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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. Did I not mention I have made 30 or so characters this year alone and still found time to play other games, get five characters to 50, 24 characters to 30+, and still fully IO out two characters? January 15th btw is more than a month away. Not much more than a month but still more. Not sure why that is relevant. The character I referred to was made January 15, 2021. As I noted, he was fully IO'd in a few months, again with all the other things occupying my time. If you play only one toon per year, getting fully IO'd, even with part-time play, should be fully doable. (Well, depends on what you mean by part-time...playing 30 mins per week might make it a bit of a stretch.) Various components used in upgrades can be bought with influence. You kind of have to prioritize or learn to work the market. Of course with a fully IO'd character generating influence is just a matter of playing sufficiently. I got a lucky drop back on live of a purple recipe (not IO, just the recipe) which I sold back on live for 32 million. For that you could buy two of the actual IOs made from the recipe on Homecoming.
  2. DM/Inv is plenty potent on just SOs. But yeah.
  3. If you're just using basic IOs Shield is not that good. And we know Shield is plenty good.
  4. Homecoming has made access to the IO system open to all in a way which was not there during live. I will not go into the structural changes but the prices for purchasing them without doing any sort of market manipulation or farming is kept much lower than was the case. At a minimum, once your characters hit level 50 and you've got little to spend influence on other than Incarnate upgrades IOs are increasingly accessible. And that if you are particularly lazy and buy SOs during the leveling process. My routine is to forgoe any enhancements until level 22. Buy Accuracy SOs for powers which need to hit at level 22 and 3 Endurance SOs for Stamina. At level 28 start slotting white IOs (I used make level 30s but 25s give almost the same bang for the influence buck and cost much less), replacing the earlier Accuracy and Endurance SOs and slotting Damage IOs for the first time. Aim for damage powers having 2 IOs in them by level 30. Bring damaging powers up to 3 IOs by level 35. Defense/Resistance IOs get slotted based on what the previous multiple of 10 level passed--one in each power in the 20s, two in each power in the 30s, 3 in each power in the 40s. Since you buy once and do not upgrade you save a nice chunk of influence which can go to buying non-generic IOs. And a trick to make life really nice is to save up your purchases on your first few characters until you can slot several non-generic IOs at once. Then use a respec, because that will return all your generic IOs to your inventory. Slot your non-generic IOs along with any generics you need to continue to use and save the rest for future characters. That means on future character you spend even less to get their slots filled. As for purchasing non-generic IOs, always buy Attuned (well unless you have a good reason to buy non-Attuned) because while they sell separately on the Auction House, the IOs come from the same pool. All you are doing is specifying which flavor you want when you purchase. As for wealth, there are several levels and you do not have to be Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk to kite out a character. My signature Brute was created January 15th OF THIS YEAR. While is not the first character I fully IO'd out I did not use the previous one to generate any of his influence. I did not engage in market manipulations. I did not convert reward merits to things which sell well on the market and sell them for influence. All I did was play the character and bid low on the AH with a willingness to wait. His total cost was probably just under 150 million influence. I would guess I have probably generated 500 million influence on him. "Easy to do if you play him all the time," I can hear someone saying. But I don't. I play other games and take breaks from City of Heroes (heresy I know) with Outriders having 80% of my focus for three months and Diablo 2 Reforged getting 50% for another 3 months. Add too that I am a confirmed altaholic. I may have created 25 other characters since then with all but one making it to their 30s (takes little time I know but I do not use AE farming for levelling, I play the game) resulting in one other fully IO'd character (Tanker), 2 others having made it to 50, and another 9 being characters I fully plan to take to 50 and IO out. Since June I mostly bring the character on when I'm frustrated with life, do not have a lot of time to work on levelling one of my projects, and just want to feel powerful while beating things down. So his play has been fairly minimal. He's only at Veteran Level 57 and only has his third level Alpha ability. All of this to say that IO'ing out a character is not a horribly difficult thing to do at this point.
  5. Arguably its +Damage is disguised/rolled up under its +Recharge, as if you can use powers faster you do more damage.
  6. 3 SOs in Kinetic Shield, Weave, and Energy Cloak get you to 31.59%, which is where I am guessing your 32% value comes from. Evaluating the value of a powerset by looking at its performance with 6 added slots filled with SOs is not something I would advise, at least in the context of discussing a powerset's worth on these forums. Did you miss that Energy Drain buffs Defense on top of gaining you endurance? With 9 nearby foes, using 3 SOs, you'd be at 37%. If you are not confining yourself to SOs, just adding the two +3% Defense IOs brings the total to over 43%--nearing the soft cap.
  7. Atomic's +Recharge requires foes to be near you. Are you planning on blapping? Time's Recharge is always on, always at a fixed value.
  8. You could do what all the hip kids are doing currently and grab Earth Blast.
  9. I am running Time but Earth is doing all the heavy lifting.
  10. What's the saying? "Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal." With apologies to @Mjolnerd, I'll at least borrow here.... AnnIonic2.costume
  11. I run an SS/Bio brute and admit that my first reaction to your build was a feeling the Defenses and Resistances were too low and there being too much focus on recovery (gain and cost reduction). Moreover I dislike the Energy Master epic pool, feeling it is a bit of a trap and only worth being used when there is no other choice. But then I noticed the Smashing/Lethal defense value, factored in you do not have Rage up your sleeve to boost To-Hit and damage as Rage does for SS/Bio, and that without Rage you might be intending to run in Offensive stance (hate that Mid's does not save stance setting) as opposed to my running in Efficient (since Rage boosts damage sufficiently that an extra bit from Offensive is less meaningful than the increased recovery from Efficient, allowing my guy to non-stop swing). With that understanding I still felt defense and resistance were too low. Offensive stance is going to impose a 7.5% penalty to your resistances and Bio comes with no DDR. Against just run of the mill stuff, having close to 40% Melee/Smash/Lethal resistance layered over 70% Smash/Lethal resistance while not ultra-tough would be plenty, especially taking in Bio's talents in regeneration and absorption. But there are plenty of foes which like to strip your defenses and in Offensive you would be down around 65% S/L resistance. True, you can switch stances. I admit I am lazy and prefer to run in one stance--which may be part of why I do not find the set to be as clicky as those who complain about such. I want to worry about clicking only three things: Ablative Carapace, DNA Siphon, and Parasitic Aura. And of those three things, the only one I find a need to click on relatively routinely is Parasitic Aura, whose rule of use is, "Activate when running into a large group of enemies." The other two I use as "Oh shit!" buttons as but your case may be slightly different and Focused Accuracy may be added to the list (see below). The following build is at 78.58% S/L resist in Offensive stance and has the Scaling Resistance IO from Reactive Defenses. Fire/Cold/Energy/Negative defense values have all been boosted from 30.76% to 37.32%. In Offensive stance with Focused Accuracy up you have +19% To-Hit and +36% Accuracy, so wading into higher level foes should be less frustrating when it comes to hitting. In trade off you have about 3% less Melee/Smash/Lethal defense, a bit less endurance cost reduction, and the gap between recovery and endurance consumption is notably smaller. Without having actually run this my gut tells me you will slowly consume endurance by continuously attacking. Whether the amount is low enough that routine use of DNA Siphon will cover you I cannot say as I only use DNA Siphon for healing. If it does cover you then fine and well. If not, you can either slide into Efficient stance (raising your resistances by 7.5%, boosting both recovery and endurance cost reduction considerably but dropping To-Hit to +11.8% and losing the +30% Damage from Offensive) or toggle off Focused Accuracy (dropping you to +13.5% To-Hit and +15% Accuracy).
  12. Liked your first costume quite a bit so decided to riff off it while trying not to stray too far even if it is five color: AnnIonic.costume
  13. Its Lucifer from the television show of the same name. As yeah, the bit at the end is signature. I am repeatedly annoyed by people not including data chunks.
  14. It is what drove the completion of the trip to 50 on my SM/EA scrapper. That said, even with him being my first IO fully kited out character I do not play him much because on the whole he just did not feel like he was pumping out the damage he should. Edit: Were I to remake him (which I might after the six projects I am working on currently are finished...so think next year this time) I would probably go SM/Shield or SM/Bio. The game rewards the harder hit now as opposed to pumping out the damage faster in a lot of situations.
  15. Its a good costume. Eye catching. Well, you could draw inspiration from:
  16. Bio is as complex as you choose to make it but can be simple and quite effective if you follow two rules (one of which does not even apply until level 38): Use Parasitic Aura when entering groups of 6 or more Stick to one stance except in emergencies Efficient or Offensive While SR comes together sooner you can get a lot of bang for your buck on Bio by raising your Smashing/Lethal resistances early (Tough be thy friend).
  17. Another option beside deleting would be to convert and edit in the new, smaller picture. But that would take some time and effort.
  18. PNGs aren't massive, but jpegs would tend to be smaller (depending on the quality setting). Hmmm...had another idea. Let's test: The above is a compressed png which should be nearing a quarter smaller than the original you posted. Now let's try jpeg: That is now down to 12% (one-eighth) the size of the original
  19. I feel somewhat bad about the need to skip those two powers and console myself with having taken every other power in the set. Elec having a damage aura on top of the one you get from Rad, I am just now contemplating proc'ing those bad boys out as it works out to be a minor hit to Melee Defense (3.75%) from what I currently have.
  20. Radiation Siphon by itself has a decent chance (32%) to apply Contaminated and with not a lot of recharge bonus you can then follow up with a hit will consume it. When in a group you can also use Atom Smasher, which has a 35% chance to apply and keep an eye out for which targets get 'Contaminated' above their heads. I will say that Proton Sweep and Devastating Blow are miserable powers (a real shame in the case of Devastating Blow since it comes with a 50% chance to apply Contaminated) and I do not use those on my Elec/Rad Tanker, substituting in Cross Punch (Box, Kick, Weave) which gives you a recharge boost for every foe it hits and so helps you cycle back around on your Radiation Siphons. All this to say that I do not have too much problem getting Radiation Siphon to go off for extra healing. Of course I also have Electric Armor's healing but Radiation Siphon is a noticeable boost, and if you want you can squeeze in the Theft of Essence: Chance for +Endurance proc too.
  21. Since two of the Seismic attacks knock opponents on their butts they don't leave the tar patch and the tar patch debuffs resistances. It's a marriage made in Heaven.
  22. At its maximum WoW brought in $180 million in just monthly subscription fees. I am plenty sure 1% of that would be plenty for a lot of games.
  23. Its DC's world but your character gets to do important/key things in it. As a villain you get to humble Supergirl and Wonder Woman at the same time. As a hero you get to...well, run in mindless terror of the Penguin, "OMG! How is he so dangerous! Bane was a pushover by comparison!!!"...errr, take on top villain and succeed where the heroes cannot.
  24. You do know there is a thread where people post what they consider to be their better costumes? Seems to me your costumes pics would certainly draw notice there.
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