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  1. Visited just moments ago...a complete city indeed. the amount of time spent clearly shows, amazing detail and flawless execution!!!
  2. Im at work right now and cannot make a video... but I will be happy to give simple directions in hopes that it will be enough. 1. go into edit base mode 2. in any room set the ceiling as high as you can 3. in style tab set the "high ceiling" of that room to "open sky" 4. while still in edit mode fly into said sky if not at work I would be happy to invite you to my discord channel and talk you through it but I feel like this is gonna do it for you... PM me if you prefer and I will be happy to help.
  3. I am sorry to hear this, I use the macro and I love it!!! Please do not remove it, block it from PVP, disable during combat... just leave it for the rest of us to use. Please listen to the voice of the community. In the end I will be here playing this game either way...
  4. Are you placing the item first? You must place the item first..then pick it back up and the controls will work. I thought the system was broke for me but this was my issue. Hope its yours as well.
  5. The Vanguard Building!!! the whole outside vanguard building without the vanguard emblems, it would make for a great starter piece
  6. holy moly!!! I have to ask..how long did that take? anyone who is a base enthusiast should check this base out... what a grand outdoor area you have created, I mean WOW..the inside is great too!!! kudos to you!!! I'd better start stepping it up!!
  7. Fantastic guide!!! I still run into ppl who make remarks about my tier 4 incarnate powers and how many millions of influence i spent to get there and that I must be a hard-core farmer to have gotten all that money. When i tell them it didnt cost me any inf at all they are quite confused and trying to explaining via in-game chat is too much for them to understand.
  8. Im almost positive they used the large stairs to make the roof, im afraid I do not know the actual "name" of the stairs though.
  9. Looked through the list and seen some familiar names but no one that I actually was friends with 😞 My top alts from Infinity that someone might possibly remember are: Hakuma Refertilizer Endeavor
  10. You can now place whatever you want wherever you want, create a room to the dimensions you would like, fill it with what you consider "control" stuff and declare it your CONTROL ROOM!!! You are only restrained by your creativity. I used a room to put a bunch of computers in to call my control room as well, no need for it but I think it looks cool. Check it out if you want, maybe it will give you an idea, maybe you can do something completely superior. Excelsior server, pass: CHAOS-266
  11. I made an Archery/Ninjitsu sentinel during a themed sg weekend "ninja theme" and figured once I added the sword attacks from the epic pool I would feel pretty darn ninja like... and then something sad happened... his sword is completely missing, animations are correct, he looks like he is holding something...but no. Invisible sword and hilt... NOOOOOOOOO!!! After messing around with the few random ideas I had to fix it he got parked in the back of my alt pile. I have not seen anyone bring this up yet and from my friends perspectives there was no sword either... Character creation offers no sword or blade selection options. Anyone else share my pain?
  12. Wow, this is a game changer. I created a macro so I could 1 button back to base, no more fighting to get to clicky in Ouroboros, no usage limit and no recharge. I sat around in my base monitoring zone events and zipping in and out at lightning speeds. Thank you for this information, I now feel like I run a RAPID RESPONSE CENTER!!!
  13. Shard: Excelsior SG: CHAOS Code: CHAOS-266 Desc: outdoor to indoor area, mountain range backdrop, small and efficient for our 4 man sg
  14. I may be repeating others but... 1. 10 - 20ft Cargo Containers 2. targets for range that allow targeting and power activations "you know... so it can be a real practice range" 3. floor styles as individual tiles 4. larger variety of npc
  15. @Flashtoo Amazing... the view of that main building is just fantastic and I believe my personal favorite of anything Ive seen yet..consider me motivated!!!
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