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Everything posted by WanderingAries

  1. OH, I wonder if setting it to something Really dark would be of any benefit when combined with everything else mentioned?
  2. Yes, this is probably the biggest hurdle of doing so, But if you were to copy the file and edit the copy to change things from say male -> female, then it may work so long as the corresponding pieces actually exist.
  3. Well it Would be a template that you then customize for the individual toon. Straight up clones would be silly. Well, unless you're doing a bunch of Gary's. 😛
  4. Especially if you're doing a themed SG. Then you could even send a copy of the file to other players to play with.
  5. While not one who suffers from more than just sound triggers for migraines when playing (that's what my volume controls are for), I'm more than aware of people that just can't handle everything from certain motions to flashing content. That's why some games/movies/etc will put a warning at the beginning in situations where there's no ability to control such things. Luckily, we have settings as described above (that I actually planned on writing up if it hadn't been) that give you full control over the majority of what could be triggers. Now I don't recall seeing it, but is it possible to perhaps make a GFX mod (would have to cover all powers and be updated over time) to alter what these things look like on the end-user's side? That way, between the settings and the mod, a customizable method would be available.
  6. Don't get me started on Disney and PR...they're all over the place and do some rather stupid things *coughs*Johnny*coughs*. I get Why they may choose to, but still.
  7. It's preferable, but IIRC we're given the equation with all the appropriate Parenthesis. That way we dont' have to also be a mathematician. 😛
  8. At this point, IDK if this whole thing is throwing me due to remembering wrong (or maybe just forgetting a rule) or the fact that I've gone through both American and British based schools (with a hint of French). I'm constantly having trouble deciding between gray/grey for this reason alone and often interchange theater/theatre. X.X What I Distinctly remember from all schooling was that I should Always be careful and show my brackets when intentionally separating things as to indicate when something like 1/2x is really the fraction of 1/(2x) so that when my answers would get checked, that the teacher would know exactly what I meant. I also grew up during the introduction of the calculators mentioned above and always found it odd that teachers of all types specifically asked for certain calculators and was often confused why. It was explained that it was because that's what They were going to use, so as not to have to figure out the keys on one vs another during their explanation. That and the TI calculators had cool mods that they used to present with. So I guess that I can say I was being shown the PEJMDAS as being what to follow growing up and didn't realize it even though I distinctly recall Hearing PEMDAS as the statement? (See note on "maybe I just forgot a rule")
  9. Correct, every definition of PEMDAS I've ever seen states (as I tried to show) that P and E are treated separate, but M/D and A/S are equal once the P&E are resolved. Keeping in mind that you solve Left -> Right.
  10. But, that's NOT how that works... The P in PEMDAS means that you solve the equation inside of the Parentheses BEFORE doing anything else. PEMDAS is actually better written as PE[M/D][A/S] where the brackets mean that they are equal, but performed in left to right priority with the possibility of a reciprocal PE depending on the equation (IE: nested PE). So that means you end up with 6 / 2 * 3, not the nested thing I see just above. The fuzzy part is where you run into "Do I convert the division into a fraction?". Converting it to a fraction gives you the different answer only if the condition far below is true, but once you've completed the Parenthesis, then you're actually left with simple Division and Multiplication. In this case, the Division goes first. Based on the provided equation, you'd get the following: 6 / 2(1+2) 6 / 2(3) 6 / 2 * 3 3 * 3 9 The key here is that anything adjacent to a Parenthesis is implicit Multiplication What's throwing everyone is that at some point or another we were all taught that division can be rewritten as a fraction. With that logic, you get the following: 6 / 2(1+2) 6 -------- 2(1+2) 6 -------- 2(3) 6 -------- 6 1 But in reality, that only works if it were written like this where an additional set of brackets was originally included: 6 / [2(1+2)] I tried to find the rule for this, but IDK what to search for.
  11. Not being 'in the know', I imagine it coming down a combination of demand on the existing servers pushing for more load capacity and the hope that the 'rogue server' status gets legally converted to 'official' as a result of "the talks". Both also dependent on costs of course in the end, but with the way I've read the donations going, that wouldn't seem to be too big of an issue if it's not a large jump. I haven't a clue how their servers are handled, so that's way out of my knowledgebase.
  12. So apparently they fixed it sometime today in the latest patch so everything's good to go
  13. (Yeah, I know they aren't hamsters, not My meme :p)
  14. And right after I post this they release a patch that breaks the game. I'd suggest that no one attempt to play until the next patch just in case doing so will bork the save files.
  15. The newer versions of the Island Rum were supposed to take those into consideration, but I left them in for reference. BTW, I think Monterey 12.4 is out as well, so you probably have a system update (that shouldn't relate to the issue). I'm surprised no one else has chimed in yet on this, but based on your description, it sounds like you're getting the message shown in Step 1. If that's the case, then make sure to follow those step to proceed. *pokes @Manga*
  16. Try the links in my signature below and we'll go from there. It would be good to know if you're running the M1 for sure.
  17. If you haven't played this or the mini-game that was rereleased this past year, then you really should. With all the OOC interactions, it makes it feel like you're sitting at a table (almost). Obvious Borderlands based content, but even I've gotten past the cell-shading aspect. Personally, I'm about 75% through the full content and I think I'm on the last general area of the game. I spent a few days on collectable cleanup, but that's what the internet is for!
  18. This would hint at the game settings then as this is where the stuff you find in the GFX JSON was at IIRC. To make the game portable, the JSONs were used is how I 'think' it works vs installing registry entries.
  19. Make sure to do it per character (assuming different for things like MM) and move those files right away for archiving because the next character will overwrite that. DON'T load binds until you've got everything saved first or they go poof with what's in the location.
  20. I don't recall there being an option for your Own pets beyond just closing the pet window. While your own powersets may be directional, the pet's powersets (upgrades) are generally targets.
  21. Looks like it *pokes* @The Philotic Knight
  22. Mine has a nice, optional set of buttons on the case to manage the lights, but yeah, most the time they're out of sight, out of mind TBH. Then again, I could probably fit a 4U server inside my case if I were to gut it. 😛
  23. Yeah, I never got into them when they were Solo and it only spiraled downhill after the merger. Agree with all of the above an hear that Dell itself is using custom internals now too. Sounds like many of them want to do that so that you Have to buy the upgrades/parts from them directly (overpriced) or just decide to buy a new machine (from them). Same things kept me from Apple for the longest time until I had specific use cases that made that a need/want. The irony of their laptops though is that they often became desktops due to their power needs. Some models even needed TWO power bricks because some idiot thought it a good idea to put a full desktop GPU in a laptop. Designs now a days are more marketing than anything else. "We have this cool looking shell. Here are some buzz words on the internet. What kinda crap should we fill it with?". Oh and don't get me started on the butt-ugly desktop cases...
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