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Everything posted by PaxArcana

  1. A few things, actually, is what I would do. Raise their AOE caps, and things like cone angles/distances, to match Blasters. Their damage multiplier is already down at the level of Corruptors, IIRC, so they don't need to be reigned in all that muh. FIX. THE. INHERENT. Tying it to the T1 and T2 powers is a mistake, IMO. It should be a separate pair of powers, on one of those Pseudo-trays (like how Mystic Flight gives you Teleport on an un-numbered extra tray that pops up for you) ... and the tray only shows up, when the Sentinel's Opportunity meter is completely filled. I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate having to stop attacking for several seconds (at levels up to ~26 so far), because the bar has filled, but I have to wait for the right power to finish recharging. And that happens ALL. THE. DAMNED. TIME.
  2. Bill it as a lesson in how Sweatshops operate. By, you know, running one. 😄
  3. ... and that was before ED, when you could six-slot Stamina with EndMods ...
  4. Because the devs at the time felt that Jousting was trivializing PvE combats.
  5. Indeed, you're at about a 75% rate, compared to my just-over-45% rate. 🙂
  6. If they're thinking of spinning up a CoX-2, then it woudl be very much in their best interests to let the (now very dated) CoX-1 exist in a free, donation-supported format for at least several years. Maybe requiring advertising of CoX-2 within the game (by replacing a few billboards here and there, for example).
  7. ... then how do you explain me ...? 😄
  8. I know, right?!? 😄
  9. Nope. Originally, you couldn't just snag a Travel Power and ignore the rest of the Pool. If you wanted Flight, you had to take either Hover or Air Superiority first. If you wanted Teleport, you had to get either Recall Friend or Teleport Foe first. And so forth. Way back in the day when you had to be level 14 to get that travel power at all, too.
  10. Suppressed Superspeed is still faster than Sprint. PvP isn't all of why Suppression exists. Drive-by attacks on NPCs was a large part of it, too. I think it was even MOST of the reasoning behind it.
  11. 🤷‍♂️ I always slot my teleport for EndRedux instead of Range, anyway. 🤷‍♂️
  12. Nemesis plot detected ...!!
  13. ... Mystic flight is literally "Flight, and Teleport on the side". No need for Hover, because the Teleport is only available if the Flight is running.
  14. This needs to be upvoted about a dozen more times. Even though my sole Teleport character (so far) is a Mastermind who will never take a direct attack (aside from Forcebolt, he didn't have any choice about that one), so I doubt I'd ever take this power myself ... it just sounds SO very cool. I dunno if it's even possible to code it, though. 😞
  15. Oooooor, just give it a radius that's good for about 20% of a typical zone's width, for Pets only.
  16. ... that sign so very much NEEDS a barrel filled with clubs installed next to it ... 😄 😄 😄
  17. I didn't say "not at all", I said "not as much". It's definitely worse now, than it used to be. ... and LOADS worse than at CoV Launch. Let's take another angle on this: What are your notoriety settings?
  18. .... OTOH, I am #3 overall, even including pre-move INF. 😄
  19. Actually, the point of the logout was not only freeing up network resources, but also, account security. It's probably baked into the code so deeply it cannot be altered, as a result.
  20. Seriously ... what the heck is wrong with you people?!? 😄 😄 😄
  21. The only change to Rest I'd make, is to make it's benefits kick in sooner. Otherwise, it's fine as-is, IMO.
  22. And also, their Inherent is kind of "meh"; I hate having to wait, and not attack at all for a couple seconds, because Opportunity pops up when the appropriate power is on recharge. It shouldn't be tied to the T1 and T2 attacks of the primary, Sentinels should have two additional clickies, that only become accessible/useable when the Opportunity Bar is full. One for offense, one for defense.
  23. +1,111,111 Because, seriously, when I was playing MMs on Live (through the end of i13), it did NOT happen that often, not even close!
  24. I'm not sure that can really be characterised as "soon". DCUO launched on PC on 11 January of 2011; CoX did not close down until 30 November of 2012. That's only 43 days short of two years difference.
  25. Well, that's more than a little bit of hyperbole. Still, it's obviously a problem not with the pets' resistance to damage, but, their insistence on running up to use Brawl. Which they never did, not nearly as much, back on Live ... not through Issue 13 or 14, anyway.
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