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GM Capocollo

Retired Game Master
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Everything posted by GM Capocollo

  1. Could you provide more information about the exact problem you're having and your computer OS and hardware?
  2. Homecoming isn't a fan convention, so the discussion's irrelevant to this thread.
  3. I figure this is closing the barn door after the horses have bolted, but your characters were fine as-is. If this is just a protest against the policy, then godspeed, but you may have gone a little overboard in protecting yourself.
  4. It's a matter of a holistic interpretation. The overall impact of the character is what matters, rather than any particular single thing you can point at. Sometimes the name is such a fundamental part of the character that it's going to be weighted fairly heavily, but in many other cases it's not sufficient to cause any issues with us. Taking this example, on its own, "Thor" and variations of it are fine. It's mythology in the public domain, the same way that Zeus or Samson or Izanagi-no-Mikoto or Rama or any other mythical figure is. If your character is named some variation of "Thor" and he also has a little square hammer, long blond hair, a red cape, a sleeveless blue and silver breastplate and tight leather pants, then that's too close to the Marvel character "Thor". This particular depiction of Thor is the intellectual property that Marvel has control over. Conversely, a character named "Captain America" will almost certainly be asked to be renamed. This name is already trademarked for use in video games; there's no wiggle room for that.
  5. There have been multiple attempts over the years, some which got further along than others before being abandoned, not one single group trying for seven years straight. The people involved in the negotiation on the HC Team side weren't part of the earlier parlays.
  6. The policy has now changed. Please see the following announcement:
  7. The easiest way to use Mids on mac OS would be using an emulator like Parallels.
  8. If you're not planning to upgrade to Catalina, then you can keep using the 32-bit mode as normal. They're the same client built for different hardware.
  9. Or if you don't need to buy anything in particular, but you just want to strip all the valuables off a character or characters you no longer play and consolidate them on another one.
  10. Hero merits still exist, but the hero merit vendors don't, and no content rewards hero merits. Using the reward merit vendor, you can convert 50 reward merits into 1 hero merit and vice versa, which is useful for moving merits between characters quickly. Otherwise, they don't have any use.
  11. It's likely that the Windows 10 drivers for that chipset don't have the necessary OpenGL support to run City of Heroes. Unless you can figure out how to apply the necessary driver shim, you won't be able to play. We also don't officially support using the driver shim process.
  12. To answer your various questions: First, try rebooting. If that doesn't work, open Tequila's options and add "-safemode" to the "Launch Parameters" as so: The client files are frequently updated -- there are multiple versions of the client (live and beta, 32-bit and 32-bit safe mode and 64-bit). Patches occur frequently, and there are often minor fixes to the beta client that require changes to one or two of the beta client files. Please don't run the game until updates have finished, no matter what version of the game you're running. This causes mismatches between the files the server is expecting you to have and the files you have, making incorrect models and FX load. The errors you've described are what typically happens when you try to run the client when it's only partially updated. You can't set a default client version in Tequila. The 64-bit client is fine to use if you've got a computer that supports it. It's functionally identical to the 32-bit client, just built to take advantage of the 64-bit computer architecture.
  13. There absolutely is. Everyone on the Homecoming Team is a player themselves, too, and we understand how players play the game. Giving gifts to other players is perfectly normal, and definitely not the behavior that we're scrutinizing.
  14. The no-appeal bans that are being handed out aren't being handed out lightly. They are not applied automatically or based on mere suspicion. To not make it easier for potential RWT/RMT accounts to disguise their activity, I don't want to go into the exact clues we're monitoring for, but we're confident in saying that it would be impossible for a typical player engaging in typical play to get near any of the thresholds for suspicious behavior, much less cross multiple ones and get banned for it.
  15. Here's the problem as I see it: at the high end, a "tanker that can do it all" is just called a brute. It's possible for a brute to get up to tanker levels of resistance, defense and aggro generation with a proper set of enhancements, but a tanker doesn't have a path to get to brute levels of damage. Tanker has a strong "class fantasy" focused on a single domain, but it's mechanically getting edged out by an archetype that's been allowed to straddle multiple domains.
  16. Please stop arguing against a point that nobody else in this thread is making.
  17. All PVP in this game is opt-in, so if you're in a PVP zone, you've implicitly declared that you want to participate in PVP. This is true even if you're only there for the purposes of, say, getting badges or sightseeing. However, this only extends to the gameplay of PVP itself. For example, if you're in a PVP zone and another person in the zone is sending you harassing or abusive messages, then they are required to stop when you've made it clear that you don't want to receive them.
  18. If you look at the manifest XML file, each file has multiple sources. When your antivirus software blocked one of the download URLs, Tequila saw that as a connection error and moved onto a different one in the list, so you still ended up getting the file.
  19. You can change a forum account's display name here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/settings/username/ It would take an administrator to delete the account you've just made, but there's no harm in having an inactive one sitting around. Maybe you'll eventually want to use it for a second game account.
  20. It's a known issue with the current client build. We're currently working on a fix for the next update.
  21. If certain people in this thread don't want their homages and allusions criticized, I think it would also be best if they were also not simultaneously judging other players' preferences for original content.
  22. I don't see why it would have changed since the last time it was affirmed.
  23. Additional quality-of-life changes will be accompanying the removal of the command.
  24. In common-law jurisdictions like the US and the UK, there is a two-pronged test for proving copyright infringement of visual works. Barring the simpler situation where the defendant has outright said "I plan to copy the plaintiff's work", the plaintiff must prove (1) that the defendant had access to the plaintiff's work, and (2) substantial or probative similarities between the two works. Unfortunately, the second prong is by definition subjective in a "we'll know it when we see it" way; there's no strict formula or rubric that you can use to show substantial similarity. The distinction between homage, unintentional similarity, transformative use and plagiarism can be very fuzzy.
  25. This has already been acknowledged and announced. It's not a secret that we're planning on reverting this.
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