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I have a PopMenu I use to create macroimage macros. I've recently added a new one for Marine Affinity > Barrier Reef, but the Divide, Title, and Option for it don't show in the PopMenu.  The one above it does.  I've tried everything I can think of so far, so I'm open to suggestions.


 Menu "&De/Buff"
            Title "Nature Affinity"
            Option "Lifegiving Spores" <&macro_image "NatureAffinity_LifegivingSpores" "Lifegiving Spores" "powexec_location target Lifegiving Spores"&>
            Title "Marine Affinity"
            Option "Barrier Reef" <&macro_image "MarineAffinity_Wellspring" "Barrier Reef" "powexec_location self Barrier Reef"&>
            Title "Storm Summoning"
            Option "&Freezing Rain" <&macro_image "StormSummoning_FreezingRain" "Freezing Rain" "powexec_location target Freezing Rain"&>
            Option "&Tornado" <&macro_image "StormSummoning_Tornado" "Tornado" "powexec_location target Tornado"&>
            Title "Time"
            Option "Distortion Field" <&macro_image "TimeManipulation_DistortionField" "Distortion Field" "powexec_location target Distortion Field"&>
            Title "Traps"
            Option "FFG" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEBuffDefense" "FFG" "powexec_location 0:10 Force Field Generator"&>
            Option "Caltrops" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEDebuffRunSpeed" "Caltrops" "powexec_location 0:5 Caltrops"&>
            Option "Seekers" <&macro_image "Traps_DroppedAoEDebuffDamage" "Seekers" "powexec_location target Seeker Drones"&>


Again, everything shows up as expected except the one Divider and the entire Marine Affinity section.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


If I read this right, everything is showing up except the new stuff you added. That leads me to think you have an old version somewhere that is overriding the new version. If I can think to test the above menu tonight, I will, but I would double-check that you are copying this into the right place, and that you don't have an old version that might be overriding it.

  • Like 1

Thanks for getting back to me.


Prior to your post I had deleted the old PopMenu, checked that the directory (Games/Homecoming/data/texts/English/menus) no longer had this file in it.  I then did a Save As and saved the menu to the directory with no issues.  Looking in the directory, the file is there.  I've added menu selections in the past with no issues.  I have 2 other PopMenues in that directory that continue to work without issue, though I do probably need to update them.


I'm on Linux (Nobara 40) but that hasn't been an issue in the past either, so I'm discounting it now.


I just added the code you posted above to a dummy popmenu and it works fine. I'd add a screenshot but my old screenshot method for capturing popmenus no longer works, sadly. I see everything I would expect to see based on your code, though.


Do you happen to have this popmenu code in another popmenu file somewhere (likely in a file whose name comes alphabetically after the menu file containing the new code)? Menu files can contain more than one popmenu, and if you have verified that all other old versions are deleted, I can't think of any other reason that the code would be overridden. I still think that is what is going on, especially given that it works fine for me.


Also, do you only have one copy of Homecoming on your machine? It's not unheard of to accidentially install a mod to the wrong HC installation, if you happen to have more than one on your machine.

  • Like 1
32 minutes ago, BasiliskXVIII said:

Might be a silly question, but have you closed your client and restarted after saving the changes?





My irritation isn't with you, it that it makes troubleshooting issues like this a nightmare.


See attached for what I have installed.

I ONLY have this popmenu on Live, and not on any of the others.  That code snippet is not used in any other popmenu.


Is there a limit to the number of lines you can have in a popmenu?  This one has 206

CoH HC Launcher.png

26 minutes ago, Col. Kernel said:





My irritation isn't with you, it that it makes troubleshooting issues like this a nightmare.

Maybe, but I used to work tech support, and you just can't assume. It's better to verify on the easy things than to spend forever chasing zebras

  • Thumbs Up 1
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, Col. Kernel said:

I ONLY have this popmenu on Live, and not on any of the others.


The screenshot you posted is one install of Homecoming (and would include the other server groups shown, like Open Beta, Closed Beta, etc., not just Live/Homecoming), but the above quoted statement is a bit puzzling. Popmenus and other mods installed into your Homecoming data directory should be accessible from all the server groups shown in that screenshot. Do you mean that if you log into Open Beta (Brainstorm, for example), you can't see the popmenu? If so, that is a big red flag.


EDIT to add that what I mean by more than copy of Homecoming was something more along the lines of an install tied to the HC Launcher, and perhaps an old Tequila install.


I don't know if there is a line limit to popmenu files, but if there is, it is quite large. I had a popmenu with over 2 million lines.


One other thing you might try is to remove every popmenu from your Games/Homecoming/data/texts/English/menus folder. No need to delete them, just move them to a temp folder somewhere that is not within the Homecoming directory structure. Then try to open the popmenu in-game. I would not expect it to open, but it'll help test things.

Edited by AboveTheChemist

...what I mean by more than copy of Homecoming was something more along the lines of an install tied to the HC Launcher, and perhaps an old Tequila install.

Ahh, ok.  No, only the one install of HC.



One other thing you might try is to remove every popmenu from your Games/Homecoming/data/texts/English/menus folder. No need to delete them, just move them to a temp folder somewhere that is not within the Homecoming directory structure. Then try to open the popmenu in-game.


Did that, it didn't open.


@Jacke helped me with a similar issue a while back, maybe he can shed some light on this.

Posted (edited)

So, took that menu and when I check my logfile

ERRORLOG FILEERROR: texts/English/menus/what.mnu
File: texts/English/menus/what.mnu
Parser: unrecognized token DeBuff in texts/English/menus/what.mnu, line 1

Putting a comment and a blank line



got rid of the error

Edited by lemming
1 hour ago, Col. Kernel said:

Did that, it didn't open.


If you are willing, feel free to zip up all the menu files in data/texts/English/menus folder and send them to me in a PM. I am happy to test things out on my end to see if I can replicate the issue.

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