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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. I once had a character using Energy Aura suitably colored to suggest it was a field of cold around his body because Ice Armor's animations were so miserable.
  2. Only at level 31 but Elec/Stone has been a surprisingly enjoyable combo for not having an obvious synergy baked in.
  3. While I have had an Ice character before (live) I have shied away from it because the animations limited my conception space. Now I will have to reconsider. Darn it!
  4. Did it on normal (vicious) difficulty yesterday. At that level it is not the nastiest TF but well in line with wanting a solid build. My only defeat was when I did not notice what I was charging into was a pack of five AVs however there was one character who was routinely watching action from the floor. The character I was playing has his third level alpha. I suspect the character routinely going down did not. The higher difficulty levels though I think will definitely cater to increasingly optimized character and (without having tried them) possibly require crafting a specific team for.
  5. Three points for consideration: There are different levels of "being wrong" but saying "here is how I play" cannot really be wrong because that is how a person plays. May not be your, my, the majority's cup of tea but it does not have to be. However a person view can be illogical or self-inconsistent. Diantane has a built a certain reputation which colors how their posts are received, particularly with regards to facts, but Diantan did open their post with, "The following is just my opinion and is not the way to play by everyone." It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable. I tried to be underscore where I thought there were flaws in the OP without actually attacking the person. There is a review of the new Seismic Blast set by the same user which is a step up on the "wrongness" ladder. I ignored it hoping it would sink into oblivion but for those that have not, pointing out the flaws is not something which is out of step with what I am taking GM Widower's advice to be (could have been phrased better), which is to ignore trolling. But pointing out factual errors I am pretty sure still fair game.
  6. The developers have direct access to see exactly how people's characters are slotted (what percentage use IOs), how many are 50, and so on. The oddities of the forum are just that but not going to sway the developers.
  7. If I like a character, I'll play them. 50 will occur eventually simply through playing the game. For the most part neither do I. And yet I still have level 50 characters because playing them is fun and that is what I do. Not seeing what setting an arbitrary cap on where I stop playing a character does for me. And its not like I do not make plenty of characters and play them.
  8. Every armor set has a hole, be it a defensive or resistance one. So calling out WP's defensive hole as if Radiation Armor, Bio, Invulnerability, or any other set does not have one is questionable. The IO system is one way to address holes, particularly defensive/resistance holes. Addressing holes makes a good thing (everything else the powerset gives you) better.
  9. You need MORE POWER so things die to it. I am not the biggest fan of knockback but with such a stupidly high value I love it. Seriously considered renaming my character Chicxulub or Extinction Level Event because of Meteor. You do not want to know what I considered naming my character because of Upthrust.
  10. If your group is wiping out spawns that quickly, move ahead of them, pop Seismic Forces, then use Meteor on a fresh group while they are killing the previous spawn. Do Upthrust immediately after casting. What doesn't die to your Upthrust (which will hit with the Meteor) and Meteor combo will be spread and your team will be along presently for the pick up.
  11. Bravo! I do not like the bare chest option in the game but overlaying the pattern over it was inspired and seriously brings up the underling blah of the chest. (Can we not get a slightly more defined chest option?) Awesomely done. Edit: Found a way to get the Lanaru look by cheating and using Tights with a close color to skin color (and oldie and why they changed the skin palettes to be slightly different from costume, as people were making nude characters). I also stole shamelessly from you. 🙂 RularuuMage2.costume
  12. I despaired immediately of coming close to the Living Spellbook art with the options in the character creator and so went looking at the Rularuu images for inspiration. I really wanted to do something close to Lanaru the Mad: Obviously the clothing options are not available to us but I had an idea on how to handle that. But I could not get a satisfactory chest look. So I went with a robe for a more modest, cerebral physicality. Added in an aura and then came back for wings to bring back in the Living Spellbook aspect. Spider wings were tempting but decided against them in the end. Finally headgear. I went with something which is more neutral, power for power's sake, in its presentation. There are other options which would go for a more evil or good like Faathim feel. Not sure how close to Rularuu themed I got but I think it is pretty cool regardless. RularuuMage.costume
  13. While on the whole I do not disagree part of me wants to take that costume and metal it up. 😄
  14. The Scrapper version of Mud Pots doesn't taunt?
  15. Probably better to observe the Combat channel.
  16. I am greatly enjoying my Elec/Stone brute and can think of no reason it would not work as a Tanker.
  17. Proton Sweep is pretty miserable and Devastating Blow takes long enough to activate you could go make a sandwhich. Do yourself a favor and take Cross Punch instead of either.
  18. No idea on a tank but got Elec/Stone going on a brute and am liking it more than I thought I would.
  19. May have meant damage aura.
  20. I've started an Electric Melee/Stone Armor Brute, primarily because I had the name in mind and the powersets fit. Fun so far but low level always is.
  21. The name was sitting there, so perfect for the powersets, I have never played either of the powersets, and darn it I really like the costume I've come up with even though (a) I did not need another character, and (b) if I did need another character I had another one in mind! This is my planned Electric Melee/Stone Armor Brute, Earthshock
  22. Look forward to playing with you again someday. That may have been the first Sutter I actually enjoyed running. And if we do play, you'll get to see Bronze Magus' second costume. 😁
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