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Everything posted by Gobbledigook

  1. Yes. But the Blasters version also hits a lot harder as well as recharging faster. One is ok but both is a bit too much. Over say 10 uses of FA the Blaster will out damage the Sentinel by a very large margin.
  2. Actually in game it does not. 2 ticks normally and a 10% chance for that extra tick.
  3. Not really. Most blaster sets have over 2 minutes on their nukes. Sentinel nukes generally recharge much faster but hit for lower damage and less targets. I certainly think the Blaster Full auto range should be lowered to 60' max. Also it may be worth increasing the recharge, damage and number of targets to similar figures of other blaster nukes. The blaster seems to be stealing all the Sentinel uniqueness and doing it much better with AR.
  4. Full Auto. Sentinel version is 152.13 damage + 10% chance 62.92 damage. 90 seconds recharge. 40' cone 90 degree arc. Blaster version is 189.53 damage + 10% chance 62.56 damage. 60 seconds recharge. 80'cone 90 degree arc. More damage and 30 seconds faster recharge. Blaster damage scale 1.125 Sentinel damage scale 1.1 Maybe this needs looking at.
  5. Where are you getting the figures from? Full auto went from a 1 minute recharge to a 1 minute 30 seconds recharge. The damage is still lower than a Blasters, so that is a nerf. Rain of Arrows is a location nuke like Blizzard but it also went from a 1 minute 5 seconds power to 1 minute 30 seconds and it does not do anywhere near the damage you are listing. It is more like 120 damage. Full auto for Sentinels shows 2 sets of damage listed. It is applying the first set of damage (13.83x11) only, which is significantly lower than the Blasters. The second set (5.72x11) is a small chance to apply i think, probably 10% also. The blasters full auto shows 1 set of damage (17.23x11) which is higher than the Sentinels and has a 10% chance of hitting for extra damage(62.56). Blasters recharges a full 30 seconds faster and has double the range (also buffed by the Snipe) of the Sentinels version with the same cone on test server. Sentinel version is 152.13 damage + 10% chance 62.92 damage. 90 seconds recharge. 40' cone 90 degree arc. Blaster version is 189.53 damage + 10% chance 62.56 damage. 60 seconds recharge. 80'cone 90 degree arc. That which made the Sentinel unique they have just given to the Blaster and the Blaster gets a better version altogether.
  6. I am liking the new AR revamp. But Full auto between a Blaster and a Sentinel or even Corruptor is a little uneven. The Blasters version does about 25% more damage than the sentinel version and recharges in 1 minute compared to 1minute 30 second. With the increased recharge for Sentinels i thought they would be much closer damage considering the increased damage scale for Sentinels. I know they hit the same amount of targets but they they have an extra 30 seconds downtime. Anyone else notice this?
  7. If it means all weapons sets get a mostly No redraw then this is a good step forward. A weapon draw before combat is fitting i think. "Time for business". You can easily click a weapon power to draw you weapon in advance also.
  8. That was the advice i was given when i was young anyway 🙂
  9. Incinerator for Corruptors does not seem to accept Ranged damage sets. At least it didn't for the one i created. @Booper i don't know if you already knew about this?
  10. Yes, Blasters has 80' range cone compared to 40' and is further enhanced with the snipe also. Now is a good time to address this lol. The sentinels full auto is not much better damage than a Corruptors with 50% more downtime than the corruptors.
  11. What i find odd also is that Full auto for Blasters recharges in 1 minute compared to a Sentinels 1 minute 30 seconds. The Blasters is hitting the same mob for 61.62 x11 with no self buffs at all whilst the Sentinels hits for 36.56x11 with no buffs. That does not seem fair at all. The damage was not quite as high for the Blaster as shown above. It had a buff i did not notice. But the damage is higher by a fair bit than the Sentinels with less downtime and more range. Even with Offensive adaptation switched on the Sentinel still did quite a bit less damage than the Blasters Full auto.
  12. HIT Behemoth Overlord! Your Full Auto power had a 95.00% chance to hit, you rolled a 48.66. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Offensive Adaptation for 21.84 points of Toxic damage. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. You hit Behemoth Overlord with your Full Auto for 52.84 points of Lethal damage over time. The extra damage coming from Offensive Adaptation dot seems very low indeed. Same with Flamethrower. Seems to apply on the first dot only. Is this correct?
  13. Why not turn ignite into a single target or even 3 target narrow cone dot (similar to piercing rounds) which causes fear? They run around trying to put the flames out. Btw i do like the new AR changes.
  14. The Blaster 102.6 damage version of Mental Blast has much better damage than the Sentinel 61.17 damage or Defender 47.71 damage versions which does not seem right. Activation time could be lowered for all versions a little also, similar to other newer sets/reworks. Blaster version of Fire Blast 84.72 damage, Defender Fire Blast 48.95 damage , Sentinel Fire Blast 92.63 damage.
  15. Don't forget to update the Epic powers for AT's also. I think this may have been over looked in the past. Otherwise Scrappers for example will still be using a much slower Fire Blast (not very Epic at all!).
  16. Speed some of the Staff Fighting animations up a little and it could be worth playing now 🙂
  17. A Shield/BA or Ice melee could offer some control. Ice has the ice patch and slow. Battle Axe can help keep mobs in a ball with Axe Cyclone. Add in some control/debuffs from the epic pool like quick sand, darkest night etc, Drop a Quick sand and Fold space mobs in. Drop ice patch or use AC to keep them there for example. Throw in Stalagmites and fossilize to if you want.
  18. I did find having +defence rather than +resists made the pets tougher. Better to not get hit at all rather than trying to soak up the damage that the pets just don't have the health for. If i were to make another MM it would be Mercs/Cold or Bots/cold. Good defense and debuffs for extra damage, i just wish it had speed boost also. Increasing the run speed so they keep up or shorten the distance before they teleport to you would make life easier also. That was one of the most annoyiing things for me, waiting for the pets to arrive.
  19. They are decent times yes. I did find Mercs seemed to do better single target dps than Bots. But as i said i wasn't really disputing single target damage so much but rather the AoE. Although i didn't find the single target spectacular either, (especially when they are flailing on the ground), but then i have not procced them out like i said. This game is far more than taking down a Pylon though. You may say they are a Jack of all trades but they take a ton of maintenance are slow and when they get knocked on their ass they sometimes never get back up unless you dismiss them and re summon. They can achieve a decent number on a stationary target but they are very clunky to use. I run ahead with sprint only and turn around and pets are no where in sight. They have AoE but it just seems very poor indeed. I do use the pet binds. But as i said the Trapdoor test gives really bad results from what i see. Why is that? A Jack of all Trades should be able to pull a decent figure there surely. How do the pets, especially melee, survive in a 4* for example?
  20. Those pylon times are probably with Debuffs from the likes of /Cold or from extra damage with /Storm etc. This is also stationary target. The secondary is making the difference i believe on a single large stationary target. With those debuffs/extra damage any AT could probably run a decent time against this target and i am sure they have. Spreading the pets out to individual targets would be really low dps on each target. Even a Defender would AoE that mob down well before the MM pets finish the job. That is if the MM pets can survive the encounter as they are not as robust as a playing AT. They can tank a little but so can a Blaster nowadays. A large AoE could end that though. How are the pets in the harder content? I am sure the pets can do respectable single target damage built well, so can a lot of AT's, but the AoE is not good at all from what i have seen. I have not seen MM's dominating the Trapdoor test. One posted that it took over 20 minutes to clear with a MM when others are doing it 4minutes or less, including Controllers.
  21. I wasn't trying to be funny or overly negative with the MM AT i was just trying to give my honest opinion of my experience with them getting to 50+1. I was hoping i would have had a better experience though as i did quite fancy playing a pet class, maybe a Crab may work. They just aren't for me at the moment and my personal view is they still need some work to improve them. Changing the levels of the pets, increasing run speed so they can keep up better, increasing pet recovery a little, increasing AoE damage a little would in my opinion make them so much better.
  22. A +2 mob is singular. What i am saying is the single target dps of the pets on a +2 mob i tested was not very impressive compared to other similarly built AT's. The AoE damage is near non existent from what i am seeing. I am not saying the pet damage is bad on a single target, i just feel the AoE is pretty bad. I find that the many drawbacks of being a MM is not actually worth playing them yet, for me anyway. I feel they need more work, irrelevant of what other players feel about them. The most effective part of the MM is the secondary. I think i will just stick with a defender or Corruptor for support as the MM is just not for me. They do more AoE damage, can have better buffs/debuffs and take far less work/maintenance. A controller is also a good support in buffing/debuffing and locking whole groups down. I just don't get what the MM brings. Thanks for the lesson on how to play though. Awesome advice.
  23. Ty Tyger that will make a big difference for leveling a new MM 🙂
  24. I have all them but minions are one shotted quite often with little chance to respond with a heal. It's the time it takes the pets to kill just a +2 mob is really bad. I think the MM still needs a ton of work to get more players to use them. I know some players say they do really well with them and i tip my hat to them but for me they are just not good at all.
  25. I have been trying a few MM's lately also. A Mercs/NatureA and the most recent a Bots/Time. The Mercs/NA i dumped because even with 90% resists they just died so fast to AoE even in aggresive that re summoning became tiresome. The Bots/time is much better as they rarely get hit and i can heal that back up quickly. The damage the pets put out is very bad in the AoE department and mediocre single target. I have not added procs yet though and did not level them with a full IO build, though i do have all the pets buffs Io's and a few other IO sets. Slotting the +def/resist IO's takes up much needed slot space in pets also. Other AT's will at least AoE mobs down whilst these MM's seem to want to take each mob one by one as the AoE is near non existent. If i join a team and get mentored i have to re summon the pets again at every new mission due to them dropping levels. I don't know if there is a way to avoid this? Why do they even have all different levels? why can they not be the same as the players level and increase with incarnate shift to +1? I have tried to get into them but they just seem too much work for very little reward. I can do very well with other AT's but im quicly losing patience with the MM. Is this normal or i am getting it so badly wrong also lol? The other big gripe i have with them is how slow they are at catching you up. It would be nice to have an instant summon to your side button or just increase their run speed. They run low on endurance fast also even with slotting it up. A 52 Praefectus Castorum takes an age to kill with Bots and the others in the mob just don't take hardly any AoE. Yet the PC ran in and one shotted one of my minions lol.
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