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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 11 minutes ago, Wavicle said:

    The more I think about it, the more I am pretty OK with the Amplifiers change.

    The only suggestion I have is maybe it would be ok at 1.5 or 2 million instead of 2.5.

    This is interesting, if I could ask why you are okay with the change and why the suggested change from 2.5 to 1.5? Not attacking, just generally interested in the feedback as a fellow player!

  2. 1 hour ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    It's not "how some players take it." It's that regardless of the stated reason for this change, this is the factual effect that it will have.


    As a rule I'm always against "fixing" stuff that ain't broken. This isn't broken so I don't understand why the devs are spending the time and effort to suddenly "fix" something that ain't broken.

    One of a two sided coin where players have expressed both satisfaction with and dissatisfaction with. Just because you see it as not broken, doesn't mean the Homecoming Team agrees, which is why we are seeing this change on the beta shard.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    It may not be the stated reason, but it’s the real effect. Frankly, I don’t understand the reasoning at all. Who was using these things, then going into an event that didn’t allow temps and complaining about it?

    A real effect? That is arguable since these changes haven't been ported to the live servers. If anything, that is supposition and it may be a potential outcome for the players who have expressed that feedback in this thread.  

  4. 18 minutes ago, Riverdusk said:

    I have no problem with the P2W buffs costing more, but with this change they cost exactly the same as before if you are level 50.  The price increase is only for those under level 50.  So, this change seems to be, lets punish the newbies/alts?

    That isn't the stated reason behind the change, though that may be how some players take it. I'm sure it will be a change that will surprise some players, but it wasn't done to punish newbies/alts. It was done to balance the ability of pausing a temporary buff. For players that were used to taking the Amplifier route at the lower levels, if these changes go live, they will need to either pay more inf or find an alternative if they don't like the change. 

    • Thumbs Down 2
  5. Just now, Bopper said:

    Correct, per Amplifier per hour. So $24 to get 8 hours of all 3.

    That makes sense from a greedy-MMO market driven stand point. The Amplifiers are essentially a "make your build amazing at any level" for money. I think it was a terrible decision from a gameplay stand point, but that's all moot here on HC since everything is so cheap in comparison to legacy. Now that the buffs can be paused, it makes sense to increase the price in line with the change. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, Bopper said:

    Daaaaayum so just a single one hour charge of the Offensive Amplifier used to cost $1 of real money!! That's insane! Definitely should cost more in game, as the purposed change entails, maybe even more considering it was designed to be so OP that people would have had to spend $1 in real life just to use one hour of it. 


    Edit: It was $5 for the minimum purchase of 400 PP, but the Offensive Amplifier cost 80 PP to purchase, so $1 a pop.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dispari said:

    Okay so, morning observations and numbers (using level 50 attuned IOs)

    Level 50 base power speeds:
    Super Speed: 69.44
    Speed of Sound: 69.44
    Infiltration: 41.38

    SS slotted with run/end: 82.72
    SoS slotted with run/special: 89.06
    Inf slotted with run/end: 47.22
    Inf slotted with run/special: 53.46

    Powers suppressed: 19.33
    Boosted suppressed: 25.67

    The difference between 82/89 is not really noticeable for me from a gamefeel perspective. I THINK I can recognize 47/53, at the very least I feel a little faster. Of course the most noticeable difference is when suppressed, I can definitely tell the difference with 19/25. The non-suppression in combat is the best part of it, I'd say the rest is just a neat perk.

    That being said, I still feel like these should be global bonuses that are always on. These numbers are neat and all, but it's not like I'm ever going to run these powers in combat, so it will never come up. If I could just ALWAYS have that 25 suppressed move speed, I might actually want to slot it.

    Oh and while we're at it, can we fix Infiltration being exclusive with stealth powers? It's a travel power, not a stealth power -- it has a stealth component as a perk, but so does Super Speed and that doesn't lock you out of any power usage.

    May benefit from turning Sprint on as well if you want even more unsuppressed running speed during combat.

  8. I will counter this feedback by saying I enjoy the added depth these new forum badges provide to the forum going experience. Not sure how I feel about the post count being converted from 1,000 to 1.0k, but I can learn to live with the change. I'd also say that having reaction emotes is pretty normal across most social and community websites. 

  9. On 11/16/2021 at 8:24 AM, justicebeliever said:

    I just found out that I earned some forum badges and I see that there are forum ranks.  Can the Dev's tell us more about this?  Exciting.


    If you react to someone else's post, you get a badge too.


    Edit: Badges have been turned off 😥

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  10. 12 minutes ago, oedipus_tex said:



    Interesting stuff. Thanks for the explanation. 🙂



    Had some drinks last night and came up with another question. How would the team feel about -Range Resistance as the tier 3 bonus? There aren't currently a lot of sources of -Range, but they absolutely wreck players. Stacked Hurricanes are probably the most common source of it. I'm pretty sure most sources of -Range are resistable (if City of Data is accurate, of course mob versions may vary).


    I think Range Resistance is also kinda thematic for a travel power. Anyway just a thought. Keep up the great work. 🙂

    Taunts in PvP give -range.

  11. Just now, Wavicle said:

    It also depends a little bit on how strong the +perception is. I remember testing the other +perception I owe back in the day and discovering that it wasn’t good enough to even penetrate regular mobs stealth or blindness. 

    It adds 100ft of perception and persists for a while after activating, a whole 2 minutes in fact.

  12. It's worth pointing out, if it hasn't already been said, that players can create builds on the beta test shard and fully trick out the build without having to invest any inf or PL to 50. It's normally what I do if my build idea has made it past the 'looks good in Mids' phase. 

    • Thumbs Up 1
  13. 2 hours ago, EmperorSteele said:

    I wonder if, for the teleport one, a 2-second untargetable or self phase effect would be better? That way, enemies have a small delay reacting to your presence, giving you time to queue up an attack or something? Granted, there already IS such a delay (due to lag and such) but this would provide a bit extra of a cushion for those with slower reaction times or whatnot.


    It's still a "combat" thing, but it could also be used to avoid combat as well.


    I dunno, just spitballin'.

    The travel pool power Teleport provides around 5 seconds of Untouchable status after completing the activation of the power. If a player slotted the +perception unique in to this power, they could use the power, receive the Untouchable status, and utilize the +perception to survey the area for potential threats (if teleporting around randomly or on/in an unfamiliar area/mission/map).

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. Just now, Bionic_Flea said:

    @Glacier Peak, wouldn't it be better to slot the +perception in combat TP?

    I thought about this, and it depends. Having it in teleport means a player can teleport in to a mob or enemy and utilize the power's Untouchable status (which lasts around 5 seconds) to inform them of the potential threat in the area, with added +perception, without experiencing the potential risk of doing just that. On the other hand, Combat Teleport would be the ideal power for the unique +perception proc. The proc activates after the animation/teleport power finishes, so it's usefulness would be best utilized before engaging in combat in order to get the most perception of mobs at a distance. Kind of putting the chicken before the egg... knowing that there is a mob/enemy ahead that is cloaked (thinking Knives of Artemis) means you don't need +perception to see them, but if you've teleported in to an area that looked clear before activating, only to realize that once you've landed there with the +perception activated, it becomes moot anyway. I'll admit this is an outlier scenario for sure, but worth bringing up nonetheless I think.

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