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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Bill Z Bubba beat me to it, but a second End Mod in your attacks would probably help considerably. And yeah, I know, it can be a hard to find the slots sub-30. Since survival is usually less the issue and so damage does not have to be maxed immediately, I would say getting the second End Redux in an attack is higher priority than the third Damage SO.
  2. Erratic1

    Psi - Elec

    I do not want to give a rushed reply which might turn out to be in error but have to say at first glance it looks like you are going to need to be using Power Sink so often it will interfere with the business of brutalizing things. You have a difference of 1.05 endurance per second between what you use and generate at rest and Energize will not be up for 18.48 seconds at a time. For comparison I have an Elec/Rad Tanker who has a 1.77 endurance per second gap with Energize not being up for only 9.6 seconds at a time. I would suggest a bit more global recharge and perhaps slotting Energize for a 5 slot bonus (sorry, that denies you 8.75% global recharge) and an actual Recharge Reduction IO so that the gap on Energize usage is reduced.
  3. Less a response than to toss another view out, there is also Enhancement Sets - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki (cityofheroes.dev)
  4. Brutes take more time (their protection sets are secondary versus those sets being primary for Tankers) and effort (the protections sets do not provide values as high as what Tankers get) to make tough. But they assuredly can be made to shrug off tons of incoming attacks. And on balance Fury means they are turning out respectable damage from the start. For Shield, like has been said upthread go Tanker. If you're pairing Energy Melee and Invulnerability...either can work.
  5. And thirding here. I had been willing to put it down to having less experience building characters when I tried it on a brute after having successfully managed a tanker with it (and still am strongly inclined to give it another go just to make sure). By contrast Electric has never disappointed me, even when I knew far less about building characters.
  6. I noticed while playing my newish Elec/Stone brute (who is basic IOs only--same as SO only except I do not have to replace enhancements periodically) that she is flat on endurance consumption. She ends fights pretty much at full endurance. The endurance recovery from the primary along with 3 slots dedicated to Stamina and slotting each damaging power with 2 Endurance Reduction means she will sooner run out of health than endurance. I am not certain that would be the case with another primary powerset given Elec Melee does periodically leech endurance from foes you hit. Yeah, Lightning Rod on a brute is about as inferior a choice as you are going to get short of grabbing Shield Charge but Mud Pots and Brimstone provide a very nice shower of orange numbers and it is not like Lightning Rod doesn't knock things down. The real perk of Bio is it does everything--heal, recover endurance, boost damage, up health regeneration. There may be no wrong primary to pair with Bio, just lesser shades of, "CORRECT!"
  7. That's odd...I do not recall my widow, Arachno Lad, being an endurance hog and he's all SO (well, basic IOs...Why keep paying for replacements?).
  8. Scrappers do better damage than brutes but the only time I feel their survival is comparable (ignoring easy content) is when looking at Defense reliant builds because the trick is the same: Don't get hit. For any build which is based on resistance or is hybrid Brute survives better. And as noted, Brutes NEVER have troubles with runners whereas I am regularly treated to complaints in the forums from scrapper complaining about runners. Moreover, a brute is not there to be just a damage dealer, its purpose is to be a damage dealer that survives. Most assuredly there are very survivable Scrappers and Stalkers. Add too I have seen some utterly stunning Tankers when it comes to dishing out damage. But if you have to take Defense sets on the Scrappers/Stalkers or build very specifically on the Tankers in order to make a damage juggernaut either way you have to confine yourself in ways you do not with a Brute because damage and survivability come baked in. Case in point, I have not played Invulnerability since my beloved DM/Inv scrapper, Vae Victis, made in the first month of release back on Live. I am contemplating StJ/Inv or Staff/Inv. Right there Scrapper and Stalker are out of the running despite Invulnerability cheating into defense via Invincibility because in my experience Invulnerability's heal on its own is not going to get me to the levels of survivability having gone with a full defense secondary would when faced with 75% capped resistances. Both Brute and Tanker can get to 90% with higher health pools. So why not Tanker? Brute plays smoother on the way up with less endurance starvation to get the kill when playing solo. Add too solo spawns are not 20+ and everything you are fighting will be close enough to be hit by area attacks. Love my Rad/Elec Tanker, but I know who disposes of groups quicker between him and my SS/Bio Brute. But that is not to try to convince you your view is wrong so much as to explain why I still very much find Brutes have a place in the game...well, at least my game. YMMV.
  9. Yes, it is labelled Haste. Not sure why it says 0% on mouseover. I'd figure that to be a bug of some sort.
  10. Pretty sure Rad/Fire is the new hotness in terms of Brute farming
  11. Isn't that enough to offset the Resistance penalty for being in Bio's Offensive Stance? Seems like a marriage made in Heaven.
  12. I have not touched Staff since Live and am not disagreeing with your call, though I do want to ask in light of having played in the past couple of months with a person who runs an incredible Bio/Staff tanker and Staff/Bio brute (though frankly I think the player gives the nod to the tanker) if it is Bio doing the lifting or if it is just a particularly effective combo.
  13. Running a solo at level 41 using basic IOs and noticing that while fighting my endurance stays pretty much full with triple slotted Stamina and two endurance reduction in all attacks.
  14. I am not sure, "Better on a ...." is all that meaningful to a list of what is stronger or weaker in comparisons of brutes to brutes. To the assertion (possibly correct) that Shield and SR blow everything else out of the water, I do not come across in play that very many SR or Shield brutes. Lastly, part of me wonders what happens when one combines Primary A (better on AT 1) with Secondary B (better on AT 2), particularly when AT 1 does not have access to B and/or AT 2 does not have access to A. There are not exactly a lot of SS/EA scrappers, stalkers or EA/SS Tankers running around.
  15. Waitaminute...you did NOT take Contaminated Strike?
  16. You want head scratching, probably wanders into Sanity Check territory with a guaranteed loss even if you make the roll? Try to figure out a reason behind what has been given a thumbs down. I'm guessing random yes/no operator personally.
  17. D'oh! You are correct. Somehow my mind translated Sentinel to Stalker.
  18. Proton Sweep is just plain not worth having. Replace it with Cross Punch. Devastating Blow is disappointingly slow but some stick by it. It does hit hard and is a near guarantee for applying the Contaminated status to a target, however I found Radiation Siphon performed only a little less reliably and with sufficient +Recharge you could apply Contaminated status with it and have it recharge to consume it for the healing/damage splash.
  19. I've already fought the portal invasion of my duplicates. Best we just agree to stick to our own dimensions. 😁
  20. I commonly say to my friends when they bring up someone doing something incredibly odd, "Eight billion"--meaning there are that many humans on the planet and someone, somewhere, will have thought of doing whatever weird, nonsensical thing you can imagine. Even so I am actually surprised that someone is so bored and has so little to do with their time that they go through a thread they started and give every post a thumb's down.
  21. 😱 That's like saying, "I'm not sure I need oxygen at this time either."
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