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Everything posted by PaxArcana
I find it funny (in a very un-humorous way) that the very people who ... Are in favor of copyright infringement; Keep insisting that those opposed to it "have no moral high ground"; ... are also often the very people trying to claim that moral high ground themselves.
The one you didn't quote - mine. Make Teleport work like Mystic Flight. You get a toggle that is a direct copy of Hover; when it's active, you get a "bonus" power that lets you Teleport. The teleport is slightly reduced in END cost, since you couldn't use it without spending END on the Hover part anymore. EDIT: also, Mystic Flight's teleport should only go half as far, per END spent, as actual Teleport does.
I'll settle for "two steps less down-in-the gutter than thee".
Force Bubble is an unbelievable END hog. My MM on Live, with triple-slotted Stamina, running Maneuvers, Assault, Tactics, and Dispersion Bubble, with every toggle double-slotted for EndRedux and with zero personal, direct attacks to spend END on could never keep it running for more than about thirty seconds without risk of flatlining his blue bar. Personal Force Field is useless - it imposes "Only Affects Self", and you can't fight while it's up. (And MM pets all go into Passive, and don't fight, either.) It is, at best, an "OH GOD RUN AWAY" panic button ... and not even a particularly good one. Repulsion Bomb and Detention Field, I regretted taking on my Robotics/FF mastermind on Live. His one and only Respec was to get rid of both of those, and PFF. You can honestly HAVE those, thanks! And the rest of your parity" nonsense, is just that. Nonsense. FF would then have the same +Defense, but less Mez protection, less movement speed, ZERO -Defense Debuff resistance, and no Tier 9 clickie to parallel the massive boosts from Elude.
Someone with Super Reflexes, is much more protected than the no-defense-set guy next tohim who has a pocket FF user keeping him buffed to the nines. To return to the prior comparison, SR versus FF: SR has -Defense Debuff resistance (potentially quite a lot of it), which FF does not. SR also has much better Mez protection (twice the magnitude, and against twice as many things).
Tankers were never NEEDED. Useful and/or handy to have around, but never absolutely needed. NO single AT has ever been "needed" like that. 🙂
... and the OP is asking for that time to be extended, even longer.
Gigantic material difference: NCSoft absolutely does know about the Homecoming Servers. To the best of my knowledge - and very likely yours too - Disney does not know about any particular, potentially-infringing character(s) on these servers.
I ❤️ Champions Online's implementation of Teleport. No, it wasn't instant. But it worked, and it was FUN, and it bloody well WORKED.
<--- Memory like a steel ... um ... seive? 😄
To multiquote .... highlight the snippet you want to quote, a little pop-up labelled Quote Selection appears. Click it, then move on to the second post for whatever you want to quote from there. And, if you mentioned it earlier ... it did indeed slip my mind. I may not even have realized it was the same person making both statements. Oops.
Maxim 20: "If you're not willing to shell your own position, you're not willing to win." 😄
No, you only said "my FF MM": Anyway; I just have a kneejerk opposition to any powerset being almost completely about teaming up. Especially, when other powersets that the exact same archetype could have chosen instead, are not similarly restricted.
.... Lord Recluse's lawyers quite zealously guard his very broad, and sadly, internationally-valid trademarks on all things arachnid.
Here's an alternate solution: Change Teleport entirely. When you choose the power, you get a toggle that works exactly like Hover for movement .... and, as with Mystic Flight, you get a Teleportation power you can then use, for as long as the toggle is active. (Reduce Teleport's END cost slightly, maybe by 5% or 10%, to reflect the cost of the Hover-analog toggle.) No more "Hover-Tar", and no more needing to dip into another pool to make Teleportation safe.
/JRANGER Seriously, no. Just ... NO. Teleport's "hang time" also is effectively an IMMOBILIZE; you can't move for crap during that brief window of hover.
... so, in other words, leave things as they presently are. A Schedule A SO, at +0 levels relative to your character, gives a bonus of 33.330% (a +3 SO gives a bonus of 38.330%). A Schedule A common IO, at level 25, gives a bonus of 32.000%. In other words, the game is already balanced the way you just suggested it be balanced. A Level 50 common IO gives a bonus of 42.400%, significantly more than you first suggested the game be balanced around. So, which are you going to balance the game around? Those Level 25 common IOs you first suggested? Or the level 50 IOs you subsequently suggested? First point: you didn't say your MM was Robotics/Force Field. You only mentioned /FF. The extra nearly-11% defense potential from the Protector Bots makes a big difference, after all. So, I plugged all those powers in to the Hero Designer, and triple-slotted them with SOs at equal level. With the Protectors three-slotted with +0 Defense SOs, their bubble should give you 10.92% defense, for a final total of: S/L ... 50.72% Energy ... 46.22% Everything else (including Positional) ... 37.22% So your estimate is pretty accurate, after all; I sit corrected. However, I have to question the wisdom of sacrificing three entire power choices on the Fighting pool, just to get Weave and it's net 7.02% Defense. 🙂 Well, okay, and it's ungodly protection against Immobilize effects, but still ... Also, I would like to point out that not all /FF masterminds take Robotics as their primary. 🙂
Beam rifle: "Lancer shot" makes "disintegrate" useless
PaxArcana replied to Photon's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Were you perhaps teamed with another BR/ sentinel or blaster? 🙂 -
No, it isn't. Because to balance the game around IOs and sets, several things would need to happen. (a) you would have to re-examine the balance of every single power set, power pool, and individual power in the entire game; (b) you would have to re-evaluate the difficulty and XP curves for every character level, from 1-50 and beyond; (c) you would absolutely cheese off a lot of players as either their high-level characters got nerfed, or, the challenge level rose further than they could handle with their low- and mid-level characters. ... past 45%, you're just buying insurance against -Defense debuffs. Also, please post that build. I'm doubtful that those numbers are "just SOs", and not including set bonusses - I just can't see how you can achieve that much.
Come to think of it ... that's actually a great argument in favor of Defenders and Corruptors, at least, being able to affect themselves with those powers: Masterminds already can, in a very real and tangible way. Those pets are essentially extensions of the MM himself - even to the point of being more hitpoints for the MM (Bodyguard Mode). The MM can protect those extensions of himself - extensions that have hitpoints, that do most or all of the attacking, that get and can hold aggro - with those shields. Is it fair to Corruptors or Defenders, that - if they plan to mostly solo - there are "dead" powers in their list, powers that can't be used on themselves? I say: no, it's not.
You know the three buttons that come with pets, as an MM? You can edit those, if you right-click on them. Pick one - the ARROW button works well. Change the word aggressive to defensive. Poof, BG button.
.... but you do have Sets at all, right? As pointed out previously: the game is balanced around SOs, not IOs, and especially not Sets. Put together an Alternate Build, slot with all SOs, and see what you're like then. Also, look at my comparison of what SR brings to the table, and what FF does. An /SR Sentinel is still going to be better protected than an /FF Corruptor or Mastermind, and at least comparably so to a FF/ Defender (and will have much more DPS than the Defender).
For real. Everyone has limits to their comfort zone. Not just IRL, but even comic book villains. In tabletop roleplay, I've had villains who went far out of their way to never harm, or even endanger, innocent bystanders. As they would say, in-character to the heroes: "Look, I'm an art thief, not a monster. I don't want anyone hurt, I just want loads of cash." Said characters have even undergone a (temporary) heel-face turn, risking their lives to SAVE others. Middle of a heist, a massive fire starts in a nearby children's hospital. He turned to the Heroes, and said "look, the fire's more important than this. Let's save those people, then we all walk away. No theft, no arrest ... and none of those people wind up dead." He was also always true to his word - letter AND spirit. Some thieves DO have honor. 🙂