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Everything posted by Erratic1

  1. The clip below is 13 seconds long. At 2 seconds I use Foot Stomp, which has a Force Feedback: Chance for Recharge IO in it. At 7 seconds I use Knockout Blow which also has Force Feedback: Chance for Recharge slotted. No Recharge IOs are slotted in either power. At the end of the clip Foot Stomp is ready again. You can see when the proc is applied (blue icon of a guy lying prone with an up arrow). If you pay attention to the countdown timer, you can see it leaping around based on when the proc is active and where it runs out. The time to recycle corresponds to no Recharge bonus and two back to back procs of the Recharge proc. ForceFeedbackWorkst.mp4 I know you have one in Kick but you don't have anything else slotted in the power. Do you actually use it? The benefit in Foot Stomp is its being checked against everyone hit by Foot Stomp. Knockout Blow is single target but has a fairly long recycle time. Not sure if you can scrounge up the slots for it (video is of a Brute with Bio Armor).
  2. I've never used axe. 😛 And I note in my character with Mace that he has to restrain himself (against the cursed mace's desires).
  3. I believe there is a thread up currently questioning Dominators vs Contrllers. Corruptors and Defenders act sufficiently differently--one being a stronger buffer the other being a stronger damage dealer. There is no Defenders get to have extra area on their attacks to fix their solo experience, they were given extra damage only when they were alone and I noted this upthread. (Would it have been fine for Tankers to only get their extra area when they are playing solo?) Otherwise Defenders and Corruptors are so alike I suspect they are much more in the play the favor you like mode. Stalkers and Scrappers oddly, to my mind anyway, are different enough. Stalkers don't appeal to me near so much as Scrappers (weird I know). But yeah, I play both Tankers and Scrappers and enjoy them both for their differences mostly.
  4. Look at what I written. It was not that Brutes were inferior damage dealers it was that Brutes are neither the top damage dealers nor the top survivors. The statement was that if role protection has prompted changes then what role is the Brute supposed to excel at. I happily grant that Brutes are fun to play (to me at least). However I do not remember at any point there being a shortage of Tankers either.
  5. Of my 50ish or so characters, all but one or two have bios (I generally have a backstory in mind as I start the character, the one or two that don't I'll get around to a backstory for). Titles are less important to me, so perhaps a third of them have one intentionally set. If I am not using the default animation (which is a lot of the time) then I will choose color effects for the powers and/or alternate animations. The most involved of my characters, a color mage, had different colors set for every power.
  6. You responded to me, so what you were talking about was not the topic.
  7. Right now on a team with 3 Brutes and a Stalker for melee. It is brutally fun.
  8. Damage and tanking would be biathalon, no?
  9. Which mostly works for me. Just it seems that other ATs got role protection. Of course that might come down to defining the Brute role as, "2nd Best at Both"
  10. I am not sure how this came back around to Tank damage/survivability versus Brute damage/ survivability. The question is what unique role does the Brute serve on a team that is not eclipsed by other ATs.
  11. I would never have imagined the Council dealt so much in Negative. I am not so surprised on the S/L for the Carnies between Strongmen, the various jugglers, knife throwers, fencers, etc. Phasing is annoying with the added downside that while it pays to wait for phase in something else that phase may be shooting at you. They are however mostly an annoyance faction. Hatred is reserved for others.
  12. For general testing that does not sound unreasonable. Still, when facing Carnies, or Malta, or various other enemies, while they most assuredly have their smashing/lethal dealers, those are not the portion of the faction anyone ever complains. Wiping the spawn of Strongmen can be accomplished quickly but then there are all those women fading in and out dealing painful damage in abundance. And certainly one can avoid various factions but in practice...well, maybe I am weird here, but the only faction I avoid are Hyrda--and that comes down primarily to not a lot in the game dragging you to them.
  13. A simulation where all the opponents are dealing melee smashing/lethal damage would be the most favorable the Brute but not be honest about the situation of the game because there is a lot more out there than smash/lethal delivered by hand. But I have no idea what is in Galaxy Brain's simulation.
  14. We're not talking about Pylon times, we're talking about the whole game. Pictures being worth a thousand words and all, I took a Tanker build from the Tanker forums and then mirrored its selections with the following exceptions: Epic choices are not the same between the ATs, Tanker Energy Mastery not being the same as Brute 's--Conserve Power vs Superior Conditioning. AT IOs are different. Beyond that, the slotting and choice of IOs should be identical. Here's what we have: Tanker Brute They are both S/L Resistance capped and Melee Def capped. Beyond that there is a rather significant difference when F/C/E/N enter the picture. And heaven help the poor Brute if something Psionic shows up. And that is before looking at 25% more health on the Tanker and that the Tanker's Regen is roughly double that of the Brutes. The only way for the Brute to address this is to build differently. That means different IO and slot choices, even taking the same powers. Identical does not favor reality and reality requires sacrifices on the Brute's part the Tanker does not have to consider.
  15. I had the same question regarding the endless number of Council I've mowed through. People must be extremely fertile and of lower morals in the CoH setting.
  16. According to the Ray Cooling/Stansfield story arc, the only citizens with medi-porters are the elderly and handicapped. I take it you are you only "defeating" the elderly and handicapped? 😛
  17. Where does this notion come from and why is it so popular? The ATs are different and the game gives them different damage and resistance scales. You are NOT going to use the same slotting to reach resistance cap on a Tanker that you are going to have to use on a Brute. To do so would be to ignore the actuality of how the ATs are actually built and played in the game. For example, take Electrical Armor. A tanker sticks 3 SOs in Charged Armor and 3 more in Tough and is at 79.24% Smashing/Lethal resistance (55.47% Energy). By contrast a Brute is at 59.43% Smashing Lethal resistance (41.6% Energy). The Brute is going to have to invest very differently to cap with IOs than the Tanker will and people in play will do those different investments. They are not going to artificially slot identically and relying on identical slotting to say something is going to end up saying something not at all related to the actual game situation. If you do not build to reflect reality than you're not talking about reality.
  18. Probably different is a better term because some changes have been improvements (AH prices for example). But yeah, there are things I would love to see added and choice that have been made (including live) which might have been different.
  19. I have sometimes wondered why this wasn't done, though I would imagine its holdover from when CoV and CoH were separate to allow them to reach towards Tanker survivability. But really, would an 82.5% resistance cap more easily reached meaningfully change anything?
  20. "Tanker are fine people" like to claim that Tanker survivability is overkill and that Brutes (and other ATs) survive just fine solo. I'm inclined to cynically suggest then that since Tanker survivability is overkill then they don't need it. And if their damage has to be such that they are barely behind Brutes, then why bother having the Tanker AT at all? There is no need for the Tanker AT since clearly Brutes survive enough and if their claim is Brutes have superior damage, then what purpose do Tankers serve? I am sure they will all get behind the notion of doing away with the Tanker AT. 😈
  21. Defenders had to be adjusted to do more damage while solo, reverting to original Defender levels of damage when on a team. Tanker soloing was (Fire Armor aside) a pretty miserable thing. However the buffs to Tankers definitely went beyond soloing. But I am more than content to leave the Brute/Tanker damage issue aside. My (re)entry to the thread is strictly focused on the notion that Tankers role woes needed to be addressed but Brute woes are not worthy of addressing.
  22. My comment on inferior damage was related to Scrappers, not Tankers. Apparition's argument was that Brutes serve no purpose--if you want tanking, make a Tanker, if you want damage make a Tanker, and in no case is a Brute the superior choice for a team to take because you will get more damage with the Scrapper and more survivability with the Tanker. I made no comment on Brute vs Tanker damage.
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