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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 6 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    Beta Shard characters are periodically deleted, and there isn't a consistent player population on Test.

    And I think you're fully aware of that.

    My characters haven't been deleted in over a year, and even when that were to occur, I could either copy them over again or recreate the character in less than 10 minutes. The OP didn't indicate they cared about consistent population, I think you're projecting your own feelings in to this.


    And I know you're aware of that. 

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  2. 12 minutes ago, KaizenSoze said:

    I have had a day to think about the relentless run.


    • Voice chat is mandatory
    • The tank will almost always be aggro capped. You need at least two forms of aggro control.
      • Second tank/brute
      • Illusion controller with perma Phantom army
    • High levels of stealth is still useful to bypass mobs
    • Have 1-2 teammates with Incandescence for two reasons
      • Bypass mobs
      • Move the team out of nuke range. I won't elaborate as to not spoil things
    • Buffing, nothing is bad
      • Resists will be extremely useful, but won't save you w/o a strong team
        • My SR/DM tanker with 100%+ positional defense would often see -10% on resists
          • The worse I saw was -66% s/l and -96% energy
      • Recovery buffing is needed, as you get your recovery zero'ed out fairly often
    • Healing
      • Due to the amount of -resist from mobs. Single target healing is useful, but often too late.
      • Absorb shields and heal over time might be better
        • Natural Affinity might be very useful, but we didn't have one
      • Having at least one 1-2 teammates with rebirth is also useful. My tank uses the Radial heal/regen version
    • Revive
      • You'll need 1-2 players with revive powers
      • Large revives inspirations do work on relentless
      • Consider slotting the Radial barrier that rezes up to two players

    This is a great look at what players have done so far and as the ASF gets refined and players find new or better strategies, I am confident the things identified as needed or mandatory will be much more flexible to alternatives.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Microcosm said:

    Been gone a while, but just popping in to say that the elec changes on a sentinel are super fun. Obviously it synergizes with other effects that contribute end drain. There is also a noticeable positive difference using Musc Radial with it (which boosts end drain) against hard targets vs just using Core. I have many times tried elec blast because I wanted it to work, and always dropped it because the end drain was not useful; now it appears to be. Well done.

    I am in the process of finding synergy between slotting for damage on my Elec/Regen Sent and finding the right balance between the new mechanic. I'm finding if I generate enough global +rech that the Chance for Self Heal procs add a reliable passive heal on top of regeneration making me that much more capable, coupled with the added end drain/recovery of the set and it is REALLY starting to shine. I haven't taken the build through my normal street sweep/task force/end game content testing yet, so nothing beyond conjecture, but I am excited!! 

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  4. 41 minutes ago, Generator said:

    It's been so long since I fooled with Stone Armor, so if I'm talking nonsense please go easy on me.


    I forget if Rooted had the same can't-jump schtick as Granite.  If it did, can Rooted also be able to curb-hop now?


    (Haven't had a chance to check on this, been a busy weekend.)

    The HC Team did a tweak to Rooted last page update where Rooted no longer has the penalties of -movement, though it's power effects only work while... well Rooted lol

  5. 1 hour ago, Wavicle said:

    Seems like now you can build to not need Granite, just like you don’t need Unstoppable or Elude.

    Exactly this! I copied my Stone/Stone Tanker over to beta and was pleasantly surprised that while out of Granite, and all my shields up I capped all resists and went fairly deep in to the 30 and early 40s in defense to all. When things got dicey in the back part of the newly opened Cimerora, I toggled on Granite to keep the -def cascade at bay. Really swell updates to the set. I think I'll even try a second build on the same character that is offensive focused because I really want to take advantage of the new synergy between the armors.

  6. 17 minutes ago, The Mighty Paladin said:

    The easiest way to do it I think, would be to kill two birds with one stone. Make a way to invite my alts to my own supergroup. then we can share stuff through the group base.

    The command to invite your alts to your own SG is: /altinvite playername


    Also, the ingame email system allows the storage of up to 100 emails, allowing for 200 billion influence to be accessible across all characters on an account. Or if desired, players can email attachments of salvage, inspirations, enhancements, and more. 


    May not be exactly what the OP suggested, but it's there until a change like this occurs. 

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  7. 1 hour ago, Kai Moon said:

    For Mass Hypnosis and Spore Burst, adding "This power automatically hits most targets." should be a good enough clue. I asked around, nobody knew what "raid target" means, so better leave that detail out. "Most targets" vagueness also leaves the door open if PvPers complain and force a change.


    For the other sleep powers, "This power's sleep effect automatically hits most targets." maybe?

    I thought you were talking about the Description, not the Detailed Info. Did I get that right? I'm confused, sorry!


    Which spot? Also, it is just the sleep portion that would be auto, not the procs that could be added to the power. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Kai Moon said:

    Are there plans to update the power descriptions?


    An in-game explanation should help future players reconcile the parts of the game suggesting these powers have a to-hit check (e.g. acc slotting, no damage on "autohit") with the parts of the game suggesting these powers are autohit (e.g. Hit Rolls log, sleep hits but no damage).

    What description(s) would you recommend? What text do you think would help inform the player the most?

  9. 9 minutes ago, Player-1 said:

    Voltaic Sentinel becoming a toggle also came with a tremendous increase to its damage output and endurance drain capabilities. For most of the ATs with access to the power there are still plenty of ways to keep it up while solo, and in a team there should be even more to leverage the damage. Having played elec/elec/elec on live as well, I can attest to it being useful to have out when you are mezzed but to be honest I can't recall too many times where it strictly made the difference in survival or not where Charged Bolts + Lightning Bolt + Electric Fence wouldn't have. 


    Outside of a mez situation, or if mez is not a factor, the power is tremendously improved which means it has to give way in some form for balance. The endurance cost is actually the same as before if stretched over the previous 60s duration, and combined with Shock should actually be less costly overall.


    Touching on endurance drain as a whole, it is something incredibly tricky that we have been trying to tackle. Prior to Shock, endurance drain is incredibly binary between useless and "may as well be defeated" if you can maintain an enemy at 0. If a single character can maintain 0 on even the toughest opponents, then that causes a slew of problems with encounter design where we do not want a meta of "bring an electric defender and win". Shock allows there to be interplay from 100 to 0 endurance in some manner so that you can benefit from the process of draining rather than only a full drain, though it is something we are studying from both sides of the spectrum as you see with the change to minimum endurance stats on Elite enemies.

    I've been back and forth on the best way to approach that binary conundrum of 0 being godly and 1 not making much of an impact solo unless specifically slotted and built for max mechanic utilization (with the changes to EB/AV end recovery countering that approach). That being said, I think it's a good start with the Static mechanic and the feedback we get will help dial in the niche and get Electric Blast on par with other Blast primaries.

  10. 3 hours ago, Dispari said:

    The main problem with Voltaic Sentinel has always been its short duration. We went through the same thing with Elec Affinity's sentinel, which started at something like 35s and ended at 120s. I daresay making the Voltaic Sentinel a toggle is even worse, because now it's going to die every time you get mezzed, forcing you to stop and resummon it. Or just give up and stop summoning it. If you're getting mezzed regularly like against Malta, you may as well not have the power. That's very strange behavior for what's supposed to be a pet. Isn't the whole point of a pet that it can act independently of you?

    I see this as balance though, not as a problem with the power. When I summon my Voltaic Sentinel, I know its limitations. It can't be damaged, it rarely does what I want it to, and it is most valuable when I have to engage a group at the mid-30s (acting as a clean up on any minions that I am not focusing my main attacks on). I rarely summon it when teaming because of things outside the purvey of the set (a la damage, via AoE, is king). But during solo play, I know this trade off is balanced because it can't be damaged and it still attacks. As for the huge endurance cost, I know that it can be offset by using the primary's mechanics, endurance recovery.


    When I am fighting higher level enemies like Malta or Carnival enemies, I know that they are going to do some serious mezzing, so I take my precautions by carrying the appropriate number of inspirations. It will be awesome that the power recharges in 10 seconds now, instead of 60. That is a great balance in my eyes from the click to toggle style. I think the only other pet that acts independently from the player after summon are found in control sets, but I may be wrong. If we are comparing to other pets, it would be fair to say that Voltaic Sentinel is unique to primaries for Blasters, Corruptors, and Sentinels (Defenders get Dark Miasma and Storm Summoning, and Dominators are controller-types).

  11. On 11/2/2021 at 1:07 PM, Booper said:
    • Gravity Control > Dimension Shift:
      • Reduced duration from 20s to 3s in PvP only.

    Would it be possible to reduce/clarify the extraneous numbers from the PvP Detailed Info for Dimension Shift (see below). I can confirm Dimension Shift now lasts 3 seconds after the cast (though it feels like the effect activates a little bit before the animation finishes).



    It may also be moot, but if the power is only going to last 3 seconds in PvP and act primarily as a ground based spike-adverting power (as opposed to the current meta for turtling), shouldn't the recharge be reduced in kind? On live, the base recharge is 60 seconds and enhanceable to nearly perma and the effect lasted 20 seconds. On beta, the base recharge is still 60 seconds and enhanceable to around 20 seconds, but the effect only lasts 3 seconds. Where is the trade off (risk versus reward) being balanced here? It's not like the user can attack while dimension shifted. It is as much a boon to their safety as a detriment to their team losing an attacker during stacking of the spike. Trade off on live made sense IMO. Now a player casts the power and it lasts nearly the same as a mez would. I am seeing less options to avoid the damage cascade with this change.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Shadeknight said:

    Soloing relentless is a challenge I want to see someone try - if only to see their reaction to getting splattered. Because the devs won't really listen to the whole idea that "if x can't solo relentless, then it sucks." - nor should anyone else.

    I can forsee self rez powers that grant buffs on rez like Rise of the Phoenix, Resurgence, and Revive/Second Wind from the regen sets and the like being a commodity for those trying to solo Relentless ASF. Niche buff/situational at best type powers are going to help a lot with the new mechanics.

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  13. If you're worried about being mezzed while solo bring Breakfrees, Blasters know this. Store a bunch in your email. Pick up temporary powers to reduce mez durations. Grab an incarnate that provides mez protection. Every encounter in this game has a counter. It's an argument in bad faith to claim otherwise.


    Voltatic Sentinel is immune to damage so it has trade offs. Now that it's a toggle that recharges in 10 seconds, if you get mezzed, just respawn it if you think that damage will help you in less than 10 seconds. VS has increased DPS too now so it might be worth it to resummon.


  14. Others have pointed out that travel powers aren't often used in combat, in fact they are suppressed while engaging in combat *(briefly, while not PvPing). I think that's the right way to look at the travel specific IO sets. Do they improve the ability and also add bonuses that are unique to each IO set travel power respectively? Yes, I believe so. 


    As the point has developed in this thread, why dedicate slots to a travel power? Why balance the potential reward of 4-slotting a travel power versus 4 slotting another power that can provide better bonuses catered to the users build objectives? The answer is in the question - players are given the option, the flexibility, the mechanisms to make their character how they want them to. Some players don't care that their 4 slots could be utilized in a different power to add more bonuses - they just want their travel power to be the best it can be. And that can be achieved by slotting each travel IO set to the corresponding travel power.


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  15. 2 hours ago, justicebeliever said:

    Can you clarify more on what the requirements are for this badge?



    • Epidemiologist_CIT.png.e61fbb920be52b771d46b847fe5c926a.png Epidemiologist - Defeat all the prominent Vahzilok leaders.

    Abandon Sewers now have spawns that may contain story signature enemies (found in the Freakish Lab of Dr. Vahzilok story arc). Defeat them all and you get the badge. 


    • Thanks 1
  16. 24 minutes ago, Sophronisba said:

    All three of my kids used to design characters sitting on my lap and now all of them have accounts of their own.

    This is awesome! My sister got me in to the game back in 2004, it's a real great gateway in to comic book and super hero movie culture for the young adults too, with parents permission of course. Heck I even create characters with my wife sometimes. Good times!

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