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Sentinel Dual Wield / Regeneration - New Character - Seeking advice on builds.


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This is a build a build I posted in another spot I'll post here.



The build below is where I hope to go but right now I am running closer to a pvp build with Burnout and rune of protection holding 60 res to all damage before incarnates but after Barrier this is where I want to go.


Also regen Sent play differently than melee regen. They do not have that yoyo effect with regen shield it slows incoming damage and spike gets handled by absorb IO. Regen shield makes everything very manageable through out the lvling process.


Lightning Field will get you a lots of Aggro .


Circuit makes teams and Hami raids love your 80ft Heals and its such a quick cast it just works. You can use those powers with any Sentinel.




Others  builds that are real good are Water/ and/ EA  with EA  I think you can cap everything even regen at end game. I play Duel Pistol because I cant stop playing it. Ill take the lower damage to be happy. It still has its -28% damage Toxic bullets  but its the animation its Amazing.



Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962



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Level 50 Science Sentinel

Primary Power Set: Dual Pistols

Secondary Power Set: Regeneration

Power Pool: Flight

Power Pool: Speed

Power Pool: Presence

Power Pool: Leadership

Ancillary Pool: Electricity Mastery


Hero Profile:

Level 1: Dual Wield -- HO:Nucle(A)

Level 1: Fast Healing -- NmnCnv-Heal(A), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(3), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(3)

Level 2: Empty Clips -- PcnoftheT--Rchg%(A), TchofLadG-%Dam(11), FrcFdb-Rechg%(27), HO:Centri(31), HO:Nucle(31)

Level 4: Reconstruction -- Ags-Psi/Status(A), NmnCnv-Heal(5), NmnCnv-EndRdx/Rchg(5), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(9), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(25)

Level 6: Hover -- Frb-Fly(A), Frb-Stlth(7), Frb-EndRdx(7), ShlWal-ResDam/Re TP(9), Rct-ResDam%(15), WntGif-ResSlow(43)

Level 8: Swap Ammo

Level 10: Instant Regeneration -- HO:Golgi(A), HO:Golgi(13), HO:Golgi(13), Prv-Absorb%(48)

Level 12: Bullet Rain -- Rgn-Knock%(A), PcnoftheT--Rchg%(23), Rgn-Acc/Rchg(25), Rgn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(31), Rgn-Dmg(33), Rgn-Dmg/Rchg(33)

Level 14: Quick Recovery -- PrfShf-EndMod/Rchg(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(15), PrfShf-EndMod(17)

Level 16: Dismiss Pain -- Pnc-Heal/Rchg(A), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(17), Pnc-Heal(23)

Level 18: Executioner's Shot -- AnlWkn-Acc/Rchg/EndRdx(A), AnlWkn-%ToHit(19), TchofLadG-%Dam(19), HO:Nucle(45), HO:Nucle(46)

Level 20: Integration -- NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(A), NmnCnv-Heal(21), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(21), NmnCnv-EndRdx/Rchg(37)

Level 22: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(36)

Level 24: Provoke -- PrfZng-Dam%(A), PrfZng-Taunt(46)

Level 26: Piercing Rounds -- PstBls-Dmg/Rng(A), PcnoftheT--Rchg%(27), PstBls-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(33), PstBls-Dmg/Rchg(34), PstBls-Acc/Dmg(34), PstBls-Dam%(34)

Level 28: Resilience -- UnbGrd-ResDam/EndRdx(A), UnbGrd-ResDam(29), UnbGrd-Max HP%(29), UnbGrd-Rchg/ResDam(36), GldArm-3defTpProc(39)

Level 30: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)

Level 32: Hail of Bullets -- PcnoftheT--Rchg%(A), SprOppStr-Rchg/+Opportunity(40), Arm-Dam%(42), SprOppStr-Acc/Dmg(42), SprOppStr-Dmg/Rchg(42), SprOppStr-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(43)

Level 35: Second Wind -- Pnc-EndRdx/Rchg(A), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(36), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(37), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux/Rchg(40), Pnc-Heal(40)

Level 38: Moment of Glory -- LucoftheG-Rchg+(A), LucoftheG-Def/Rchg(39), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(39)

Level 41: Chain Fences -- GrvAnc-Hold%(A), Ann-ResDeb%(43)

Level 44: Lightning Field -- HO:Nucle(A), HO:Nucle(45)

Level 47: Rehabilitating Circuit -- Pnc-Heal/+End(A), NmnCnv-Regen/Rcvry+(48), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(48), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(50), NmnCnv-Heal(50)

Level 49: Tactics -- GssSynFr--Build%(A)

Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)

Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)

Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)

Level 4: Ninja Run

Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)

Level 2: Health -- Pnc-Heal(A), Pnc-Heal/EndRedux(46), Pnc-Heal/Rchg(50)

Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)

Level 2: Stamina -- PrfShf-EndMod/Acc(A), PrfShf-EndMod/Rchg(11), PrfShf-End%(37), PrfShf-EndMod(45)

Level 8: Cryo Ammunition

Level 8: Incendiary Ammunition

Level 50: Paralytic Radial Flawless Interface

Level 50: Void Radial Final Judgement

Level 50: Barrier Core Epiphany

Level 50: Vigor Core Paragon

Level 50: Melee Core Embodiment

Level 8: Chemical Ammunition



This is a very endgame build and still some just theory and have not tooned for best proc location for IO.


One thing I would strongly  recommend  is as soon as you have the money  buy the +absorb IO proc  and put it in instant regen. What happens is once damage bypasses shield you usually get big spikes the absorb IO usually activates when u get hit with that spike  controlling  the spike and giving you extra time to click second wind or heal. Those few sec save your butt. If anyone has other builds pls post not much info for a dp/regen


Also what are you going for damage, survival heal. The build above is master of none but good to all team friendly  but you could go completely different and get allot more damage.

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Sentinel Dual Wield / Regeneration - New Character - Seeking advice on builds.


That's a broad statement.  So forgive me if the following holds anything you know about either set. 


Dual Pistols:


For leveling, I'd recommend taking everything to find out what you like. 


For endgame, the best single target attacks are Pistols, Suppressive Fire, and Executioner's Shot.  Dual Wield falls behind with IO slotting which includes using procs.  Dual Wield does offer some utility which may or may not be of interest to you.  I have skipped it for my Sentinel.  A lot of Sentinel builds do not need Defensive Opportunity after a certain point so Dual Wield loses a little functionality there.  The utility it does have is in the form of knockdown (standard ammo) and various IO sets (Forcefeedback). 


For AoE, Bullet Rain is a targeted AoE which means it hits 10 targets.  It is a good spot to put Sentinel's Ward, one of the ATO's.  Each hit has a chance to proc the absorb shield and against 10 targets it improves the odds.  Hail of Bullets, the T9, is something you want.  It does a lot of damage, but the caveat is that it is point-blank.  So you gotta get close and personal (more on that in a minute).  A lot of people hate Sentinel cones.  They only hit 6 targets, but Empty Clips is a bit more than that.  Empty Clips can take several procs from various sets like Forcefeedback Chance for Recharge.  It will never wow you for AoE damage, but it can be useful for utility. 


Piercing Rounds is a debatable pick.  I like it personally, but there are very good reasons to skip it on Sentinels (not other AT's though).  It has a 3 enemy target cap and a long animation.  I suggest taking it to try it out, but you can drop it if you hate it. 


Finally, ammo. The versatility is what Dual Pistols is actually good at.  Standard ammunition gives some powers either soft control or a defense debuff (or resistance in Piercing Rounds).  The other ammo types change some aspect of the power and replace either the soft control or debuff with something else.  Cryo ammo replaces an effect with a slow and converts 30% of the default lethal damage to cold.  Chemical ammo replaces an effect with a -damage debuff and replaces 30% of the lethal damage with toxic.  Incendiary ammo replaces an effect with a short duration fire damage over time (usually about 3 ticks) and replaces 30% of the lethal damage with fire damage. 


The point of the ammo isn't really about picking a type to bypass resistances.  You can get a little mileage out of that, but instead think more about what you can do to benefit yourself or team in a situation. Play to the strength of the set, and you'll have a good time. 




I can't think of a reason to skip anything in Regen.  There are several power changes vs the melee version that don't leave a lot of room to skip stuff.  You get a toggle absorb early on which helps to pad out damage, a passive increase to hit points (no Dull Pain), and a revive-like power that functions based on current hit points.  That power, the level 35 one, has a stronger effect the lower your health gets.  If you have 0 health, it picks you up off the floor.  So it isn't an easy pass like Revive on a Scrapper's version of Regen. 


Moment of Glory is your only power source for taking an alpha strike before Incarnates.  After Incarnates, probably Barrier(?), you could consider letting go of it. 


That's the basic gist of the two sets.  Sentinels also have lower values for all defenses meaning that combining pool picks like Fighting, Leadership, and Leaping (the common 3 for boosting Regen defense) will net you around a starting base of 7.5% defense to all.  So if this is a serious character for you, you may want to get some influence ready for some more powerful sets like the seasonal events for large boosts to defense they carry. 


Epics/Patron pools are personal choice.  You can take them or leave them depending on your preferences.  You can add some melee attacks if you like or some new utility. 


I mentioned earlier that Dual Pistols likes to be fair close to the action.  You may be able to get by with Hover for a good bit while leveling, but this will conflict with using the T9.  For that, you may also want to consider taking Stealth from the power pools and combine it with a Celerity: + Stealth IO to launch Hail of Bullets a bit more safely.  You could also just use Moment of Glory. 

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Hi Oldskool. I was wondering if I could pick your brains for the DP build that I have currently going, just for the primaries. A little background: I just solo with this character, currently level 44. I haven't taken Change Ammo since I utilise the knockback of standard ammo a lot in my tactics, especially against Malta Sappers. I'm still on the fence if I should take it to help soften hardier foes. I'm certain it will help, I'm just not sure if my brain can handle the switching during a fight. Alternatively, I can get another defense/resist from the power pools.



• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, recharge

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, recharge, end redux

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, end redux

• Achilles Heel: Def debuff

• Achilles Heel: Chance for -Res


Dual Weild

(I currently have Maelstrom's complete set of 4, but I'm planning to switch it or augment it with another set which I haven't decided on) + I don't have enough slots at the moment


Suppressive Fire

Thunderstrke full set


Bullet Rain

• Explosive Strike: Knockback/Accuracy

• Explosive Strike: Knockback/Damage

• Annihilation: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (thinking of switching this with Damage/Recharge since recharge is currently at 15s )

• Annihilation: chance for -Res

• Sentinel's Ward: Chance for absorb (don't have this yet, not enough inf and slots)

• Sentinel's Ward: (?) might go for recharge as well (when I have enough inf and slots)


Executioner's Shot

Analyze Weakness full set


Piercing Rounds

• Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage

• Positron's Blast: Damage/Endurance

• Positron's Blast: Damage/Recharge

• Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (thinking of replacing this with Damage/Range)

• Airburst: Damage/Recharge

• Airburst: Damage/Range


Hail of Bullets

Opportunity Strikes full set


a bit more info: my attack chain is usually the following, and with the attacks at my disposal, I don't notice any down time other than me cycling through targets with tab)

1) For single targets: Pistol, Piercing, Dual, Executioner

2) For groups of 2-3: if they're lined up nicely, open with Piercing, if not, open with Bullet Rain

then depends on how the situation unfolds, usually clean up with Suppressive one, Executioner another, finish off one by one

3) For larger groups that I'm confident I can take on, I just run/jump into the middle and unleash Hail, then clean up is usually one shot per survivor

4) For large groups which I know I can't take on, I just whittle them down by coaxing them out of the group one or two at a time

5) For Sappers: Rain, Piercing, Executioner, Suppressive (and Pistol/Dual in case they're still alive)

6) For hardier bosses, I single them out and just give it all I got, which ever is recharged until they fall.


Also, this is my first character. I have no idea what the end game is yet, so I'll burn that bridge when I get there. Also, I don't have inf to burn; I do however craft and sell, so I get by.


Hope you don't mind. And thank you.



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Hi Oldskool. I was wondering if I could pick your brains for the DP build that I have currently going, just for the primaries. A little background: I just solo with this character, currently level 44. I haven't taken Change Ammo since I utilise the knockback of standard ammo a lot in my tactics, especially against Malta Sappers. I'm still on the fence if I should take it to help soften hardier foes. I'm certain it will help, I'm just not sure if my brain can handle the switching during a fight. Alternatively, I can get another defense/resist from the power pools.



• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, recharge

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, recharge, end redux

• Undermined Defenses: Def debuff, end redux

• Achilles Heel: Def debuff

• Achilles Heel: Chance for -Res


Dual Weild

(I currently have Maelstrom's complete set of 4, but I'm planning to switch it or augment it with another set which I haven't decided on) + I don't have enough slots at the moment


Suppressive Fire

Thunderstrke full set


Bullet Rain

• Explosive Strike: Knockback/Accuracy

• Explosive Strike: Knockback/Damage

• Annihilation: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (thinking of switching this with Damage/Recharge since recharge is currently at 15s )

• Annihilation: chance for -Res

• Sentinel's Ward: Chance for absorb (don't have this yet, not enough inf and slots)

• Sentinel's Ward: (?) might go for recharge as well (when I have enough inf and slots)


Executioner's Shot

Analyze Weakness full set


Piercing Rounds

• Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage

• Positron's Blast: Damage/Endurance

• Positron's Blast: Damage/Recharge

• Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge (thinking of replacing this with Damage/Range)

• Airburst: Damage/Recharge

• Airburst: Damage/Range


Hail of Bullets

Opportunity Strikes full set


a bit more info: my attack chain is usually the following, and with the attacks at my disposal, I don't notice any down time other than me cycling through targets with tab)

1) For single targets: Pistol, Piercing, Dual, Executioner

2) For groups of 2-3: if they're lined up nicely, open with Piercing, if not, open with Bullet Rain

then depends on how the situation unfolds, usually clean up with Suppressive one, Executioner another, finish off one by one

3) For larger groups that I'm confident I can take on, I just run/jump into the middle and unleash Hail, then clean up is usually one shot per survivor

4) For large groups which I know I can't take on, I just whittle them down by coaxing them out of the group one or two at a time

5) For Sappers: Rain, Piercing, Executioner, Suppressive (and Pistol/Dual in case they're still alive)

6) For hardier bosses, I single them out and just give it all I got, which ever is recharged until they fall.


Also, this is my first character. I have no idea what the end game is yet, so I'll burn that bridge when I get there. Also, I don't have inf to burn; I do however craft and sell, so I get by.


Hope you don't mind. And thank you.


I rarely, if ever, toggle ammo types in combat.  If grouping, I look at what is available and I decide if I want to add support or just go damage.  When solo, I run Incendiary Ammo all the time.


For all elemental ammo, Suppressive Fire turns from being a stun into a Hold.  The duration is around 3 seconds, but if you focused on damage in powers you should be able to Suppressive Fire -> Executioner's Shot -> Pistols/Dual Wield on a Sapper to drop it. 


For Willpower and Regen, I'd probably strongly considering keeping Dual Wield even with just the default slot purely for Defensive Opportunity to restore endurance.  I don't need it on my DP/Nin since there are click powers in the secondary that grant me a substantial amount of either resource. 


If you solo a lot, have you thought about the Epics/Patron pools for more tricks?  Specifically, I'm thinking Psi for Mass Hypnosis and Dominate.  Mass Hypo is a sleep which will let you pick and choose what you want to take out first.  Dominate is another hold to prolong a lockdown of a really obnoxious target. 


Just some initial ideas.  I'd have to work on a build in Pine's to figure out how I would approach it, and also what kind of budget are you wanting to throw at it?

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Thanks Oldskool.


I'll take a look at the Epic pools. They didn't really appeal to me earlier on the basis of character description/background. But that might be trumped by utility, so I'll have a try next chance I get. I think only have 2 more powers to unlock until 50.


Right now, my end is on a good standing, so that gives me the option to drop Dual Wield and free up more slots.


Unfortunately, I don't have access to Pines since I play on a Mac. There are people willing to walk me through installation, but my brain is resistant to it. I also don't plan on spending too much on the build, as little as I can that won't leave me face-planting all over the place or trying to whittle down a boss for half an hour.


Thanks again.

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On 7/21/2019 at 12:13 PM, Six Six said:

Thanks again.


You're welcome!


Here are some ideas that could help you avoid dropping powers if you like what you have, improve your damage, and shouldn't break the bank. Some damage procs, and PvP sets in general, can be a little expensive but not purple set level.


Thunderstrike, Acc/Dmg, Acc/Dmg/End, Dmg/End in Pistols, Dual Wield, Suppressive Fire, and Executioner's Shot. (None of that is mandatory if you want to move an ATO to one of these attacks. More on that below) 


Pistols - 3x damage procs (Lady Grey, Sheildbreaker, Javelin) - Pistols has the fastest base recharge making it a better candidate for pure damage procs over any utility procs (low uptime).

Dual Wield - 2x damage 1x utility (Javelin, Explosive Strike, Force Feedback)

Suppressive Fire - Loads of options from Hold sets like Chance for Mag 2 hold.  I went purple here (Apocalypse and Unbreakable Constraint) though.  The two purple procs make Suppressive pretty powerful. 

Executioner's Shot - 2x damage, 1x utility (Lady Grey, Any one of [Explosive Strikes, Javelin, Shieldbreaker, etc...], Achilles' Heel/Force Feedback). 


Any proc will have a higher chance to trigger in Executioner's Shot vs any of the other single target attacks.  The higher base recharge makes it the most flexible power in the set for utility, damage, or a bit of both.  This is also the best attack in the single target chain for the Opportunity Strikes set if you're interested.  Even with 5pc and around 96% recharge enhancement, Executioner's Shot will trigger the ATO around 20% of the time.  The odds get worse in the other attacks, and while it is virtually guaranteed in Hail of Bullets, that power deserves other things.  I would caution against loading up Executioner's with too much utility and giving up on damage.  Using a set like Thunderstrike is going to under enhance your damage and the entire point of doing this is to make up for it with damage procs.  Hence the reason I recommend picking 1 and Achilles' Heel is one of the best damage/utility effects you could put there. 


*Edit, I've actually changed my build but the sentiments in the above are still largely true.  I've decided to go with Apocalypse in Executioner's Shot which still has a good chance to trigger the purple damage proc.  The utility of Pistols takes on Achilles Heel since it is fired off roughly every 2 seconds and Suppressive Fire takes on the old Executioner's Shot slotting.  This grants a higher chance for Suppressive Fire to trigger Unbreakable Constraint and works to normalize some of the damage between Suppressive and Executioner's.  It's an overall damage increase, but not one so great as to matter to a lot of people.  I just figured I could squeeze out a few more DPS points on average by making the change.  I was already in the process of a respec anyway which only sealed the deal.


Entropic Chaos for Chance to Heal isn't a bad idea either if you can't afford or don't want a damage proc in one of the above powers (maybe put one in Suppressive Fire).  I wouldn't put one in each though as you'd start giving up too much damage for unnecessary utility.   


Bullet Rain is a nice place for Force Feedback also.  If you want the Sentinel Ward set, the proc from works well in Bullet Rain from my experience.  The proc has a very high PPM value (5 for basic, 6 for Superior).  I like Annihilation in Piercing Rounds, higher chance to trigger it, and I often use it on priority targets plus 2 friends anyway. 





Edited by oldskool
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  • 3 weeks later

I was on Pine's Hero Builder and the tooled up 721% regeneration.  The highest regen percentage that I've tweaked and manipulated sets slots for +Regeneration has been 766% that slotted Boxing, Kick, and Cross Punch with Pounding Slugfist to squeeze extra +Regen.  Regeneration is fairly "paper-thin" on most resistances, SO... I was trying to reach the +Regen soft-cap to compensate when soaking burst damage that punches through our Instant Regeneration (Absorb).


The sets shown were chosen to boost +Regeneration and offer some soft-CC to slow down incoming damage.  The Cyro and Chemical ammo offers some synergy with Regeneration, at least when you're solo playing.  In group play, Regeneration is fairly good at keeping your health up and handling aggro when adds spawn, and need some attention removing them from the fray.


Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.962


Level 50 Natural Sentinel
Primary Power Set: Dual Pistols
Secondary Power Set: Regeneration
Power Pool: Flight
Power Pool: Fighting
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Pistols -- Apc-Dmg(A), Apc-Dmg/Rchg(3), Apc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(5), Apc-Acc/Rchg(9), Apc-Dmg/EndRdx(33), Apc-Dam%(40)
Level 1: Fast Healing -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(3), Heal-I(15), NmnCnv-Heal(29), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(37)
Level 2: Reconstruction -- NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(A), NmnCnv-Heal(5), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(17), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(45)
Level 4: Hover -- LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(A), LucoftheG-Def(46), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 6: Suppressive Fire -- Dvs-Acc/Dmg(A), Dvs-Dmg/EndRdx(7), Dvs-Dmg/Rchg(7), Dvs-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(9), Dvs-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Dvs-Hold%(40)
Level 8: Quick Recovery -- EnrMnp-EndMod(A), EnrMnp-EndMod/Rchg(11), EnrMnp-Stun%(25)
Level 10: Instant Regeneration -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(11), Heal-I(15), Heal-I(29), Heal-I(37)
Level 12: Bullet Rain -- Ann-Acc/Dmg(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(13), Ann-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(13), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(17), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(36), Ann-ResDeb%(48)
Level 14: Swap Ammo
Level 16: Dismiss Pain -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(23), Heal-I(36)
Level 18: Executioner's Shot -- Dvs-Acc/Dmg(A), Dvs-Dmg/EndRdx(19), Dvs-Dmg/Rchg(19), Dvs-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(21), Dvs-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Dvs-Hold%(40)
Level 20: Integration -- NmnCnv-Heal(A), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(23), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(42)
Level 22: Boxing -- Empty(A)
Level 24: Tough -- TtnCtn-ResDam(A), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx(31), TtnCtn-ResDam/Rchg(43), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(45), TtnCtn-EndRdx(50)
Level 26: Piercing Rounds -- Ann-Acc/Dmg(A), Ann-Dmg/Rchg(27), Ann-Acc/Dmg/Rchg(27), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(34), Ann-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Ann-ResDeb%(42)
Level 28: Resilience -- TtnCtn-ResDam(A), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx(31), TtnCtn-ResDam/Rchg(43), TtnCtn-ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(50), TtnCtn-EndRdx/Rchg(50)
Level 30: Weave -- LucoftheG-Def(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(31), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(43)
Level 32: Hasten -- RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(34)
Level 35: Second Wind -- NmnCnv-Heal(A), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(36), NmnCnv-Heal/Rchg(45)
Level 38: Moment of Glory -- LucoftheG-Def(A), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(39), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(46)
Level 41: Assault -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 44: Maneuvers -- LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx(A), LucoftheG-Def(46), LucoftheG-Def/EndRdx/Rchg(48)
Level 47: Tactics -- EndRdx-I(A)
Level 49: Fly -- Frb-Stlth(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Dash -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Slide -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Quick -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Rush -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Prestige Power Surge -- Empty(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 2: Swift -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Health -- Heal-I(A), Heal-I(37), Heal-I(39), NmnCnv-Heal(39), NmnCnv-Heal/EndRdx(42)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Empty(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- EnrMnp-EndMod(A), EnrMnp-EndMod/Rchg(21), EnrMnp-Stun%(25)
Level 14: Chemical Ammunition
Level 14: Cryo Ammunition
Level 14: Incendiary Ammunition
Set Bonus Totals:

  • 10% DamageBuff(Smashing)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Lethal)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Fire)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Cold)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Energy)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Negative)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Toxic)
  • 10% DamageBuff(Psionic)
  • 3.75% Defense(Fire)
  • 3.75% Defense(Cold)
  • 12.5% Defense(Psionic)
  • 7.5% Defense(AoE)
  • 2.7% Max End
  • 6% Enhancement(Heal)
  • 6% Enhancement(Max EnduranceDiscount)
  • 10% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
  • 248.5 HP (20.62%) HitPoints
  • MezResist(Confused) 35%
  • MezResist(Held) 35%
  • MezResist(Immobilized) 35%
  • MezResist(Sleep) 35%
  • MezResist(Stunned) 35%
  • MezResist(Terrorized) 35%
  • 3% (0.05 End/sec) Recovery
  • 138% (6.93 HP/sec) Regeneration  (Edited:  You're actual Regen is 721% all-in with Regeneration powers)
  • 6% Resistance(Smashing)
  • 6% Resistance(Lethal)
  • 7.5% Resistance(Fire)
  • 7.5% Resistance(Cold)
  • 7.5% Resistance(Energy)
  • 7.5% Resistance(Negative)



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7 hours ago, oldskool said:

Are all of those basic IO's a place holder for a set later on?  Looks like you're hitting a lot of diminishing returns for little gain if not. 

True.  There are diminishing returns in the mock workup.  To push the +Regen towards cap, it seems the extreme is necessary.  Maybe not to the nth degree on some powers.  The main +Regen powers of the framework are Integration (toggle, +Regen) and Fast Healing (+Regen) while Health (+Regen) roughly contributes 10% of the overall Health Regeneration - According to Pine's Hero builder.  /Regen is slot heavy in those three +Regen sources to boost the numbers. 


Regenerative Tissue set has the 25% +Regeneration IO, however, slotting this set in Reconstruction and/or Second Wind may still encounter diminishing returns where the character doesn't actually benefit from the set's full 25% +Regen boost.  Other /defense won't see this shortage unless their also building for +Regen.


I have read through Paragon's wiki about Health Regeneration and the different Health Regeneration Limits.  The 721-766% +Regeneration is quite short of the noted 2,000% on their site, presuming the cap includes Sentinels.  So the puzzle stands on how much slot/IO investment (optimal or extreme) is necessary for the defensive power to counter the "damage sponge" side effect of /Regen?  The thin line between optimal IO slotting and diminishing returns across the three main sources of +Regen for /Regen.


Edited: I wouldn't say full counter to the "damage sponge" side effect but soften it up since we're under a 12 second loop between health regeneration to rebound from burst damage.


Sorry to the OP, for any derailment.  I hope the side discussion/post helps you with your own build.

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Just now, Ghost907 said:

Sorry to the OP, for any derailment.  I hope the side discussion/post helps you with your own build.

I think its well within line of the topic.  This thread is about both Dual Pistols and Regeneration, and we're chit chatting about Regen specifically. 


The different perspective on why you decided to slot the way you did can be valuable information to others.  It is actually far more valuable to me than just seeing a dump of a Pine's build.  Often people just dump builds but never really explain where their head was at when they did it.  This allows individuals to make all manner of assumptions in order to fill in the gaps without questioning the source. 


Your take here is certainly interesting and it is a serviceable build.  I was just curious as to the thought process since there is no way in hell, outside of Incarnates, you're going to touch the regeneration cap for the AT.  If you're going to eventually run Incarnates like Ageless then the slotting you're going after now is going to be overkill during the height of the Ageless buff.  That would smooth out over time giving you a bit more buffer for the duration.  The Melee Hybrid would also give you a big regen boost when surrounded. 

So my thought on asking "why" here is also a little tied to opportunity costs with the attacks.  Devastation has sizeable hit point bonuses though so I can see a reason for that set even if I am not a big fan of the Hold proc itself.  That's absolutely my own bias for how I prefer to build Dual Pistols and characters in general. 


Anyway, it looks like a clever solution for making a survivable DP/Regen. 

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26 minutes ago, oldskool said:

Anyway, it looks like a clever solution for making a survivable DP/Regen. 

I appreciate the kind words.  I revised my build's attack sequence from the collaborated project's thread.


After being damage sponge to everything except smashing or lethal, my mind began to turn on how to passively mitigate the incoming damage.  This was the rationale behind Devastation.  In short teams (2-3) the set offers good synergy with others who are not controllers.  At the same time, the Hold builds up against tougher opponents, and causes interrupts/Holds.  The set's Hold IO can be replaced with something else without losing the +Regeneration from the set.  This offers some choice flexibility for the player.


After reviewing Pine's again.  It seems 3 Heal IOs and 2 Numinas is more optimal slotting for Integration and Fast Healing.  I removed 2 slots from Health (down to 3 Heal IOs) and reallocated them to Integration since I neglected to put five slots into the original post.  This netted 725% overall +Regeneration on the totals page of the builder.  It seems this IO/set allocation is more optimal with less diminishing effects for the overall slots invested to bolster the character's health regeneration - considering, this is route synergies with /Regen better than trying to cap resists or defense values.


Edited:  Also, I should have about 17.5% against Psionics after all sets considered since we critically lack in defense against those attacks.

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16 minutes ago, Ghost907 said:

I appreciate the kind words.  I revised my build's attack sequence from the collaborated project's thread.


After being damage sponge to everything except smashing or lethal, my mind began to turn on how to passively mitigate the incoming damage.  This was the rationale behind Devastation.  In short teams (2-3) the set offers good synergy with others who are not controllers.  At the same time, the Hold builds up against tougher opponents, and causes interrupts/Holds.  The set's Hold IO can be replaced with something else without losing the +Regeneration from the set.  This offers some choice flexibility for the player.


After reviewing Pine's again.  It seems 3 Heal IOs and 2 Numinas is more optimal slotting for Integration and Fast Healing.  I removed 2 slots from Health (down to 3 Heal IOs) and reallocated them to Integration since I neglected to put five slots into the original post.  This netted 725% overall +Regeneration on the totals page of the builder.  It seems this is IO/set allocation is more optimal with less diminishing effects for the overall slots invested to bolster the character's health regeneration - considering, this is route synergies with /Regen better than trying to cap resists or defense values.

Shameless plug, but I have updated some of the write-up on Dual Pistols on page 3 of that thread.  Dual Pistols is a really nuanced set that can be run a number of ways and that is something I find truly refreshing in this game.  I get the complaints that I see from Blasters about it, but I can't help but feel it misses the forest for the trees.  So I'll reiterate that I really do enjoy the Devastation Set use you present since it works so nicely with changing Suppressive Fire from a Stun to a Hold via Swap Ammo.  It also takes advantage of the longer recharge value in Executioner's Shot since the PPM value of the proc is 3. 


Have you done a side-by-side comparison of building up the 720-ish% regen with pushing more max hit points?  Perhaps you can save a slot here and there by going with 4 each Numina vs just pushing the ED of regen values.  Numina at 4pc gets you some more hit points along the way as well as a global healing bonus which will stack 5 times (like all other bonuses do) IIRC.  That bonus should effect regeneration rate too since it is considered a form of healing.  You have a lot of potential sources of high health bonuses in the sets you're currently running so you might cap on 5 sources pretty fast. 

I can't pull up Pine's here so I am really just spit balling ideas, but generally pushing hit points was the path to greater regeneration values.  While the high percentages are nice on paper, the real number you want to consider is hit points per second.  High max health = more health restored even at a lower overall Regeneration %. 

Your build may already be on point for that, again I can't see the numbers myself, and if so you can just ignore all of the food for thought above

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1 hour ago, oldskool said:

Have you done a side-by-side comparison of building up the 720-ish% regen with pushing more max hit points?  Perhaps you can save a slot here and there by going with 4 each Numina vs just pushing the ED of regen values.  Numina at 4pc gets you some more hit points along the way as well as a global healing bonus which will stack 5 times (like all other bonuses do).  That bonus should effect regeneration rate too since it is considered a form of healing.  You have a lot of potential sources of high health bonuses in the sets you're currently running so you might cap on 5 sources pretty fast. 

I can't pull up Pine's here so I am really just spit balling ideas, but generally pushing hit points was the path to greater regeneration values.  While the high percentages are nice on paper, the real number you want to consider is hit points per second.  High max health = more health restored even at a lower overall Regeneration %. 

Your build may already be on point for that, again I can't see the numbers myself, and if so you can just ignore all of the food for thought above.


Since we're discussing everything.  Dismiss Pain is our +Hit Point passive power and the character slotting 3 Heal IOs gains marginal benefits i.e. +71.95 (+36.14) Hit Points.  Hit Points is a variable variance in the health regeneration calculation when you consider +hit points over the archetype's hit points per level range.  At base 5%/12 seconds (according to Paragon wiki) it's a marginal benefit.  This is where we need to understand how the +Regen is applied to the 5% (of Hit Points) variable to understand how the sources of the accumulating 720% +Regen is applied. 


I apologize for the technical delve into /Regen but it's also necessary to weigh in when slotting our /Regen powers. 


IF, and I say IF, the +Regen% is variable modifier i.e. ((Hit Points * 0.05) * (Regen%/100))/12 than we can tool up an accurate assessment on what the character's health regeneration per second would be or there about.  While we could reach some impressive regeneration numbers, /Regen remains attached to the global 12 second timer. 


I will need to do some testing to better answer your question more informed about using +Hit Points as an alternative or additive as a viable factor.  On my initial look, slotting more than three IOs moy have more diminishing value in the overall calculation.  Again, sorry for the technical delve into a math lesson.


Disclaimer:  The posted formula is unconfirmed.

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I just tinkered with your build in Pines.  You're capped on multiple sources of regeneration and you aren't gaining any bonuses fro those.  You can only get benefits from 5 IO sets.  The Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge is a special one that stacks with itself and other sources that are not LotGs (e.g., Panacea's 7.5%).  I count about 7 sources with 12% regeneration as IO bonuses (2 of these do nothing for you at all).  There are also several sources of 10% regeneration which are suppressed.


You are technically regenerating quite a bit per second, but your overall health is around 1700-something in Pine's.  You could ease off the regeneration percentages, since you're over cap on set bonuses, and find sources of more IO set hit points.  That might lower the regeneration number, but the higher hit points is a better buffer on direct damage.  We'd be looking at less regeneration per second in the low single digits. 


You could also benefit from other IO global perks like those from Steadfast and Gladiator's for 6% more defense.  Other sets could yield you other +defense perks to get you over 20% if you were interested.  You could also just chuck down inspirations if that is the plan.  Either works.

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4 hours ago, oldskool said:

I just tinkered with your build in Pines.  You're capped on multiple sources of regeneration and you aren't gaining any bonuses fro those.  You can only get benefits from 5 IO sets.  The Luck of the Gambler 7.5% recharge is a special one that stacks with itself and other sources that are not LotGs (e.g., Panacea's 7.5%).  I count about 7 sources with 12% regeneration as IO bonuses (2 of these do nothing for you at all).  There are also several sources of 10% regeneration which are suppressed.


You are technically regenerating quite a bit per second, but your overall health is around 1700-something in Pine's.  You could ease off the regeneration percentages, since you're over cap on set bonuses, and find sources of more IO set hit points.  That might lower the regeneration number, but the higher hit points is a better buffer on direct damage.  We'd be looking at less regeneration per second in the low single digits. 


You could also benefit from other IO global perks like those from Steadfast and Gladiator's for 6% more defense.  Other sets could yield you other +defense perks to get you over 20% if you were interested.  You could also just chuck down inspirations if that is the plan.  Either works.


I appreciate the scrutiny and review.  I do like puzzles and working them through to find/learn plausible solutions.  I will reopen Pine and apply your feedback, it'd be a tomorrow project.


Edited:  For clarification for my understanding, as well as those who didn't know.


In regards to, IO sets.  It means the character only gains the benefits from 5 IO sets, correct?  Such as, +%Regeneration in our discussion but the rule also extending to other IO set bonuses.  Another question for clarity, multiple sets (6+) that have the same "type" category bonus (e.g. +x.xx% Resist to Smashing) than the game engine only accepts the highest IO set bonus value out of all the IO sets, offering the same "type" category bonus?


Our discussion here has given me much to consider, in terms on how to IO set bonuses are beneficial, or not, or when set bonuses are ignored while other set bonuses are gained with the 5 IO set rule.

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You get the bonus for 5 sets with the exact same bonus amount, but this does not prevent you from also gaining the bonus from other sets that offer a different amount (e.g. you can gain 5 sets' worth of 10% +regen, as well as 5 sets' worth of, say, 12% regen). Similarly with defenses and resists. 5x the exact same number is the limit, but you can have more than 5 sets which give you bonii if the numbers are different.


Edit for linky:


Edited by Cutter
Paragonwiki link added



So many alts, so little time...

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1 hour ago, Cutter said:

You get the bonus for 5 sets with the exact same bonus amount, but this does not prevent you from also gaining the bonus from other sets that offer a different amount

Reading over my other post I realize it is a little misleading, and this is correct.  It wasn't my intent, but that's what I get for trying to respond quickly. 😉 

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2 hours ago, oldskool said:

Reading over my other post I realize it is a little misleading, and this is correct.  It wasn't my intent, but that's what I get for trying to respond quickly. 😉 

No problem.  Back to your question about increasing health along with +regeneration.  Increasing your health does improve your health regeneration rate noticeably when you slot at least 2 IO (Schedule A).  The third IO only made a marginal difference on health regeneration from Dismiss Pain base +6%. 


I worked up a spreadsheet using 3x L:50 IO (Schedule A) and crunched some numbers.




Disclaimer:  This chart assumes the 5% of the character's health is enhanced by the +%Regen.  These health regeneration amount are based on the Global Timer 12 Seconds (i.e. the health amount restored after 12 seconds) and without IO set bonuses that offer +%Regen.  In theory, these numbers would be improved, therein, proportionately to the +%Regen the set offers.  Also, the Base HP values was calculated on the Blaster's Base HP and Max HP Cap variables using the method here.


Any mathematicians here are welcome to correct me, please.


In conclusion for myself, it would be worth considering at least 2 IOs slots for Dismiss Pain and other +Max Health benefits from IO sets.


Edited:  Without going in-depth about slotting +%Regen besides the three (3) slots per Fast Healing, Integration, and Health, the rough numbers in my table are fairly low in context to the following formula, on how quickly you can rebound once sustaining hit point damage:  Time = ( Hit Point Damage / Regeneration Healed); whereas Time is than multiplied by 12 to calculate how long the character is vulnerable before healing damage taken.


For instance,


Character sustains 1000 HP damage to their health (past their Instant Regeneration) and using the chart above (3 IOs in Health, Fast Healing, and Integration), it would take...


Hit Point Damage = 1000

Regeneration Healed/12 Seconds = 356.0624

Than it's take roughly 33.7 seconds to heal the damage taken.  That's without considering additional damage taken during the interim.  This example returns me to "How much +%Regen is possible" since /Regen has poor resistance and defense values, so you're taking 90%+ of the damage inflicted. 


My goal then would be to lower the number of global cool downs before I'm back in the fight again, at least recovered enough to sustain more burst damage.


And for thoroughness...








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3 hours ago, Cutter said:

You get the bonus for 5 sets with the exact same bonus amount, but this does not prevent you from also gaining the bonus from other sets that offer a different amount (e.g. you can gain 5 sets' worth of 10% +regen, as well as 5 sets' worth of, say, 12% regen). Similarly with defenses and resists. 5x the exact same number is the limit, but you can have more than 5 sets which give you bonii if the numbers are different.


Edit for linky:


I appreciate @oldskool and your clarification.

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Regen cap was mentioned, its 2000%.  I've actually achieved it but on a dom with Drain Psyche. Blasters also get their own version though the cap is 1500% for them. Even at 2000% it did not keep me alive under focused fire though it was *amazing* at seeing my HP bounce back up from stray shots.


Regen has a few goodies, but regen regen is achieved by other sets with different goodies. For example, elec also gets around the 700-ish% regen, but backed by a lot of resistances even though it does not get an absorb shield.

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1 hour ago, Sovera said:

Regen cap was mentioned, its 2000%.  I've actually achieved it but on a dom with Drain Psyche. Blasters also get their own version though the cap is 1500% for them. Even at 2000% it did not keep me alive under focused fire though it was *amazing* at seeing my HP bounce back up from stray shots.


Regen has a few goodies, but regen regen is achieved by other sets with different goodies. For example, elec also gets around the 700-ish% regen, but backed by a lot of resistances even though it does not get an absorb shield.

Also worth noting that Brutes and Tankers have a cap of 2500% which compounds with their high hit point caps.  I've played both a WP Brute and Tanker.  The Tanker build before shutdown was designed for max hit points and high regen with full saturation of Rise to the Challenge.  It was pretty godlike back then.  Rebirth Incarnate also makes Brute /Regen look like the original game version when Instant Healing for melee was an overpowered toggle that capped or nearly capped regeneration rates all the time vs what it was transformed to.  

@Ghost907I think it is a good thing to take a deep dive look in to Regeneration on Sentinels to see if there is a way to optimize the set.  I played the original game off and on for years.  I've played melee AT Regeneration to 50 before, and it's cousin set, Willpower, to 50 about 6 times now.  My asking about hit points for your build vs raw regeneration numbers was a little more like Socratic questioning.  ;)  Sentinel Regeneration comes with an actively restoring absorb shield which translates into its own form of health returned per second.  When designing a Regen Sentinel, that should also be taken into account to determine just how much damage is restored after the fact.   


Regeneration has always had thin values for resistance and defense.  Building up defense is almost always more effective mitigation than building for resistance and that had been a long time strategy for general building best practice.  Due to how regeneration ticks work in game, the real strength of Regeneration as a set was the clickable heal backbone powers.  Since those powers often come with long-ish recharge by default other methods of increasing availability via global recharge in turn increase survival.  Increased recharge has a side effect of increased damage out put.  That matters considerably more for /Regen than many other sets since the playstyle becomes an arrest the targets before they send you to the hospital.  Regeneration can handle battles of attrition but struggles against initial retaliation (aka the Alpha strike) and is susceptible to large singular hits (mostly Bosses+).    


I came from mostly playing melee in the early years and eventually moved to playing control sets before original server sunset.  I still have a get them before they get you mindset when making characters, but I am very interested in other takes on how to go about it. 

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23 hours ago, oldskool said:

Regeneration can handle battles of attrition but struggles against initial retaliation (aka the Alpha strike) and is susceptible to large singular hits (mostly Bosses+).    


Edited 8/16/2019 - Wanted to correct myself after playing my /Regen character and remove the unnecessary ramble.


I would reconsider this statement.  Sentinel Regeneration does have the chutzpah to receive an initial retaliation and strengths to handle battles of attrition.  However, there's a catch.  The key note power in the Sentinel's Regeneration arsenal is Instant Regeneration that provides a heal/absorb damage shield/sponge.  Those unfamiliar with the power, it creates an impressive ablative absorb/buffer that overlays on top of the character's health.  However, there are some mechanical in nuances on how this power functions and remains beneficial.   For example, incoming damage is subtracted from the current heal/absorb pool (i.e. hit point damage = absorb - incoming damage).   If damage to health is <= zero than no damage is applied to the character's health.  The slotted power with at least two (2) IOs or thereof equivalent in +%Heal/Absorb provides a strong buffer zone between incoming damage and taking hit point damage.  


However, here comes the in nuances about the power.


  1. As mentioned, Instant Regeneration is an ablative heal/absorb shield that overlays the character's health meter.  Therefore, the power is only active when the character's health meter is 100%.  The power is still running in the background, so once the meter is full again than the heal/absorb begins soaking damage again.
  2. The ablative heal/absorb shield begins ticks to heal/restore it's strength level after the character's health meter is 100%. 
  3. Correcting myself here: The shield has it's own recursive regeneration rate that cycles (roughly) every three seconds.  The amount restored on each tick cycle restores a percentage of the maximum heal/absorb rating.
  4. Out of combat the heal/absorb shield does renew itself within a few seconds on the condition the character's health meter is 100%.
  5. Lastly, but what makes Instant Regeneration awesome come the awesomeness that it absorbs all types of damage.  This makes the power very reliable on performance expectations.


The most common dependency of the power can be identified that the power is only active when the character's health meter is full.  The constraint is a double-edged sword for /Regen users.  @oldskoolyou commented earlier about Reconstruction and Second Wind not being jokes.  I agree.   They are our gap-closure powers for quick heals and having -Recharge slotted becomes our friend than.


Therefore, Sentinel Regeneration characters does have various direct heals, a heal/absorb buffer, and other powers to help manage initial Alpha Strikes, whereas our set advantage is the stay power in arbitration battles.  I have taken huge Alpha Strike damage from signature villains when they do their big umppa attacks and survived them.



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