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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. 3 hours ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Here's a suggestion that I could support: Make the insta-level-50 token sold by a special vendor who's only in Paragon Dance Party. And it costs Inf100 million.

    Yeah! Just like the Banished Pantheon band that plays in the Tiki Lounge of Pocket D (see my signature for a tour!). Maybe add on that the vendor only shows up on a Tuesday between the hours of... 😁

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  2. 6 hours ago, Tsugaru said:


    This actually looks like the resurfacing of a similar bug (dare I say exploit) that was patched last year involving the use of the old Teleport T4. I am assuming it used your /loc when you were editing your base to load in to the next zone that was chosen (or the last one you visited before entering your base). When you returned, you were teleported back to the previous zone using the coordinates in the buffer(?).


    Being someone who is naturally curious about geometry errors and exploring spaces outside zones (see my signature) I will look to replicate this bug and report back here with my findings (or if serious enough, file a bug report).

  3. This is a good question. Subjective obviously - but my opinion is that my favorite art is stuff that I have received for free or as a trade for something of value that is not money. I put a lot of feelings in to a piece of art, which translates to value to me. The longer I own it, the more valuable to me it becomes. My grandfather had a print of an Moose in a river which he gifted to me after he passed. I really loved that print when I was a kid, I loved it even more after I got it, and each time I see it, it gives me joy. How much would I pay for it? That's a tough question - if I saw it on the street or in a studio, but it didn't have that emotional value, probably $50. If I had to place a value on it including the emotional value, I'd say $500 easily.

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  4. Like others have alluded to, I think the next hotness/ market fad is going to be HOs/DSOs that are in high demand for at least a month or two after the release of Page 3. Mainly because of the higher difficulty settings incentivizing every little boost and bonus from a player's build. 

  5. 2 hours ago, tidge said:


    The new combinations are as follows:

    • Endurance Modification/Accuracy
    • Endurance Modification/Recharge
    • Accuracy/Range
    • Damage/Endurance
    • Damage/Recharge
    • Heal/Accuracy
    • Heal/Recharge
    • Slow/Recharge/Endurance
    • Threat/Accuracy/Recharge


    I was hoping for an Accuracy/Recharge piece; there are a handful of powers across my diverse characters that could free up a slot by using a few of these. For example, from the same Corruptor:  Benumb.


    I have two assumptions (neither of which I have tested):

    • The new combinations won't convert into each other
    • The new combinations won't drop from Hami, LRSF, etc.

    If so, then it won't take but one EbilTM Marketeer (per market) to use a LOT of INF to raise the roof on all of them.

    Same boat with Benumb, I've got two 50+5 acc and two rech IOs.


    Edit: Oh and the new Dsync Enhancements don't convert, but they can be combined with other HO/SHO enhancements and only drop from the ASF reward pool on beta. 

  6. To dog pile on to what @tidge said, I will also be grabbing the new Cold proc off the market for my main Ice/Cold Corruptor if/when they make it out of beta testing. Infridgate is about to be a 6 slot proc'able power that does more damage than a tier 1 blast power 😈 😆 

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  7. 45 minutes ago, LightningDrone said:

    My Main Toon is Lightning Drone (Electric/Electric/Electric Blaster) since approximately 2007 on City of Heroes live servers. Easily have played with those sets for over 1000 hours minimum.


    In plain English as best as I can, current COH Homecoming experience.


    Voltaic Sentinel (Electric Blast) pet is almost irrelevant. I never slot it with enhancement slots. The fact is the power is simply a cantrip. I'd rather something else completely.


    Build Up and Power Sink from the Electric Manipulation secondary set are the only completely necessary powers to train and have enhancement slots. In theory all blaster secondary sets could be labelled as cantrip sets. That just might be the reason why many players are afraid to play blasters. Blaster secondary sets are 90% irrelevant cantrips.


    I've never played Sentinels but perhaps blasters could borrow a couple toggles for damage resistance to replace powers in secondary sets. That just might make Blasters a tiny bit more solo friendly and a little more tolerant of short melee combat encounters. Maybe toggles that are more effective for buffing the party's damage output than the Leadership Pool Power Set. 


    In summary in plain English, Blaster secondary sets have too many cantrips that are never worth slotting.


    Thanks for the Ted Talk,

    Lightning Drone

    Not sure if you've missed it in the patch notes or tested it and didn't realize but VS got its biggest bump in damage ever and contributes to the new shock mechanic now. Not sure how you think any of that is a trick, or some mischievous or playful act. 

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  8. 33 minutes ago, Ice Ember said:

    Slots on a tank which is not played primarily in Granite are a premium.  Very few left over for attacks and pools.  The changes as proposed make playing in regular armors and not Granite more appealing.  My stone tank was made to use set bonuses and to not be in granite full time So I will look forward to these changes. 

    Will Stone Skin get +5% defense to Psi as stated below?  I doubt it because Granite did not have it to begin with.  I would prefer resistance to Psi be added though...


    Stone Skin

    • The following stats were moved to Stone Skin from Granite:
    • Added Resistance against Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative and Toxic damage. +10%/7.5% for Tankers and Brutes respectively.
    • Added Defense to all but toxic. +5%/3.75% for Tankers and Brutes respectively.
    • This power should now accept Defense enhancements and sets.

    • Players should now be able to do small 1.5ft high jumps while in granite form. This is high enough to jump some small bench-sized ledges, but not enough to jump over enemies or fences.
    • The following stats were moved to Stone Skin from Granite:
      • Resistance against Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative and Toxic damage reduced by 10%/7.5% for Tankers and Brutes respectively.
      • Defense lowered by 5%/3.75 for Tankers and Brutes respectively.

    I'm not sure where you see Psi defense would be added. Granite never had defense to Psi, so there wouldn't be anything to transfer to Stone Skin. Patch notes are just saying that portion of Granite's resists/defense was transferred to Stone Skin.

  9. 40 minutes ago, GraspingVileTerror said:

    We shouldn't forget that the market is entirely artificial and entirely within the Devs' power to change how it works.  Any argument for or against changes to other parts of the game that use the "but the market!" excuse don't really hold water.  The market doesn't need to be the way it is right now, and can be modified with the likes of seeding, which the Homecoming Team already did.

    One could say that it's unlikely that the Devs -want to- . . . sure.  It's easy to say that it would require extra time and effort on the parts of the Devs to adjust the market further, absolutely.  But the market is not sacrosanct and beyond change.

    Except these arguments do not hold water on the live shards because the devs haven't done this outside of salvage seeding. It is entirely speculative on yours and anyone else's part to say otherwise. Bad faith argument right here.

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  10. 23 minutes ago, mechahamham said:

    tl;dr: Using Summon Teammates allows you to pull teammates out of their 'Roles' in Casino Heist


    How to reproduce:


    1. Have 'Summon Teammates' from the Steel Canyon Safeguard/Mayhem mission.

    2. Start a 'Summer Blockbuster' trial with 3 other players

    3. Start 'Casino heist'

    4. While 'Assemble the Team' is inhibited 'Summon Teammates' is not. It can be used to move teammates out of their otherwise sealed rooms, preventing them from completing their objectives.

    Good bug find, as I am sure this isn't working as intended. Do you know if other team teleport powers work during this section as well? (i.e., such as Teleport pool "Teleport Target,' and/or 'Team Teleport') 

    • Thanks 1
  11. Just now, Wavicle said:

    How so? Don’t get me wrong, I disagree with the OP’s suggestion, but I don’t get this comment…

    Fair question. It is the ramifications that would entail for the suggestion of changing how players get to 50.



    "Allow people that have made a character and leveled it all the way to 50 to skip levelling further characters by letting them make new characters at 50 if they so choose or letting them purchase an instant-50 from P2W or have Null give it to them."


    This would certainly provide the instant gratification for some, such as the OP, and perhaps others, but disregard the rest of the player base that relies on the interactions with other players during each characters 1-50 journey. And yes, players can exemplar down to do content - but they would need a supportive game economy to supply them with the level requisite enhancements to do so. That is why it is an entirely game-changing suggestion. While it sounds easy to implement (just make the bird do it!), its ramifications would undoubtedly alter the rest of the experience for everyone else. Enjoy a well supplied market? That would change if this were to be implemented - supply would decrease, but demand would stay the same, if not increase as others have alluded to. 


    That being said, I will echo my original comment again that the Beta shard exists, and players who want to be level 50 in 2 seconds instead of 2 hours can go there to enjoy the game if they desire.

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