaericzero



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If someone posts a reply quoting me and I don't reply, they may be on ignore.

(It seems I'm involved with so much at this point that I may not be able to easily retrieve access to all the notifications)

Some players know that I have them on ignore and are likely to make posts knowing that is the case.

But the fact that I have them on ignore won't stop some of them from bullying and harassing people, because some of them love to do it. There is a group that have banded together to target forum posters they don't like. They think that this behavior is acceptable.

Ignore (in the forums) and /ignore (in-game) are tools to improve your gaming experience. Don't feel bad about using them.

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46 minutes ago, Rudra said:

Night Ward stops expanding after you complete the arcs. It stabilizes as it is, with First Ward still there and itself, but the merging of the Praetorian Earth and the Spirit Realm has been stopped. What isn't addressed in the arcs is how or if the Drudges are able to resume moving souls to their next destination.


I realize that's what happened back then, but it's been over a decade and there was ALWAYS the concern of the Carnivals both merging... and the consequences of that.


If the Carnival of Light joins the Prime Earth Carnival, what happens to the magical infrastructure that they maintain? It's an opportunity to revisit the the other areas of Preatoria and follow up on all of it. And.... as you point out.... tell us more about what the Drudges are up to!


I mean... it's not like we have to go back to the old core Gold Side areas either. We could potentially see some of the mirror areas to zones of Earth Prime. Dark Astoria, Rogue Isles... what's going on over there? Is Hamidon still running amok? A Decade Later, many things could have changed. Hamidon could have evolved. There might be EAT for Goldside!


I mean.... the possibilities are endless now that they have secured rights. It's very exciting.

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47 minutes ago, FDR's Think Tank said:

Is Hamidon still running amok?

Yes. You even talk to him in the Last Bastion arc. And he was one of the big opponents we were supposed to fight as part of the incarnate plot.


47 minutes ago, FDR's Think Tank said:

A Decade Later, many things could have changed.

It hasn't been a decade in game though.


47 minutes ago, FDR's Think Tank said:

There might be EAT for Goldside!

The problem with making a gold side EAT is the progression breaks. The whole point of the gold side content we play at the low levels is our Praetorian character is dealing with life prior to everything that happened in the iTrials. The point of the mission that sends our character to Primal Earth that becomes available at level 20 is Praetoria cannot be saved. It goes through everything that happens in the iTrials including the non-iTrial missions where your character goes to Praetoria to retrieve Praetorians that are about to die for mission given reason and get them out of Praetoria before Hamidon finishes leveling it. You even see many Seeds of Hamidon, Avatars of Hamidon, and tentacles bigger than the skyscrapers of the city obliterating Praetoria. In the Last Bastion arc you find out that Last Bastion is exactly that. The last holdout of humanity in Praetorian Earth. Even First Ward sets up the inevitable doom with the constant Seed of Hamidon presence. (Like with Last Bastion, Hamidon is not bothering to wipe out First Ward because he at that time has an agreement with Tyrant and it is not a bastion of human strength waiting to oppose him. When Hamidon mobilizes to stomp Praetoria after the Underground iTrial, with its lack of sonic fencing and IDF, First Ward dies quickly. That is why you see Carnival of Light being held at gun point in Grandville when you do some of the interlinked missions. Better to flee into Arachnos' hands where who knows what might happen to you than stay in Praetoria where you know exactly what is going to happen to you.) What makes First Ward special is that it faces doom even before Hamidon goes to erase it with the merging with the Spirit Realm and Selene unleashing the Talons of Vengeance. So unlike the rest of Praetoria, First Ward faces extinction before the rest does. After the Night Ward arcs though? First Ward still dies. You can go to First Ward, just like you can go to Praetoria City itself, but those are considered time travel then. You went back in time to see Praetoria as it was before it was wiped out.


47 minutes ago, FDR's Think Tank said:

We could potentially see some of the mirror areas to zones of Earth Prime. Dark Astoria, Rogue Isles... what's going on over there?

Are you talking pre-iTrials or post-iTrials?


Edit: Don't get me wrong. Last Bastion is an excellent point to launch a reclamation of Praetoria story line. It just doesn't give a place for gold side EATs still since it would most likely be incarnate content. And the pre-iTrial gold side content doesn't give room for gold side EATs either. How would you maintain the EAT story line when the player gets to choose whether to be a hero or a villain when going to Primal Earth? HEATs lose access to their story line while being villains and VEATs lose access to their story line while being heroes. And the PEATs would have the complication of gold siders are meant to transition to red or blue siders at the player's discretion, so how would those alignments work for the PEATs?


Edited by Rudra
Edited to add missed "not".
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I would imagine that PEATs Storylines would focus on Zones where the survivors of Preatoria were resettled, in visiting the conquered areas of Goldside and pushing back... and it doesn't have to be incarnate, because we would, in effect, be talking about new content that follows what could be a major event that helps lay the ground work for following up on all of this. That's because any time you talk about adding new Archetypes or new Epic Archetypes, you also want to look at revamping starting areas and perhaps adding new starting Areas.


The reason to do this would be to integrate Goldside with Prime, since we all know that's what ultimately has happened. You can redefine boundaries, update zones that are out of date, and open up new territory to explore. Goldside might not have the Resistance/Loyalist storylines here on Earth Prime... but they would have the nuance of navigating the politics between Paragon City and Rogue Islands. They might get new alternative PvP zones with Redside and Blueside that may explore different forms of competition and cooperation. You could make Goldside a haven for whatever their new Alignment is... and Rogues and Vigilantes.


I mean... this thread may have been posted by someone being highly silly with "A.I." generated content... but if you cut through the nonsense, something good can still be derived from it. That's because City of Heroes has always had so much potential, even all these years later.

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8 hours ago, Luminara said:



Dude.  You blew your cover six hours after you started this, and that was five hours after some of us saw through it.




Don't do this to yourself.  It's not going to end well.

I guess you have not been following the posts that have come before. Someone said the same thing you have stated,  shows that you didn't see that. It's called a response, and I cleared the air of what was stated. Read older posts before you respond sir.

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Knowing that due to origins being a part of the game, I think the original poster could be on to something but maybe in a different way. Maybe there could be an update to power set proliferation, adding “origin-specific” effects if one chooses to turn them on:


Magic can have an option of adding runes and sparkles to blast effects, magic circles to go with holds and immobilize powers, things like that.


Tech can have some kind of tech or electric effect to compliment the power effects or something.


and so on and so forth. That could be fun. Would be a lot of work, but could be a nice bump 😁

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5 minutes ago, mankar89 said:

Knowing that due to origins being a part of the game, I think the original poster could be on to something but maybe in a different way. Maybe there could be an update to power set proliferation, adding “origin-specific” effects if one chooses to turn them on:


Magic can have an option of adding runes and sparkles to blast effects, magic circles to go with holds and immobilize powers, things like that.


Tech can have some kind of tech or electric effect to compliment the power effects or something.


and so on and so forth. That could be fun. Would be a lot of work, but could be a nice bump 😁

That's generally what most of us suggest every time this topic comes up. Usually as an expansion of power customization, since alternate animations and emanation points are already possible. It even seems like the devs are dipping their toes into alternate FX options with... was it Teleport that has different types now?

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Yeah. They did it with teleport so far. I think that can even expand further with flight and super speed and stuff. I actually think that the psychic effects used in Psionic Melee would be awesome as an alternate to the blast effects too.

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8 hours ago, Wingslord24 said:

I guess you have not been following the posts that have come before. Someone said the same thing you have stated,  shows that you didn't see that. It's called a response, and I cleared the air of what was stated. Read older posts before you respond sir.



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Get busy living... or get busy dying.  That's goddamn right.

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I've thought a bit more about the HEAT and VEAT that would really do a good job of representing Magic in City of Heroes and come up with a more solid game mechanic idea for each.


HEAT - Legacy Chain Wizard (Or really many things, including Paladins, Priests, or whatever.)

Focus - Blesses Area with Legacy Chain Glyphs (Sorta function like Shaman Totems from WoW). Glyphs can be used like this to create buff zones... but the player can complete different combinations of Glyphs, which then complete a "Ritual" and grant them a temporary buff and wipe out the Glyphs, while restoring part of the stamina cost for the Glyphs.

Weakness - Glyphs can be targeted and knocked out, but also take time to set up. It can be difficult to complete Glyph Combos and the Legacy Chain Wizard often needs to taunt enemies to keep them away from their fragile glyphs.


VEAT - Circle of Thorns Warlock (Or really any sort of evil zealot or spellcaster.)

Focus - Summons Minions, but then sacrifices them for greater minions or to activate their high tier spells. This is a Magic System that is fueled by Sacrifices.

Weakness - This class needs to carefully manage it's minions, constantly resummoning to replenish the reserves and maintain access to the high level spells. The Minions can attack, but can also be killed often and might be harder to keep out of trouble than Glyphs, since this class doesn't excel in taunting and holding foes in Melee combat.


From there, I really feel like you could accomplish more of the Hodgepodge wizard with two distinct flavors that really make Epic Archetypes worth adding to the game.


I suppose if there was going to be a Preatorian Epic Archetype (PEAT) to line up with these... it might be a Carnival of Light type character? This gets more into Carnival Magics, which for the Carnival of Light are heavily focused on Light. This one probably needs more thought to really flesh out it's mechanics. With Creatures and Terrain covered by the other two... Perhaps it's a matter of toying with stealth/detection mechanics in some way?

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3 hours ago, mankar89 said:

Knowing that due to origins being a part of the game, I think the original poster could be on to something but maybe in a different way. Maybe there could be an update to power set proliferation, adding “origin-specific” effects if one chooses to turn them on:


Magic can have an option of adding runes and sparkles to blast effects, magic circles to go with holds and immobilize powers, things like that.


Tech can have some kind of tech or electric effect to compliment the power effects or something.


and so on and so forth. That could be fun. Would be a lot of work, but could be a nice bump 😁


I would even be happy if they just expanded the Sorcery skillset which includes Mystic Flight.

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4 hours ago, megaericzero said:

That's generally what most of us suggest every time this topic comes up. Usually as an expansion of power customization, since alternate animations and emanation points are already possible. It even seems like the devs are dipping their toes into alternate FX options with... was it Teleport that has different types now?

Based on the previously discussed power sets and concepts, the goal is to create a new, distinct power that has its own unique visual identity and includes special effects. While some of the proposed ideas are viable, it's clear that the current state of sorcery powers leaves much to be desired, raising questions about what they could have been. Let’s explore this further. @megaericzero, you have repeatedly suggested adding alternate animations to existing powers, and while that is certainly a valid option, it's equally important to consider creating entirely new powers. These new powers can also feature alternative animations for older abilities, though it’s likely that the generic themes of those older powers wouldn’t be visually cohesive with the new, more dynamic designs. Our primary objective is to create new, engaging, and visually captivating powers. The AI-generated ideas I share serve as a foundation—a building block of creative concepts that, we can develop further. By introducing fresh, innovative powers, we can enhance the game's diversity and visual appeal while pushing the boundaries of what sorcery and magic can represent.

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28 minutes ago, Wingslord24 said:

Based on the previously discussed power sets and concepts, the goal is to create a new, distinct power that has its own unique visual identity and includes special effects. While some of the proposed ideas are viable, it's clear that the current state of sorcery powers leaves much to be desired, raising questions about what they could have been. Let’s explore this further. @megaericzero, you have repeatedly suggested adding alternate animations to existing powers, and while that is certainly a valid option, it's equally important to consider creating entirely new powers. These new powers can also feature alternative animations for older abilities, though it’s likely that the generic themes of those older powers wouldn’t be visually cohesive with the new, more dynamic designs. Our primary objective is to create new, engaging, and visually captivating powers. The AI-generated ideas I share serve as a foundation—a building block of creative concepts that, we can develop further. By introducing fresh, innovative powers, we can enhance the game's diversity and visual appeal while pushing the boundaries of what sorcery and magic can represent.

So, in other words, no, alternate animations and/or auras are not acceptable because the power sets themselves are still not called "magic". What a surprise.

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