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Everything posted by Guardia

  1. Zoned in with a team and couldn't move for a minute til others did and the gnomes moved.
  2. It is NOT visual only, they have a physical model and can trap you in place if a bunch are around you.
  3. Just discovered the Fort Trident and Crucible hero and villain only zones. They are filled with alt textures for many items already in the base editor. We can haz nao plz? -g
  4. Yeah, as suggested above, just disconnecting gender from body type might be the least complicated way to do it? But it depends on the code, yes. With CoH being the spaghetti fest it is under the hood, it might be surprisingly hard to do that. Ideally, doing BOTH the gender unlock on badges AND removing the gender/bodytype association would be great.
  5. Gender being changeable at Null would also make it less important to comb through all the badge code.
  6. Another request for an Open Sky texture option for all room elements, not just High Ceilings.
  7. Is it just me, or is the Zero numeral in the Alphabet tab a little messed up? Like a backwards "Q"
  8. Roadies could show up carrying the speakers, then wander off after.
  9. Something positive, I have not had the base editor crash to desktop since a couple of patches ago. Normally if I'm in edit mode a couple of hours or so I get suddenly dumped to desktop. Was like that all the way through Live and as far as was determined back then there was an unknown leak in the editor that would build up over time and eventually lock everything up. Not happening anymore. Of course now that I've said it, the next time I base edit it'll happen.
  10. Backface and occlusion culling of unseen surface textures should help with the rendering load. Does anyone know if CoH uses this?
  11. It is a lot harder than you might imagine. You'd have to code in an entire new system of how the game orients characters. Currently the game just orients them in one direction: Up. Doesn't care what's under it's feet, doesn't even check beyond basic collision detection. Wall running would require a new detection system to scan the surface under a character's feet to figure out angle to orient the model. The other games can do it because they coded the ability directly into their game's movement system, planning from the beginning to have wall attach powers. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see this happen. But it would be a massive undertaking to support one travel power.
  12. So I started a Sonic Assault character. I am greatly disappoint at the lack of a Guitar animation set.
  13. The latter. Not all characters have fixed genders or use the same bodytype across costume slots. Or maybe someone would just like to use the other title when on a particular bodytype. I recall a character that used the Huge bodytype (which assumes a male gender for badges) to depict a powersuit, but the character itself was female and displayed as such in other costume slots representing being outside the powersuit, for example. Everyone getting both versions of gendered badges and being able to choose which one they want to display, regardless of the current costume bodytype, would be nice. I had been thinking on this a while, but the recent Handsome/Beautiful badges reminded me to post something. -G!
  14. Can we get male and female specific badges unlocked from gender so anyone can use them?
  15. Could we get the Handsome/Beautiful badges unlocked from gender?
  16. This is a freedom birb. His hero name is Freedom Wing. Otherwise he's known as Jake. -G!
  17. I would like invisible walls/floors, to use as barriers. Currently you can kinda use a reversed floor tile or other "surface" item, but the problems are A ) if a floor, someone walking across gets put into the 'falling' animation and can actually get kinda stuck, and B ) You have a texture on the other side which you might not want. They would probably need grab points that are only visible in editing mode, but we have those for power effects already. -G!
  18. Would love to see an aura that just makes the costume slightly translucent, for ghostly or holographic characters. I know you can just pop a Stealth IO into a travel power, but that's not... optimal if you are running a Tanker or similar that doesn't want the Stealth that comes with it. -g
  19. The Guardian Force has been back for a few months now, located on the Everlasting server. The Guardian Force is a Justice League style hero group operating out of Vigil Station, in geosynchronous orbit over Paragon City. We can be contacted in-game via @PlasmaStream, @Cap’nValor, or @Guardia We have a couple of bases, a Discord, and run activities most nights a week.
  20. Maybe make the upgrades a toggle? My main complaint is having to re-apply them constantly as pets die and get re-summoned.
  21. Yeah, one of the things a lot of folks don't realize is that in Paragon Chat, if you were visiting someone else's base there, you were basically using that base owner's computer as the game server. There was no central server things run off of.
  22. Computer was not even rendering half the on screen entities. Had to be some 300-380 pets, including Lore.
  23. The art and geometry assets for CoH are compressed into PIGG files. You need an unpacking program to extract from those, and there are a few out there.
  24. Simplest bug fix without even knowing the cause is to make the entrance portal non-collision. Would like that even if there wasn't a bug.
  25. About a quarter of the time now, when I zone transition to a new map, the game crashes and drops to desktop. It seems to mostly happen when entering the SG base, but has happened on other maps. It is not consistent, some nights it doesn't happen at all, other nights it happens multiple times.
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