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Aug 26, a classic mmorpg releases. How will


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On 8/5/2019 at 2:32 PM, jubakumbi said:

Meanwhile, I look at people watching these streams and think 'why?'...

I don't watch sports either.

Watching someone else have fun is just not my idea of fun...

Story heavy games, I'll watch. Usually because I don't have the console for it or my PC is too weak to run it. Or I just don't like the gameplay part but love the story. And I usually don't have the money to spend on it anyway.

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On 8/10/2019 at 1:21 AM, reconfigureyourface said:

The nostalgic hardcore WoW players baffle me. I was DYING for Burning Crusade when it released, why the F would I go back? I'd take servers that capped at Lich King maybe, since after WOTLK the game got.... bad. But just Vanilla? The lack of content after a month is.... ugh! Those will be so underpopulated inside of a year it'll be worthless. Classic WoW was literally PR fan service. 


If it's purely vanilla WoW, with no expansions at all, you'll have a ton of people at level-60 within the first week or so, and two weeks later they'll be bitching about the lack of content. The only raid back then was Onyxia (which wasn't even really a "raid", just a big boss kill) and Molten Core. There was no other end-game content. 

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1 hour ago, WumpusRat said:

If it's purely vanilla WoW, with no expansions at all, you'll have a ton of people at level-60 within the first week or so, and two weeks later they'll be bitching about the lack of content. The only raid back then was Onyxia (which wasn't even really a "raid", just a big boss kill) and Molten Core. There was no other end-game content. 


You also had BWL and Naxx. Naxx itself is going to be a huge draw, as very few classic players even *saw* Vanilla Naxx (and even less cleared it). Between it being incredibly difficult and coming out so close to TBC's release.

Then later on there will be AQ20/40 along with the server event to open the doors to the raid.

Then you have actual PvP Ranks that you had to uphold if you were into that sort of thing. Being Warlord  etc was quite prestigious, but if you slacked for too long someone would usurp you.



(Granted these probably won't be released until some time after classic launches. However a content drought happens at the beginning of every expansion. Also consider Blueing up for said Raids takes much longer than it did in later expansions)

Edited by Primantis
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On 8/7/2019 at 2:18 PM, Blackbird71 said:

Are you sure you want to do that?  I can't verify that any of this is true, but if it is then there are certainly some shady dealings going on at 2K Games:



I'm not a Borderlands fan, but if I were, I would be looking into this further before supporting this company.  Engaging in bullying and intimidation tactics to cover their own mistake is despicable.

Oh, I'm familiar with the whole thing. They've said their piece, the YouTuber said his piece, I've read and watched it all. And I honestly do not care. The wife and I enjoy the Borderlands franchise and pre-ordered the game. There are just too many scummy companies out there, even in the game industry, that we aren't going to bother ourselves with it all. Our bottom line is this: Does the game, or game franchise, entertain us? Do we enjoy playing it? If the answer is "yes," then we buy the game or new franchise addition for our entertainment time.

I'm almost 47 years old. A vast majority of the time, I don't even pay attention to video game industry news anymore. I simply do not care. I just play whatever games and franchises I enjoy.

As far as the OP, while I've no real interest in Classic WoW, as I stated in my much earlier post, I did resub to retail WoW within the past week. I hit level 50 in CoH and the nostalgia was nice and all, but I still have BFA stuff to do, yet. I'll always have fond memories of CoH, but Homecoming showed me and the wife that they're memories. We realized what made CoH for us was the friends we had back then and the super-group we ran with them, not the game play. Many of those friends did not return for Homecoming, and those that we kept in contact with on social media over the years returned but did not stay. The fire for the game for them was gone, after seven years of nothing.

CoH: Homecoming made me realize the same thing about Vanilla WoW. It wasn't the game play, it was the guild and friends I had back then. Many of which are long gone from WoW and/or MMOs in general. I'll just stick with retail WoW, as far as WoW is concerned, and the play style I have now, in 2019. I enjoy current WoW, where I can play for only 90 minutes or so and feel like I did something, be it a dungeon or two, an LFR raid, Island Expeditions, Warfronts, World Quests, a few PvP matches, or what have you. My play time is very limited, and I don't play only one game title, so the "Classic" MMO design no longer appeals to me.


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I played it yesterday all day & was quite enchanted by the old gameplay: the tediousness, the difficulty, the size of the world relative to your movement speed. Everything felt very nostalgic, sure, but it was also just damn fun mechanically. I only got to lvl 15 and that was with quite a lot of work. They really don't make 'em like they used to - BFA is a completely different game and it has been since Cataclysm. They took out so many RPG elements over the last ten years that really made it feel alive.


Also, the community seems grateful and welcoming at least on my server. I think people are actually happy to be challenged & forced to socialise to group instead of zoning in and out, sharding, seeing people cross-realm once and never again. 


I don't know how much shelf life it will have but given they have about 80 running servers, the interest is clearly there. 

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12 hours ago, VanCorp said:

Oh, I'm familiar with the whole thing. They've said their piece, the YouTuber said his piece, I've read and watched it all. And I honestly do not care. The wife and I enjoy the Borderlands franchise and pre-ordered the game. There are just too many scummy companies out there, even in the game industry, that we aren't going to bother ourselves with it all.

Frankly I find such apathy disturbing, and unfortunately all too common.  Enjoy your game.

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I played WoW at Live. I got really into it because of all of the lore and the exploration aspect of it just being this huge world. 

But, I hated the combat back then...I really couldn't get over an epic dungeon boss flinging the entire raid back and everybody landing on their feet. And, as much as I loved exploring, being able to have enough time to make a quick meal by the time your (insert flying animal taxi here) landed at your destination hub, annoyed me a lot more than making me feel that everything was connected.  These aspects were also what soured me to SWTOR and Wildstar at Live. 

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On 8/28/2019 at 10:41 AM, Blackbird71 said:

Frankly I find such apathy disturbing, and unfortunately all too common.  Enjoy your game.

Sorry, but I'm not going to avoid playing a franchise I enjoy because some suits at the game company took questionable behavior against a YouTuber. So far in previous Borderlands, I've enjoyed the work the Devs did on the games, the work the artists did on the environments, the work the voice actors did on the characters, et cetera. And the wife and I are going to continue supporting that work through our purchases. Including for any new Devs, artists, and voice actors on Borderlands 3.


On 8/28/2019 at 11:24 AM, Apparition said:


I've learned a couple of decades ago to separate art from the artist, or you'll never enjoy anything.

This is precisely it. For example, I'm an author, and I never preach my personal politics even on social media. I keep them private. That said, there are many authors who do so on social media. In some cases, politics I don't agree with, and in a few cases vehemently oppose. But you know what? Their fiction entertains me (as long as they aren't authors preaching through their fiction), and I continue to buy and read their books.

I might not agree with their stances or actions on some things, but their work entertains me, and their work is what I'm paying for.

Now, if they endorsed sex trafficking or pedophilia or racism, that would obviously be different. There are always lines in the sand.

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1 hour ago, THEDarkTyger said:

Besides, there's always Pirate Bay if the developer's exceptionally heinous. XD

Or, you know, just living without.  It's not like food, water, medicine, or shelter (which are absolutely required for survival).  It's games, which are just entertainment ... and there are plenty of other options out there for that, without having to resort to thievery.  🙂

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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1 hour ago, PaxArcana said:

Or, you know, just living without.  It's not like food, water, medicine, or shelter (which are absolutely required for survival).  It's games, which are just entertainment ... and there are plenty of other options out there for that, without having to resort to thievery.  🙂

Well, yes, but if the company's scum, I don't feel bad about it. I don't pretend it's not still illegal or anything, but.... Not like EA is hurting if I pirate Sims4 and its $500 worth of expansions and stuff packs...

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Two wrongs do not make a right.  I choose to take the higher road, as a matter of personal ethics.  🙂

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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7 hours ago, PaxArcana said:

Two wrongs do not make a right.  I choose to take the higher road, as a matter of personal ethics.  🙂


You'll forgive me for saying that ethics, much like the laws and customs of war, only applies if both sides are willing to play nice.  Any company that has the nerve to claim they're selling a complete game, then demand my entire paycheck to buy all the parts they left out, has no business expecting one single penny from me - or anyone.

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6 hours ago, Spotlore said:

lol  Says the guy playing free, on a private server for a game that belongs to NCsoft.

A server NCSoft is fully aware of, and has yet to issue a C&D letter against.  Indeed, NCSoft is currently at the negotiating table in talks whose goal is to fully legitimize that very server.  Not to mention, way back in the day, I actually bought the game.  More than once (standard COH, standard COV, then CE of each).  And, IIRC, the game went free-to-play at some point, so I'm not even "stealing" subscription time.


2 hours ago, Black Zot said:

You'll forgive me for saying that ethics, much like the laws and customs of war, only applies if both sides are willing to play nice.

No, I won't forgive you for that .... because it's not true.  Two wrongs do not make a right; a thing either is ethical, or it is not - the unwillingness of some other party to behave ethically, does not change what is or isn't ethical to begin with.


Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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35 minutes ago, Spotlore said:


No, not at all.  But, hey, if you want to go feeling morally inferior over it?  That's on you, not me.


For my own self, IP infringement strikes too close to home to ever be entirely comfortable with it - I've known people on a first-name basis, who relied on IP protections to put food on their table, and a roof over their kids' heads.  I'll occasionally make exceptions for stuff that's tremendously old, especially when the original hardware either doesn't exist, or is a 4-figure eBay find - SNES console emulation, for example - because, pretty much, all the money possible has been made on them (and most of the time, I actually owned the title(s) in question back in the day, anyway).

But current titles?  No.  My personal sense of ethics doesn't allow me to act that way.

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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3 hours ago, Spotlore said:

So all the infringement you're involved in is ok, but for others, its not.  Got ya.

Yellow card on the field; Tu Coque fallacy in play.  10-yard penalty.


The (few) infringements I commit are still wrong.  They are, IMO, slightly less wrong than stealing a current game, because they do significantly less harm to the rights holder.


It's a difference in degree, not kind.  And I have never suggested or implied otherwise.




As a kid, I would cut through other peoples' yards to make "shortcuts" all the time.  I was a kid, and saw no harm in doing so.  I would not, however, have let myself into a stranger's house to use the bathroom, no matter how desperately I needed a toilet.  My reasoning at the time, could be summed up as: trespassing on an unfenced yard < trespassing in someone's locked house.  Both were still wrong, but one was much more wrong than the other.


Similarly, pirating a thirty-year-old SNES title < pirating a current-release PC gameThey're both wrong, but the former is below my threshold of "too wrong to do", while the latter is above it.


Hence why, all along, I've cited my personal ethics, not any objective moral standard.

Global Handle: @PaxArcana ... Home servers on Live: Freedom Virtue ... Home Server on HC: Torchbearer

Archetype: Casual Gamer ... Powersets:  Forum Melee / Neckbeard ... Kryptonite:  Altoholism

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On 8/7/2019 at 1:18 PM, Blackbird71 said:

Are you sure you want to do that?  I can't verify that any of this is true, but if it is then there are certainly some shady dealings going on at 2K Games:



I'm not a Borderlands fan, but if I were, I would be looking into this further before supporting this company.  Engaging in bullying and intimidation tactics to cover their own mistake is despicable.

Counterpoint - little Alt-Reicht snowflakes have the biggest persecution complexes. They love to dish out bigotry and misogyny, but whine at the drop of a hat. 


Here's some info on your buddy.  



What a class act eh? Any friend of his is automatically questionable at best. 

Edited by Bossk_Hogg
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