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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Still has to be something off since it shows Stone Armor powers in the wrong order.
  2. What I am seeing in Mids shows higher values for Defenses/Resistances than what is shown above.
  3. Erratic1

    Silly Idea

    The character lost access to their super powers but is getting pool powers which are themselves...super powers? 😛 I am thinking an Ice/SR brute for base. Ice because the one attack you will take from it, Ice Sword, applies both -SPD and -Recharge. While you could have a second attack it would probably be better to grab powers from your secondary for protection. SR wins out for covering all three positional attack vetors with a higher value than Shield does. And you are going to want to be as unhittable as possible since you will not be getting any status protection from the AT secondary powerset. Also SR comes with scaling damage resistance baked in (and of course we will be grabbing the scaling damage resistance IO too). So here is a go at it. No doubt someone will come along with better but sucks to be first. Went with Experimentation. While juicier when you can grab Hasten with it (particularly peram-Hasten) there just was not room for Hasten. But the buff from Adrenal Booster was too good to pass up.
  4. Thought I would give it a go. For Mark I the Malaise pattern (red with not quite green yellow) with actual green along the shoulder pads and face visor along with the chest monitor system were chosen to focus on a lack of public safety and construction from material long past its prime from Terra Volta. Mark I.costume Mark X presented the problem of there being no upper bound to comic book tech--you could have a normal appearance and appeal to nanites. Reminded myself the charge was to portray a worn suit. I pulled the greenish hues (one wonders how was Batman in the 60s television show allowed to drive around Gotham City with a nuclear reactor driven car spewing atomic flame out its rear) and seriously considered using the Ascension chest detail but the perception of public safety won out in the end along with a focus on a feel of new materials. Mark X.costume
  5. I usually compare it to a truck...dropped from orbit. Hits hard when it gets there, but you have to wait for it to arrive. It is a slower paced, more deliberate set than others. I would guess because the designers wanted to give you time to see what has had "CONTAMINATED" appear above its head in order to make use of the set mechanics. The two powers I find little use for when using the set are Proton Sweep and Devastating Blow, both of which I skip in favor of Cross Punch. While that hinder making use of the mechanic somewhat with sufficient global recharge you can lean on Radiation Siphon.
  6. My guy is magic origin. For all I know he's creating it complete with velocity in the atmosphere. In fact, if you look up, it suddenly appears...could be gating in from another universe, saving doomed dinosaurs from an alternate reality.
  7. Having fewer tools broadly for dealing angry foes. There are some fantastic players and build out there but broadly it is the melee ATs which get called on to run into crowds, not the ranged ones. Something is wrong if my melee needing a range character to save him.
  8. A meteoroid is merely a piece of rock which might become a meteor or meteorite. Per NASA:
  9. On regular content, sure. Just be sure you can handle it when things are set to +4x8 because if you knock the target away from my melee I am not chasing it or peeling it off you. I am on to the next target.
  10. Water/Kinetics was a ton of fun to play up.
  11. Using Fold Space to yank mobs away from someone who does not want them yanked falls under the, "prioritizing their fun over mine" bit I mentioned above. Let me see your different angle with another.... If the person kills the target the instant before your power is invoked (btw, so long as the power has been activated it is going to hit regardless of animation, no matter where the mob is--if it lives through the other power that is) your power hits nothing. But that is not something anyone complains about. Same denial of hitting has occurred. Your introspection assignment is to consider why one is acceptable and the other isn't. Then you may return and attempt to snatch the pebble from my hand, grasshopper.
  12. What I do not get is complaining about Meteor in terms of group damage. My primary issue with knockback is when I am playing a melee character and someone knocks what I am fighting away from me. They have prioritized their fun over mine and I can do nothing but have to chase. But in this I am not worried about group damage, I am annoyed by someone else's specific action. The group's efficiency is not on my mind. So last night I was running around on my new Elec/Stone brute with a Seismic Blaster (not that I knew it until I heard that distinctive sound of an incoming Meteor). Honestly it was not a problem. Most things died and the things that got scattered were near unto death and easy for the group to clean up. It became a regular routine where I would charge in on my brute, have a spawn converge on me, and then an extinction level event would be invoked where I stood. I almost feel shame mentioning this next part which has literally just occurred to me...perhaps I should not mention it.... The delay between when Meteor is cast and the effect goes off? It allows for reverse griefing. Just move and whatever mobs stay on you won't be around for the power to hit. 😈
  13. This does make me wonder what the parameters are on when mobs are likely to live and when they are not. You get Meteor at level 32 with only one slot. Using it then means scattered mobs. A level later though you can have (and likely will have) added three slots to it. Things are not likely to live, especially if you immediately use Upthrust after casting Meteor so both power hits at the same time. But dial the difficulty up to +4x8 (or higher now).... I am not sure where things go back to surviving. OTOH, nothing requires you use it as an opener. And on the gripping hand, find a tight corridor or cargo container where things cannot knocked anywhere and its quite fun regardless of things living.
  14. If any of it remains intact. Why should we name the power because of what happens in the aftermath of its use as opposed to what gets invoked?
  15. Just poking you. 😁 Finally got Brimestone on my Elec/Stone brute. Chain Induction threatens to become my favorite ability because of it.
  16. You complaining that a Brute did content faster than a Tanker? 🤨
  17. So you buy that our characters can teleport groups of people to them but the teleporting a speeding chunk of rock from space 100 feet above a target is a bridge too far? And my character with Meteor is a magician. Anything goes when magic is involved.
  18. Repulsing Torrent in Kinetic Melee wonders how how it does not qualify.
  19. Shift your slotting on Maneuvers to DE/DR/R/+5 Res while dropping the slot in Combat Jumping used for holding the +5 Res. Maneuvers low base Defense values results is no real penalty to your overall defense values and by doing this you save a slot. Tremor's base Knockback value is 0.67. Since values under 1 are knockdown, that suggests you do not need to slot used for KB->KD, so drop it, saving a slot Drop the Recharge IO in Earth Embrace. The power cyceles in 40s instead of 35s and you save a third slot. Add the three saved slots to Weave and change its slotting to Shield Wall: DE/DR/DER/D + Luck of the Gambler: D+Recharge That would pick up 4.5% E/N resistance. And because you increase the slotting in Weave your other Defense values come up slightly.
  20. The Boggle mechanic works but is not a grand mechanic. As for things getting better, Mass Levitate is fun but I am not sure that is going to ice your cake. I do not dislike my original Homecoming character, a Rad/Psi Tanker, but I do not play her very much either.
  21. @Meta Brawler Came at your build while referencing my Elec/Stone brute. So different damage powerset and different ATOs but I felt you could do better in the Smash/Lethal resistance department because sometimes one does face defense debuff and having resistance as a fallback can be quite handy. Of course there were tradeoffs. Take what follows less as a suggestion than as something to possibly mine for ideas: As you can see the biggest changes are S/L defense gets considerably snipped in favor of notable boost in S/L resistance. Fire/Cold defense does come up decently but not to levels where you sneer at it and Energy/Negative resistance is lower. Recharge is probably not as bad as it seems since I think I turned off Hasten on the revision but you will want to check that.
  22. Keep in mind Lightning Rod is a radius 20 power, compared to radius 7 for Thunderstrike meaning it hits 8 times the area.
  23. On my Elec/Stone brute I find it to be pretty nice whenever I use it. When it is up I use it. As a fallback opener you can target a foe, queue up Thunderstrike, then simply teleport into the crowd.
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