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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 9 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    And there's nothing you can really do by getting out of Pocket D into the space beyond the structure. You can visit the two motherships, the gas station, the TARDIS, and the other rocks floating out there, but you can't affect anything inside the structure except for hovering outside waving at the people inside. I've tried using ATT and Recall Friend (now Teleport Other) to try to help people get outside, and it doesn't work. I admit that I haven't tried pulling them up through the gap in the rock in the tiki lounge, but that's a real corner case and relies on their cooperation, so you can't use it for griefing. All of which makes it a really low-priority issue to be 'fixed'.

    There are places you can teleport folks outside. In the event they don't have TP. I did tours a while back and would just tell them to snag a jetpack from the P2W vendor then I'd TP them outside. 

  2. Ranged semi-Scrappers. That's my take on the Archetype. Not the same level of damage mitigation, not the same damage output. Sentinel inherent power is not as easy/convenient as a Scrapper's either.


    Even with IOs and set bonuses, I don't see Sentinels reaching that comparison fully. The absorption shields particularly as well make the comparison unequal.


    My question is, for the team who designed it back in the secret server days, what was its design philosophy?

  3. 3 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    Back before shutdown, there was no Icon in Atlas Park, nor an entrance to Pocket D, so you had to run a gauntlet of one form or another to reach a tailor.

    Yeah, I did that many times. I started playing back in Issue 1. If a player forgot one thing or wanted to tweak something on their costume, it was faster to just reroll the character lol

  4. 10 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    Actually, the trek is less dangerous if you go to Kings Row, schlep over to the west side and the passage into Independence Port, then make the relatively short run from the gate there to the Icon due west of you.


    Although the trek in Steel got less gulpy after they linked all the tram lines so you could go to the North tram in Steel Canyon rather than having to make your way from the diagonally opposite corner.

    I think the trek is quickest going to the Icon store that is in Atlas Park, then talking to the Icon Surgeon inside. Next fastest would be going from Atlas Park to Pocket D and walking to the Tiki Room. 

  5. 18 minutes ago, Lunchmoney said:

    Steam chat has VOIP.


    Steam could advertise the game (and it being a shop that would take a percentage of any sales it would be in their interests to occasionally do that).


    And I don't think you understand how trademarks work. Marvel and DC have not trademarked the term Superhero Game.

    I looked it up, they have a joint trademark on the word "Superhero" and "Super Hero." Seems like they've had it for a while, at least defending their claim in U.S. courts. And they've got Paramount and Disney lawyers behind them. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. 44 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    I haven't played much lately. Hopped on long enough to PL an alt from 18 to 35, stared at Mids for a second, closed Mids, logged off.


    I agree completely that being cool, gracious and helpful to new players is VITAL to a community's well being. But what do we do to help keep the old fogies around? I mean, hell, the one thing I care about is generally ignored as unimportant by the majority of both players and devs. How should I be reacting to that other than with a shrug?

    Great points Z!

  7. In my experience, a poster would send a direct message to the individual and ask them why the are applying so many negative reactions. If that doesn't work, a poster can globally ignore them. If the situation can't be resolved directly, requesting a GM step in via a support ticket is the next option. 


    Edit: Meant to say that this situation has worked both ways. I've received messages from other posters asking about my use of confused or thumbs down emotes and I have inquired the same from other posters as well. I suppose the mantra "Be excellent to each other" should be resaid - it is easy to assume text on a screen or emoticons are implying something, but there is also a chance it may be a misunderstanding.  

    • Thanks 1
  8. 42 minutes ago, Nerva said:


    It's true, but it's also a fact that Praetoria does have equivalents of many of the systems in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, such as badges.  Heck, it's so comparable that the Medicom system in Praetoria is 100% compatible with that of Paragon City with no modification necessary.  A Praetorian can leave Praetoria, come to Paragon City, get their head kicked in and wake up in a Paragon hospital just as easily as any native Primal Hero, all without so much as a registration process.  Similarly, a Praetorian can come to Primal Earth, and any badges they earned in Praetoria are entirely carried over, including badges specific to Praetorians such as "Praetoria's Son/Daughter".


    The question then is whether Day Jobs themselves are appropriate to Praetoria, which reveals possibly a second explanation as to why Praetoria doesn't have Day Jobs.  Day Jobs reflect your character doffing the costume and going in disguise to work a job as an 'ordinary' citizen, or doing volunteer work while not on the job.  In Praetoria, every person with powers is part of Powers Division.  You're not a sanctioned vigilante, you're a part of Praetoria's military-police-state complex.  Having an actual 'day job' would be difficult and inadvisable - you're always expected to be on duty.  Volunteer work, however, would be far more acceptable, even laudable; after all, you're voluntarily putting your abilities to use to better the lives Praetoria's citizenry, in even the most mundane respects.  That's good PR if I ever saw it.


    So... IMO day job badges could exist in Praetoria, but they'd have to be named and flavored to reflect how Praetoria would see that activity.  Once a Praetorian moves over to Primal Earth, their badges could either be converted to the equivalent Primal badges, or left in their uniquely Praetorian form.


    That's my take on it, anyway.


    Yeah, I am in agreement on the comparison. I just thought it needed to be reiterated that the two are in separate dimensions canonically.

  9. 3 minutes ago, battlewraith said:

    The topic is vague to me. I'm not sure exactly what you're after.


    If the question is about what the Homecoming team can do, then I think it's actually "what makes for a healthy playerbase?"

    The answers are going to involve things like content updates, events, promotion, etc.


    "What makes for a healthy game community?"


    1. What community are you talking about?

    2. What is your criteria for saying it's healthy?

    I'm not sure how much more specific I can get. I have a complete sentence as the topic of this thread. I can break down the meaning of each word if you are missing that context. If you are asking me to elaborate on what makes for a healthy game community, I am asking that question as the topic of this thread, not answering it myself. By expanding the context to "a game community" as opposed to "the HC community," I would gain more input on positive and negative actions other gaming communities have taken.


    So to reiterate, I am not defining criteria or specific communities, I am asking broadly so I can gain the widest input. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Vulpoid said:

    I respectfully disagree,  and feel @UltraAlt eloquently shared many of my feelings and concerns. I have a tendency to be hyperbolic and silly in my phrasing and I really appreciate the honest tone and explanation of this poster's thoughts. It is well written and validates my confirmation bias. ( small joke, but I mean what I said.)

    Not disagreeing on the substance of the response from the poster, I'm saying it's gone well past the point of the topic at hand and arrived at the point of wanting to be right.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  11. 1 hour ago, UltraAlt said:


    Why does City of Heroes need to be recommended to other players?


    Homecoming as a presence on Discord. Clearly, people using Discord can talk directly to other players. 


    My use of Steam is limited. Some people seem to push Steam, but I really don't see a need to go through Steam for access to most games unless you are trying to use it as an overall banner for all your games. I really don't need a holding house for all my games. The only benefit that it really would provide for me would be as one central purchaser so I'm only providing my credit card number to single payee.

    I don't see how Steam doesn't have any kind of VOIP system as far as I know. (half a joke in that)

    I don't see how Steam would spread knowledge of the game. It can't list it as a superhero game as the term as Marvel and DC Comics have joint ownership of the term as a trademark.

    Where do you think the exposure for the game would show up on the platform?


    I believe there are people streaming and posting City of Heroes gameplay on both YouTube and Twitch (and probably other platforms as well). None of this content should be for monetary income per the Code Of Conduct and what not. At this point, YouTube is running ads on everything regardless if the channel owner is monetizing or not. This really puts YouTube posts of Homecoming in a tenuous light as YouTube is making profit off of the content.

    Has Homecoming's exposure on Twitch and City of Heroes increased the player base? (I'm thinking very little).


    Personally, I think that the players that would really enjoy playing City of Heroes are going to be the old fans or ones that have stumbled into it from their internet travels because they are searching for it.


    I think that intentionally drawing F2P players is a bad idea. Many are just going to pass through. There seems to be quite a number of players that play F2P games that use them as a platform for trolling (both in and out of game) and other chat/post related misbehavior. F2P players - these days - also think that they can buy their way to OP status (of course, we have the AE and farming for that now - but we even see in the forums as players want to find away to "pay" to bypass even that by use of in-game currency). 



    You make my point.

    Why lure more here?



    I see plenty of ideas being posted for the DEVs all the time. They have limited time and they are working toward goals that they have set for themselves.


    Since the AE came out, it primarily has been used as a farming/power-leveling tool.

    People that complain that there isn't enough content could be making missions in the AE and the AE could be the go-to place for new missions.

    That isn't happening. Players want the cheap out.

    If that isn't the case they need to show that "creativity and engagement".


    On the other side, we do have extremely creative players that do stand out. Some make great AE missions and some make great bases.

    These are the few.


    Fly-by-night F2P players aren't going to engage in game creation. They won't be creative in something so simple as character creation. Heck, as simple as thinking up a good name that hasn't been used.



    Er, what?

    What are our claims?

    What are our goals?



    how exactly does advertising City of Heroes enrich the experience for everyone?


    And is the "little grinch in the dark corner" comment supposed to validate your post somehow or is that a directed attack against another player.

    Are you targeting me and calling me a "grinch in the dark corner" because I believe that we have a good player base and feel that the people in this community are the best game-wide gaming community that I have ever been involved with?

    I somehow ruining something for you because I'm asking questions?





    People can find slots in the DEV team there.

    As you see, most of the posts are for software and not mission content.


    I'm assuming that they have teams working on missions. Most people working on AE missions are working solo.

    In fact the DEVs are trying to spotlight good AE missions. What would be better would be if they added them as an active part of the game outside of the AE. For this, the AE content would need to match up with the canon of the game or not. There really is no reason that player created content shouldn't be part of the game itself it is well done and it is canon. I think that would actually spur AE content development.


    I haven't fiddled with it much, but I "might" take time to fiddle with the costume graphics if I had a more clear explanation of the graphics file types and how to download, re-upload, and test assets. Have done quite a bit of costume mod-ing for another game that readily allows and promotes costume mod-ing as well as active costume deployment system for those that wish to use the costumes. I don't know if they use pattern overlays or if it is all 3D sculpting here.


    I'm not a coder or some modeller. I'm a writer and modifier. Those are duties given to game programmers for some reason. We wouldn't want - say Alan Moore - writing content for City of Heroes, would we? I mean he isn't a coder or a skilled CGI artist.


    Imagine if Base building was integrated into the AE for building mission environments. 




    No. most players aren't going to go to a low population server. They aren't going to do that.

    We know what happened on live. There wasn't a list of how many players online at any given time, but anyone that used the player search to look for teams back then knew which servers were most populated and the ones that weren't.

    Players that aren't dedicated to the game are going to the most populated server(s) and stay there. That is the way it is going to happen. If they find themselves on a low population server and they really want to play but they really want to team up... they are going to move the most populated server or the one that their friends game on.


    I don't think there are any changes being made to force players to go to another server.


    I know players that are already avoid playing on the most populated servers because of the lag and server disconnects that they experience more frequently on them because they live in rural areas without hardwired internet access above old school landlines and accessing the game through the internet connection on their cell phones. 

    The DEVs can't do anything about that.



    You didn't post my full comment.

    My comment was valid.



    Are "we"?

    I didn't even know that MO staff as posting stuff about City of Heroes.

    I guess I'm not part of your "we".

    I don't really care.

    I looked into it as it was an incomplete comment, but I guess the implication was that "we" all knew something that apparently there are people here that don't know about that subject.




    Why does the discussion in regard to Homecoming need to spread out from the forums and the Discord channels?



    Yep. That's a thing.



    I think the need to find new players was the downfall of City of Heroes at the sunset.


    It was all about monetary rewards for the publisher. (I can see at the onset that F2P was targeted at getting other players into the game to give subscribers more people to play with so that they continued subscribing. It quickly turned into a microtransaction system that went after the subscribers and not just the F2P players).


    We don't need monetary rewards for the publisher. We have people that are more than willing to pitch in and the monetary needs are meet very quickly when the donation period opens. People take it as a special honor to even to be able to get a donation in during the small window of opportunity. 


    People that want to play with a larger player base move to servers with a larger player population.

    Players that want to role-play flock to the unofficial RP-server.

    Some players play on server because their friends play on that server.

    Some players play on a server because the server is closer to them physically.

    Some players play on a less populated server because of their internet connection speed.


    Spreading information that City of Heroes is back is great.

    I don't think Homecoming needs to worry about advertising or marketing.

    Homecoming appears to be supporting the game for the existing community from before the sunset. Other people that want to play along are welcome. I don't think that they have a goal to monetize the game; at least, I (and I'm sure that I am not alone) am very happy with that.

    I think this is an example of a post that has risen to the level of the individual wanting to be right more than having an honest discussion about the topic.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 2 hours ago, Oubliette_Red said:

    I brought this up in an older thread. Some of the areas where you'd expect there to be day jobs in Praetoria, like the Precincts, the rail and Studio 55 are absent. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to get those.

    That makes sense from a quality of life perspective, but canonically, they are crossing dimensional barriers in game to get these badges - there should be some portal looking hoops to jump through. 

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