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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. I like to think of it like trying to make a movie by recording over and editing the same VHS tape. Then years later, you want to make some scenes better, so you re-shoot with modern digital cameras and the only way to insert those new frames in to the original is to cut the film negatives out of the VHS tape and then glue on the new scenes. And nobody has a VHS player anymore. 

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  2. 4 hours ago, Ukase said:

    Now you see the purpose of my post in the first place. Per the AH - Running and Sprints are a different category than Running, yet they convert to each other, but they don't all slot in the same powers. A bit dizzying (for me) until you take a step back and have another look. 

    Oh that makes sense. The way I read and responded to your post originally was because I thought you were asking about slotting after crafting. 

  3. Working as intended. 


    There are powers that only except certain sets. For example, Sprint only accepts [Running & Sprints] or [Leaping & Sprints] IO sets, Running Speed enhancement TOs, DOs, SOs, Basic IOs, etc. Thrust is a Running-only IO set, which Sprint does not accept. Thrust can be slotted in travel powers like Super Speed and Speed of Sound. 





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  4. 7 minutes ago, Techwright said:

    *looks left and right*



    I do it all the time.  For CoH, I use it to check out new features, especially those with a bit of a time sink (I really wished I'd checked out the Dr. Q TF this way first!), or to get tips and tricks.  And there's the videos @Dacy puts out for base construction and to show off those wonderful base results.  For other games, it's often to evaluate whether I want to play, though in the case of a few I pick up, its to learn how to play when it proves more complex than I thought (looking at you, Empyrion 🤨 )


     Ah, you've been taking lessons from Snarky, I see.

    Yeah @Dacy base tour videos are the paragon of player created content. I tried my hand at making a video of some content from this game and put it in my signature, but it's no where near the stuff dedicated people make to show how awesome this game is!

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  5. 2 hours ago, Ukase said:

    I keep hearing that...but I don't buy it. 
    I realize my thoughts aren't necessarily typical, but what kind of person goes to YouTube and searches for video games to watch? That just seems really, really strange. Or any other site for that matter? 

    Is it a case of, "gee, getting tired of this game. If only I could see what XYZ game is like." ? The answer doesn't really matter, of course. I guess someone is looking at that stuff. I just can't imagine why. The game is free, easy to download and set up. 

    There are streaming services online dedicated to people playing video games. Some of these steamers garner more views than the Superbowl in a given year. They make millions in sponsorship and ad revenue, in addition to their subscribers support and donations. 


    It's very real, take a look and broaden your views. 

    • Haha 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Snarky said:

    I recall the last Winter Season Ice doing extra damage.  I may have imagined this.  i have an incredible imagination...


    Did Ice do extra damage last year.  Will Ice do extra damage this year?

    There are so awesome temp auto powers available from the Candy Keeper that make Ice do more damage/resists/etc.

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  7. 48 minutes ago, BZRKR said:

    Oops! I was not specific enough in my comment. You are correct. For the sake of future readers:


    On Indomitable MSR raids run by @Eda it is explicitly okay to leave after U'Kon dies per Step 5 "Wanton Destruction" in their guide here.


    Since I have seen @Glacier Peak at the MSR raid run by @Eda on Indomitable, I assumed he was talking about our raids, and responded the way I did.

    Indom all the way! Either way I'd follow the raid leaders directions. 

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