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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. One man's bad is another man's epic. 🙂 It looks like I'm struggling in some sort of cosmic battle...and I look GREAT!
  2. All sentinel ranges are shorter. Arcs are sometimes different (e.g., Archery Fistful of Arrows). Sometimes entire powers are different (Sentinel Dark Blast: Dark Obliteration vs Blaster Dark Blast: Tenebrous Tentacles or Sentinel: Beam Rifle not getting a snipe power where Blaster Beam Rifle does). It does not look like just using a formulaic procedure to decide the changes. As for Seismic Blast not being a fringe set...by definition it was a new set, utterly unrepresented in use previously. Given the abovementioned differences between sets (which was skimming some examples and in no way an attempt to be exhaustive) I can see there being a bit more involved than you seem to indicate. If you want to believe the developers are evilly trying to deny people who enjoy playing sentinels enjoyment for however long it takes for Sentinel port to arrive for unclear, nefarious purposes that is a choice I will not attempt to dissuade you from.
  3. Maybe the OP will avail themselves of it.
  4. I uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times last week with no issues regarding files disappearing. But if the issue is tied to the version being uninstalled it may be that I never had that version installed to begin with.
  5. Seems to me that when you are playing a melee class, seeing things is often not the easiest regardless of powerset. I am not going to suggest that Seismic does not add its own distinctive extras to the pile of things which obscure vision but rather note that in terms of being particularly noteworthy... ...well... ....I'll just drop this screenshot from the Khan TF I just got out of: Can you tell what I am hitting? Can you tell how many enemies there are? Can you even tell what powers are being used? Its Reichsman btw and somewhere off to a side is Gyrfalcon (I kinda had my hands full with Reichsy). Frankly I'll take a little bit of uplifted earth every now and then. Beats staring at demon a@# all the time.
  6. Just got out of a Synapse with a Sentinel (character level 44 with set IOs) was doing an impressive job of tanking despite the lowered level of Synapse. She mentioned something about needing to pick up Taunt. At one point my basic IO slotted Stalker went to try to help her out of what looked like a tight situation. Yeah....she was fine. I was too after she finished everything up and I picked myself up off the floor with an awaken.
  7. Pretty sure there is no real life [Tab] acquire target (or lane) mechanism.
  8. I started a StJ/Nin some time back and he was fun enough for me to check a final build for him on test server. Alas, he got put on the back burner because I really enjoyed the feel of a DM/EA I'm working up. This is what I had for him:
  9. For all the grief directed at blasters, gotta say on this TF I'm currently on its a fellow melee who is knocking things all over the place. Really screwing my ability to do massive area damage from hide. Edit: OTOH, they wouldn't be grouped if they weren't around her. So learned to time it to get things before she goes into knockback.
  10. Given my childhood and my father's abuse of my mother before she left him, I am not thinking I need lessons on the seriousness of actual spousal abuse from someone who does not know my background. It was a cultural reference to a television show line where the spouse in question gave as much as she got and arguably the couple was truly in love with each other.
  11. If you have idea what work goes into adding a set to an AT how can you conclude it is a flimsy excuse?
  12. [Tab], [F], <hit attack which isn't on cooldown>
  13. They didn't have the time to complete the changes to the set for Sentinels and it will be coming in a later patch is what I read elsewhere in the Beta forum.
  14. Erratic1


    My initial go at Rad Melee was a Rad/Shield scrapper. Talk about endurance hungry. Also I knew less about making Rad Melee work at the time and building characters, so I moved on from him with lessons learned. Of course I could go back and fix him now, and Rad Shield does hit like a tank dropped from orbit....
  15. Oh...my...god...Becky! Look at those boots! He looks like one of those paragon heroes.
  16. Erratic1

    Silly Idea

    Bio has a minimal FX option. My understanding was that only T1 and T2 powers were available. But Hardened Carapace does give some coverage and pool powers would nicely augment it.
  17. Certainly Soul Drain with Mud Pots should be fun...and then you'll get Brimstone.
  18. No. There are powers which do no damage but do deal knockback.
  19. Thanks for the info. I do not intend to not ever have purples or upgrade ATOs but rather plan to the point indicated with the idea that once there I will figure out the next steps.
  20. So you are intentionally annoying them for your own amusement?
  21. I am more inclined to say what I actually feel on the forum where, when stated appropriately and without insult, what I say should not hurt anyone's feelings. In game if a person is being a bother to me with KB I will simply excuse myself from the group and go do something more enjoyable for me. I can respect they are playing how they want to play while also respecting myself sufficiently to get out of an annoying situation. And yeah, KB -=CAN=- be used responsibly. People doing so are not the reason KB is a sore point for many.
  22. Seems I needed to manually update the Data folder. The order is proper now....EDIT: No, not quite. I see what is going on. The order is fine for Scrappers, it is wrong for Brutes.
  23. I was incorrect on the Resists showing higher. I've uninstalled Mid's (twice this week) and loaded new versions. Also manually deleted the Data folder and inserted the updated one from the ZIP archive. But turning off Incarnates does get me to the values shown. Seems like a pretty solid build. I am occasionally working on my DM/EA (got one character project ahead of him so he has not been getting the attention he needs). I generally do not include superiors/purples in my build plans because I am not sure I will stay focused long enough to get those taken care of, but for what it's worth, this is his tentative plan. If nothing else there mighe be something mineable from it:
  24. Actually night before last I was in a group with someone who had added knockback to Foot Stomp. Really!
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