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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. May latest go at a Blaster (Seismic/Time Manipulation), The Bronze Magus:
  2. Tested it while on the test server and now playing it.... It is a pretty nice set. I half wonder if it is a bit too good given how it periodically gives you a knockdown aura around you (though not so useful at higher levels as plenty of foes will ruin your day from range), has area attacks which cycle nicely, and "help your powers recharge" side effect built into its version of Build Up. Playing as Seismic/Time, doing the range bit and loving it so far. Will be able to say a bit more once I grab the T9.
  3. Check the damage value in Mids with Fury at 80. Its like doing your big single target hit to everything the rain is falling on.
  4. I am not of the opinion that AoE only has merits for farmers or some sort of binary either you're doing it 100% or not. But different strokes for different folks.
  5. But that is looking at just one (admittedly important) aspect of a character. Shadowmeld will boost defenses but taking the Soul Master epic means your other choices are single target damage and a pet (Moonbeam of course is awesome). The Brute could take something like Ice Storm which dumps a ton of damage, especially backed by Fury.
  6. Erratic1


    I think Climaxx's costume/design is actually pretty nice.
  7. Erratic1


    If you want it from in game I would tend to go up to the top of a building on the edge, rotate the camera around, and take the screenshot. You might need to /set screenshotui 0 to turn off the UI. But mostly to show off character I take it from the costume editor from the person who levels you.
  8. Erratic1


    Force Feedback only cares that the power have a KB value. KB values under 1 do knockdown instead of knockback.
  9. Erratic1


    All of those powers show 0.6x KB in Mids, suggesting they all do knockdown, not knockback.
  10. Earlier this year I posted a picture of my new (at the time) tank, Leyden Jar, because I was so surprised at being able to trick electric eyes into a think tank head. But other than the eye/head trick, the costume did not really live up to the purpose of the thread. So when I decided I did not like his powersets and remade him I kept the eye/head bit but gave him a new base costume. Having just given him a costume makeover this past weekend, I thought I would share something more fitting for the thread. I know...I know...that darned belt again! But in my defense, his chest already had glowing elements so the belt really fit the theme.
  11. Certain foes float and don't care about bonfire and mez death is highly annoying.
  12. I do not see rejection in that thread (its short) but there may have been another one.
  13. Best I can find is the third post in this thread: No crash, lower +Damage value, SS powers adjusted (upward presumably) to compensate.
  14. So your idea is to have a choice between +80% damage, stackable with a crash and +100% damage no crash, "...[that] you have to work for...."? Against All Odds gives 10%+5.5% bonus damage for foes nearby with the obvious downsides that minimally you get 15.5% bonus and to remotely approach 100% bonus damage you'd need 16 enemies nearby. Bio's Offfensive stance gives a flat 25% damage bonus which comes nowhere near +100% in exchange for a 7.5% hit to resistance values. Not personally seeing how "hav[ing] to work for it" remotely is on the same scale as comes with enemies beating on you or taking a resistance hit (which I guess if were scaled to a +100% damage bonus would be more on the order of 30%), let alone only at only +80% damage bonus getting a following endurance/defense crash but if the developers are game to give that to Super Strength along with sparkle unicorns and double rainbows I certainly will not argue against it.
  15. Against All Odds provides a damage bonus of 10%+5.5%/foe. So I guess if you keep a crowd of 12 minions around to keep your damage up the comparison to Rage would be apt. Here's the thing about people knowing that balance is a thing.... Would people be happy with a powerset call Super Strength which does the same damage (due to game balance) as other sets and only gives you the appearance of having super strength ala Hurl's picking up slabs of concrete to throw at people, knocking people down by stomping your feet, clapping your hand and dispersing nearby foes, and knocking people up in the air? It would be balanced. The issue I see with making Rage a Fury mechanic toggle is that Fury is relatively easy to keep up. So either the character is routinely outperforming other damage sets or the power is necessary to take in order to get where other powersets already are, so you're behind the curve before you can take the power or if you choose not to take it. Certainly I do not want the latter situation. But I can only see the former situation being acceptable to the developers if there is something offsetting it. Does not have to be crash. I keep saying I am in no way enamored of a crash and yet people keep going on about the crash. Last thing I suggested had no crash involved:
  16. Speed of Sound in Experimentation moves you fast and comes with Jaunt for verticality.
  17. Yes, but game balance is a thing (for some reason) and its not considered reasonable for a player with Super Strength to outperform the player with Claws in terms of dealing damage like say Hyperion vs Namor.
  18. Your words: I really hate when people think they have some special insight into me and know my motives ala, "....shows me you only just picked out certain things I said for the sake of argument." Unless you're a telepath, can logically eliminate any other motive beyond a person's response, or the person says, "Here is what I am thinking" it is incredbly insulting and poor form to ascribe motive. Notice, I am not here saying, "You're trying to weasel out of your words" because that would be insulting. Instead I quote what you wrote, which I responded to, which has one salient point--"Give SS a damage modifier equal to one stack of rage, than make it a smashing version of fiery embrace. Put a small minus resist proc on the first 3 SS attacks to make them special and call it a day. Or anything else. I dunno anymore." You did not object in your response to my questioning the reasonableness of this until just this post I am responding to but you are going to insinuate some malign motive on my part now? I could quibble on some of the foundational parts of your desire but that's immaterial to the desire, but I have no particular desire for or attachment to the crash. I am quite willing to see Rage changed. It would seem to me the most straightforward thing to do would be something ala Bio--when you're in Rage there are associated penalties. But do note Bio's Offensive stance is only a 30% boost to damage in exchange for a 7.5% resistance penalty. It seems to me that what the developers were trying to emulate with the Crash was a certain green skin, "ME SMASH!!!" character who will not be mentioned by name who grows tired once his rage wears off--the endurance crash--and logic'ed to themselves that while ragining you would not care if you were hit so there is the defensive penalty. But thematic and playability/enjoyability are two different things, especially as on top of that they put out set which needs to use Rage or underperform. By contrast Bio does not underperform if you do not use Offensive stance, Rad Melee does not underperform if you do not use the Contaminated mechanism. While I am not advocating the following because its early and I have not had time to think it through, I could see an argument for adjusting SS attack values up to equivalent with other sets, so if you do not choose to use Rage you will not underperform. We already have powers which come with a limited number of uses in a period of time before they go on full cooldown and otherwise cycle back to their ground state if those subsequent uses do not occur (e.g. Combat Teleport). Leave Rage as a click power but allow for it to be clicked a second time during its duration. One click gets you a 30-40% (rough numbers) damage boost in exchange for a 10% hit to Defense while the power is active. A second click during the power's active duration raises your damage bonus to 80%, tacks on another 10% hit to Defense and instead of crashing your doubles your endurance costs. There is no crash. If you get low on endurance and have no way to gain more (Inv/SS) then your option is to lower your expenditure by not attacking as often (which emulates being weak and worn out). If you have some method of regaining endurance (Elec/SS) then you just don't care too much. Ohh wait a minute...can the penalty be tailored to hit Regen sets in regeneration, Resist sets in resistance, and Defense sets in defense values, and hybrid sets a little bit in all three? Would have to leave that to a developer to answer. If so, go with that, otherwise what I said before. Well, its a statement of goals. Not much to say and I have to run to get things done just now.
  19. Just like Super Strength's gimmick is Rage and given its duration I think on the whole it is a superior gimmick even with a crash. Also I did not ignore a blessed thing. I chose not to respond to something because it was not worth arguing. If you want to ignore me, that is fine. I accept that some people find disagreement at any level draining. But I am probably going to respond to posts unless I feel the other person is a miserable jerk--something I have no reason to think of you. People disagree.
  20. The point was what the enemies resist and what other sets also face Smashing resistance. They have the suggested all the time on +80% damage?
  21. Erratic1


    Mass Levitate is indeed fun. Have it on my Rad/Psi.
  22. Ahh, you said more. I was looking at it in terms of raw difference.
  23. Why would I try to show you a mechanical equivalent with another set when the mechanic is the thing meant to make the set stand apart from other sets? I can only imagine Tankers asking for swapping Jab and Punch since the other AT which has Super Strength can forego Jab and Punch. But guess what...not wanting the first power in an powerset is universal for Tankers because it is the weakest. So that is not a desire which only exist in regards to Super Strength. If Rage moved you to the damage cap the comparison with Granite might be more sound. Rage does not do so or even remotely come close. Heck, double stacked Rage does not come close. As noted, permanently on, penalty-less Rage would have every SS power doing more damage the Stone. How do you justify that? Please show me where I have argued for a Rage crash. Go ahead...I'll wait. . . . *whistles while he waits* . . . Can't find it, eh? That is because what I did was (a) correct your notion that Rage only brings SS up to where Stone is (it goes not, it goes past that) and (b) questioned, based on the fact that SS with Rage up deals more damage than Stone (and by implication most if not all other sets) if you really thought Rage without penalty was going to fly.
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