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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. Not that I had the $$ before, but with EVGA pulling out, I kinda wish I had a 30 ti now from them.
  2. Yeah, it was mentioned long time ago that the app didn't play nice with existing mods, so the direction was to (re)move the existing mods and then use the app to install them again (from its database).
  3. A bounty hunter who announces themselves when they enter a room?
  4. Assuming even This is possible, the only feasible way to have this occur is to have it flagged in a single spot on the character/server list screen (before entering game).
  5. Bounty Hunter / Architect https://quantic.page.link/w5GqSLTYbrKKgDjN8 Yup, makes sense. Haven't seen this site in ages and I've pretty much played (still own) most of the applicable recommendations. 😛
  6. Covered already very well buy these two, but the gist is that EVGA won't be making 40 series cards, but will support existing customers by keeping part of their existing inventory for RMA purposes.
  7. Are you sure your version of LCARS is for the right century? 😉 Also, you'll notice the launcher is telling you they're down at the time you opened it.
  8. I went that Whole video like "I know this voice..." and then their page demo vid had the list of names. "Oh, that's Wendell!". I'm not sure if he worked with Linus a while back or what, but I remember him being like the IT version of that Tool Time neighbor in that we never saw his face. Might have been working somewhere that really wouldn't want to see him on youtube. NeWay, yeah, LTT talks about ZedFS a lot (hurts my ears everytime it's said >.<), but certainly, it would make more sense for the FS to be the thing to handle stuff since it's already handling the data itself. I know my current board has the option for RAID built into the controllers too, but I don't think each controller can handle more than like 4 drives anyway. In the end, I think it'll probably be the board handling all this (once I can afford a newer build and scavenge from this one) later.
  9. I think I sneezed once and went from L1 straight to 3 in outbreak.
  10. Try rolling back to an earlier driver? NVidia keeps a list you can pull from for compatibility. I'm pretty sure the game doesn't spike my GTX 970. That poor thing has been under used since I got it. Even when encoding/editing. Looks like I'm still on 512.15, so it's been a minute since I've loaded the app I guess. https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/drivers/
  11. Is this during that intro mission of sorts? I ran into it the other day when I was L6'ing some alts and decided to do that mission. I was like, um, which of you do I click on?!? 😛 I meant to report it, but left it alone.
  12. I mean, 'back in the day' we had to choose the refresh of our monitors and they were usually 72-85 Hz. 😛
  13. 32bit launcher? Yeah, that'll cause a problem I imagine. I guess I had assumed you had restarted the installer at least once.
  14. Yeah, that first image is where you mess with the Chat window specifically. I'll have to take another look at window scale because even on the regular OS I have to mess with that depending on which computer I do general tasks on. IE: With the retina Mac when I'm browsing the internet, I have a different zoom level set for the browser.
  15. It's running via HDMI to a TV that's somehow survived a decade (?), to that's a hard cap. Kinda sucks that I don't get the full 120 Hz this thing promoted, but I don't think I even got that when I was using VGA originally.
  16. Check the standard culprits: AV intruding on process Attempting to install to / from a protected windows folder Close background processes that might be tying up the CPU
  17. Ok, so I should Probably be wearing my glasses anyway, but I've been reminded (in my latest bought of leveling to 6s) that I really can't read the majority of the text in the various game windows (outside of chat). I half-heartedly looked through the settings and only found the chat settings I'd messed with previously. What am I missing? What I Don't want to do is make the windows/menus any larger in general because they take up enough of the screen as it is. Important Notes Playing on TV - 40" @ 1080p Distance from TV is 8~10'
  18. So you have the launcher installed, but it won't load? What're the Mac specs? Older Macs may take longer for stuff to load. Most common stumble point is that you have to manually check the System Preferences to allow everything to run. I only had to do that for the installer itself when I first launched it on today's retest. Sometimes you get a corrupted download, so it's always worth trying again and if it fails, then redownload it. Just make sure you're using the mac-installer file since you're on the newer OS. I've not tried the older version of the file on Monterey, but I've also not had issues (anymore) with it since whenever @Manga last tweaked it.
  19. Eh, more often than not, most my builds (variety of most kinds available) are solo'd unless I need help in a mission or someone finds me to play together.
  20. Wait, I see a downloadable tool...does this track badges then too?!?
  21. In the many things I watched, one of the big tech reviewers (GN I think they're called) said it seems like the Synology units have power issues after not very long in service. They had multiple units (of different models / owners) fail all within like 6 months of service. Otherwise, they looked nice with the whole hot-swap / rebuild method. The data's not really being accessed much at all, so it'd be more of an archive. Give or take me adding ISOs or Finally getting on that media archive project. It sounds like the recommendation here is to get the 4-bay unit though, even if I'm not yet using that many drives. As for RAID itself, I thought it was best to have these things in pairs +1 for parity? I've read that RAID 5/6 are designs to be avoided and I think I remember RAID 10 (1+0?) being the best for redundancy / recoverability. I stumbled into the software RAID world around the time I came across the (don't laugh) LTT videos on the horror stories Linus has heard about standard raid (parity drive pushes corrupted data to good drive, etc). The RAID F1 vs SHR was interesting to read through and the advantage (when using the boxes) seems there for sure.
  22. Heh, my first Alt was Fire/Fire/Fire Troller and second Dark/Dark/Dark Scrapper
  23. I may not be The oldest (in the upper tier for sure / GenX), but this sure explains my body / life:
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