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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. Just roll a Rad/SS or spines or some other Brute and farm energy mobs lol. The fiery aura change affects everyone that has access to it. Perhaps this is a good change. Nerf farming Brutes off the pinnacle so they can actually give them some decent buffs/upgrades in the future without buffing farming more. It could be because of farming that Brutes have been held back.
  2. Pendulum works well with Axe Cyclone. AC brings them in close for Pendulum to hit them easily. Cleave has good damage and does hit extra targets which is nice. Increasing it's radius would lower it's damage. The new set already has 2 AoE attacks. I have tried the set and it works well. It certainly gave me much more interest in playing the new BA set. The only thing i would like now is the Chainsaw Visual for halloween so i can go....
  3. Just make it similar to Quills with 10 targets. Too much of a nerf otherwise.
  4. Dispersion bubble is a toggle AoE buff for the user and their team. 25ft radius i think. I think the 15 seconds is if you get Cc'd and it drops or team mates move out of the radius and they still get the cover for 15 seconds.
  5. Combat Teleport could be quite Mystic also.
  6. Maybe increase the value of dispersion Bubble a little as it gives less of a Buff than Farsight or FF Generator. It is force fields after all and not Traps/Time. I preferred the old force Bubble, at least it was always there if you wanted it. I don't like dampening bubble the cooldown is too long. Reduce the cooldown to 45 seconds and the buff duration to 30 seconds.
  7. Perhaps this is a good time to give Stalkers Battle Axe. Drop Pendulum or Cleave for the AS. 🙂
  8. Yes. 5 minutes is bad but so is 3hrs to do content. A lot of us are older now and don't have the time or inclination to commit hours of time.
  9. Scrap that post it was IO's doing it lol. I like the changes 🙂
  10. Maybe swap Incinerate for Cremate for Tankers so they have access to the knockup power also or attach it to another power.
  11. Adding some damage debuff and slows to some of the powers might be thematic as enemies strive to push against the force field slowing them and lessening their damage. The damage debuff could be more substantial for Ranged attacks.
  12. I would probably choose Invuln, SR, Shield or WP as my primary and Rad melee as my secondary for a less clicky laid back Tanker. Rad melee has slow animations and isn't too clicky. You will need to sort the endurance out with a good build though. Electric armor could be good with RadM also as it would sort the endurance. Shield/RadM would probably be my top choice. But nothing in it so go with what you prefer.
  13. Yes i saw brutes mentioned above causing the confusion lol. Tankers 3.5k cap, Brutes 3.2k cap i wouldn't think it unreasonable for Scrappers to be 2700 cap or so. But as you say not much of an argument to raise it.
  14. Who has 2400 health when a Tanker with same sets has 3400 health? Scrappers?. The Tanker probably has cap health of 3.5k if Scrapper is capped. But the Tanker is a Tank and not a dps i guess. Brutes have a decent health cap which some sets can reach. There could be an argument to raise Scrapper health cap a little..... maybe. I think some the resists sets should get some +max health like the defence/hybrid sets get also.
  15. Bio provides a damage resistance debuff also. Not sure the % without checking.
  16. Doesn't it last 4minutes with like a 5 minute cooldown without +recharge. Will need to check though. I have never actually made a TA.
  17. Doesn't Trick arrow's Emp Arrow have status protection also?
  18. I doubt Scrappers or Stalkers will be saying that. Brutes probably have the 2nd best survival in the game behind Tankers, which they out dps. Sentinels may be fairly durable if they stay at range but they do quite a bit less damage than a Brute.
  19. Heres an idea...could be a bad one lol. Add +recovery/regen to Fury that increases with Fury. The longer they fight the more they Rampage. This could give them some extra staying power and shrug off small blows. Percentages would need to be worked out but 25% +recovery upto 35% with the Superior UF and 100% +regen upto 125% with Superior UF at max fury. The +recovery could be switched with endurance discount instead. Turn the Unrelenting Fury bonus into +max fury. +15/+25 max fury for normal/Superior or thereabouts. This would increase dps and survival/staying power a little. Then add something interesting to the Brutes Fury proc. Absorb/damage proc/mitigation/heal for example.
  20. I think we should all get behind that and then see how the Brutes fare. Someone should make a request.
  21. A Tanker could squeeze under 2 minutes but a Scrapper could also do less than 1 minute with that combo. Usually about a minute difference between them give or take a little.
  22. At least this thread got one of the developers attention lol. Maybe they will pass the idea's on.
  23. That was sort of what i was trying to say in my original post. Team composition, builds, set choices etc may all need looking at and some adaptation may be required before knee jerk reactions. I certainly did not mean "Git Gud"... at least not until they started on me lol.
  24. I think that conversation has been done and dusted. The conversation had deteriorated quite a bit at that point. The developers said leave it so i suggest you leave it.
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