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ToHit debuff at close range/when surrounded?


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This is mostly idle curiosity, and probably just a matter of perception bias:

I'm starting to wonder if there is some sort of stealth ToHit debuff that gets applied when a melee character finds themselves surrounded or when a ranged character is attacking in melee range.

I'm on a scrapper or brute, and I'm rock'em sock'eming my way through the mobs, when for one reason or another I inadvertently get myself backed into a corner, surrounded by three enemies, and suddenly I can't land a punch to (literally) save my life.

I'm on a blaster or sentinel, and I'm bullseye-ing those two Skulls hiding behind that car over there, every shot successfully hitting. But then the third Skull runs right up in my face, and when I try to zap him I suddenly start shooting holes in the sky.

Very frustrating.

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You can track your To-Hit value in realtime by going into Combat Attributes, right-clicking on "Last Hit Chance", and choosing "Monitor". This will show you exactly what the chance to hit was for your last attack.

Yes, both -To-Hit and Defense directly decrease the enemy's To-Hit value for applicable attacks. However, -To-Hit isn't as reliable as Defense, as many MOBs have resistance to To-Hit debuffs. AVs, for example, will resist around 95% of it, so you really need several teammates stacking large To-Hit debuffs to make much of a dent in their hit rates.

Also, bear in mind that CoH uses a streak-breaker, which causes some attacks to hit automatically, based on the attacker's actual chance to git (the higher your Defense, the less often this occurs).

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14 hours ago, Apogee said:

To-Hit nerfs happen every patch/update. It was hardcoded into the software.  It was well documented after every patch when the game was Live.



My favorite running joke went something like, "After each patch, tohit will decrease 1% each hour until someone posts about it, at which point it returns to normal so everyone can call that person crazy."

Edited by Jeneki
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9 hours ago, Apogee said:

Or like how you will always miss after eating a yellow inspiration.

Or hitting Aim/Buildup. This is actually hardcoded to happen AFAIK.


Discount Heroes SG:

Frostbiter - Ice/Ice Blaster

Throneblade - Broadsword/Dark Armor Brute

Silver Mantra - Martial Arts/Electric Armor Scrapper

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RNG can be brutally mean. I have been tempted more than once to try to scrape my combat logs to see whether our attack rolls are actually uniformly distributed. It feels like high numbers show up an awful lot compared to really low ones, but I know how dangerous observation bias can be in this sort of thing.

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