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About Machariel

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. i havent posted on this forum in like 2 years but i saw this cross posted to facebook and had to come back. huge news!! I never thought I'd see the day! incredible job
  2. I think I misunderstand the assignment because when I hear “will work for RP” I just think of Pocket D 🤔
  3. Carrion Creepers is not only excellent on its own but is also incredible with damage procs (slow, immob, ranged damage, targeted aoe damage) - the vines put out a ton of attacks and every attack has a chance to proc each damage proc so it really does absolutely monster damage. I stuff mine I think with 5 procs and a +5 acc/dam/rech to get the recharge down exactly to 120sec. 2nd best power in the set after seeds of confusion.
  4. I usually don’t, but on some characters I’ll have a build that has nothing but travel powers (fly w/afterburner) and stealth to zoom around maps collecting exploration badges.
  5. best power you can get at level 8 has to be Seeds of Confusion. what an absolutely ridiculous power
  6. grav/elec might be the worst dominator you could build, it is certainly the worst one I’ve played.
  7. Or make rise of the phoenix part of your attack chain 😎
  8. I watched it right after seeing Black Widow in the theater. Suicide Squad was the better movie. Really liked John Cena's character (and John Cena in general, he's a funny guy), Harley was well-used and well-cast. Rats are cute so having a big pro-rat message was cool. I liked the doctor who controlled the BBEG guy too and thought that was one of the best scenes.
  9. edit: re-recording for audio
  10. edit: disregard, Mr. Vee beat me to it and reading is hard EDIT 2: my preferred way to run synapse is to solo it or run with no more than 3 players as this minimizes spawn size and especially avoids bosses spawning - this is important bc i spend a lot of time waiting for gears to spawn and with the abysmal AoE at low levels I get quite sick of killing them one at a time...
  11. There's a lot of variance across the VEATs but IMO the best thing about them is that they bring a lot to the table just by showing up, especially Soldiers. Just standing around with stacked leadership and casting Venom Grenade on cooldown is an awful lot of very efficient buffing and debuffing. -Res, +Damage, +Tohit, +Def is 80% of what I want out of support ATs so phooey that they can't also buff your team's recharge as well 🤪 Fortunatas lose the -res and have weaker leadership but their access to psi damage and psi wail, and a suite of control powers, makes them situationally better at hard carrying. Cimeroran EBs for example, once they pop unstoppable the soldier can still debuff their resistance down from 90% to whatever, and that's great, whereas a Fortunata can go right through. Most VEAT builds are also great at exemplaring because they can build their attack chain early and their core support powers (leadership) early, so they're great at low level content and especially good at shepherding low-level TFs. Double leadership is a big deal for partially slotted (or unslotted) lowbies who might be fighting +3s or +4s on an XP run. Crabberminds are quite late blooming though and often skip many of the early attacks, but in return their absolute high-end output is far and away the strongest. 6 pets do a ton of damage if you're able to keep them alive (I'm not). My two VEATs are a melee Fortunata and a huntsman Bane. Both are durable damage dealers (Fort is tougher) with strong AoE (the Bane has more). The Fortunata is definitely more of a solo carry style and plays like a scrapper with Psi Wail and two SHTF emergency control powers. As @Project129 alluded to, Fortunatas can take both Follow Up and Aim (Night Widows must choose between Follow Up and Build Up), Aim w/Gaussian Proc -> Follow Up (from hide!) -> Psi Wail is pretty great. The huntsman I actually play exactly as they described - a rifle-toting fire support character. This is the character I most often bring when I just want to chill as all I have to do is stand in the middle of my team and get huge value by lobbing AoEs into melee.
  12. the real question to me is why should it be normalized to begin with - what's wrong with saying "AoE attacks have a 50% crit chance out of hide, except for Burst" ? burst isn't a great power on its own - small radius, long cast time, pretty weak damage - so against small numbers of enemies KM is better off not using it and using its very fast attacks to cycle through targets one at a time. but the auto-crit + pbaoe means that when KM is surrounded it can go AS -> hide proc -> burst which is a super cool trick and sometimes very useful. stalker KM doesn't rely on burst to be competitive... it relies on having a tight attack chain that maximizes the number of times you can smash that [redacted] sec assassin's strike button. burst is really there for convenience and auto crit burst on low level x8 TFs is an absolute godsend. but at higher levels it starts being less relevant as other aoe is way better and you're probably using the hide proc to get a critical Zapp or Moonbeam instead of tying yourself up for 3 seconds making whoosh noises. honestly I don't think KM needs any help at all, it's good enough at level 50 and certainly not one of the lowest performers and the fact that it comes into its own with its good attacks by level 18 makes it a very smooth leveling experience.
  13. 😭 kinetic melee did nothing wrong
  14. my favorite pick for underappreciated Steinman song and a truly ridiculous movie. RIP Jim, nobody wrote songs like he did. runner up is Life Is A Lemon And I Want My Money Back, which may not be the best song but is my pick for best song title ever written.
  15. Easily capped fire resists + damage aura + Burn = fiery aura is king also fire mobs don’t come with any annoying side effects like knockback (energy) or slow (cold) or whatever
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