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About Ashlaylay

  • Birthday 11/20/1989

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  1. Do whatever makes you happy. And maybe keep in mind that before AE there was the TV farm and the demon farm, both of which are still in the game. Nerfing AE won't stop the farming, but it will probably stop a few people from caring to play.
  2. So, I'm looking for names for a geokinesis type of character if anyone has any ideas! Also I have released: Slidekick, Godslay, and Frighten.
  3. What Hopestar said, LotG is an IO you slot granting you bonus recharge, not something acquired from a set of IOs granting a bonus. Think of them being in their own category.
  4. I highly doubt that they can legally tell us anything without it blowing up in their faces. That's how these things work. Plus, it is likely that there are many things that are not set in stone so why get people's hopes up by showing us some things only for NCSoft to say no later. They'll tell you what they can, when they can so long as it doesn't jeopardize what they are working towards. NCSoft hasn't shut us down, so obviously they are talking and being cool about these servers. That is enough proof for me, imo. Also, those donations go towards keeping things running around here, something of which they have been transparent on.
  5. Redside was sparse during live too. Mainly because the design of the Rogue Isles has you spending more time traveling to get to missions than blueside does / blueside leveling just always felt faster in general. Your best bet might be to establish a leveling group that meets up on certain days or join a VG to feel a bit more activity redside.
  6. I like the new name as it is.
  7. Same. Sometimes a RP concept comes to me first, but I will try pick powers and make a build that is efficient first and foremost. Me getting frustrated playing a character in a taskforce because of a poor build will make me not want to play them at all let alone RP them. Most of the travel powers don't fit any of my characters. I'm a SJ+SS girl, ICly they don't have these powers. But I will take them every time both for my own convenience of getting around easier and to not waste any teammates time waiting around for me.
  8. I normally don't pay much attention to in-game origin. I've retconned characters into completely different concepts at level 50 because the original one just wasn't doing it for me. Made a character go from a mutant to a magic user and paid no mind to the fact that her in-game origin said mutation.
  9. I second Fire/Atomic. My friend plays this and it is a beast of a combination. You can't go wrong with fire blast if you want DPS, fire in most sets typically puts out the biggest numbers in my experience.
  10. I love them! Can't wait to read more shenanigans!
  11. Back when formspring was a thing, I remember a lot of us had IC formsprings. It was a lot of fun and made things easier to make new connections for your characters when you couldn't be in-game. I'm not sure I'd be game for an instagram (can't even keep my personal one up to date and don't want to fiddle around with pictures to post), but I wouldn't be opposed to an IC twitter.
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