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Glacier Peak

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Posts posted by Glacier Peak

  1. Page 8! Updated list after others have chimed in with great info. I bolded the enemies I am confident fit the hint.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (big kudos to @TraumaTrain for the first three):
    1.    Maybe ?? Dr. Hyperbaric from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Pirate”
    2.    Maybe ?? Rising Vengeance from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Commander”
    3.    Maybe ?? Steve "Mute" Mutombo from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Mute”
    4.    Maybe ?? Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1” 
    5.    Maybe ?? Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


    Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      ??? as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) from Jim Temblor's story arc as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Row as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic (thanks to @Grouchybeast) from Eagle Eye story arc in Kings Rowas “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    Atta (@Lines) as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”


    The final hint: 

    Finally, find Freedom at the annual game,
    And claim the honor of gold medal fame.

    17.    Freaklympics story arc (@FoulVileTerror great guess!) as the "honor of gold medal fame".

  2. 1 hour ago, TraumaTrain said:

    "The first count as five, and come as a squad;
    A pirate and a commander and a mute, how odd."


    This whole thing is about Sgt. Schorr's arc. St. Martial.


    There are five of you, a squad: Schorr himself, Colleague, Second Measure, Network, and you.


    Mission 1: defeat Dr. Hyperbaric, a piratey fish guy working for Arachnos.


    Mission 2: defeat Rising Vengeance, a Tsoo commander.


    Mission 3: defeat Steve "Mute" Mutombo, a Family man.

    I think the first three match really well - but who are the love birds? They come as a squad?

  3. 2 hours ago, Marine X said:

    Hopefully find some more, you know....hey..... didn't they say they were going to make it a uniform 8 exploration badges per Zone. Why is there only one in Cimerora?


    Creeeaaak Snap! Rumble, .....( Hears Midnighter Club Lobby floor give out under the weight of hundreds of badge obsessed heroes )

    Always happy to snag more! Exploration badges comes with interesting background.

  4. Just now, Grouchybeast said:

    @Glacier Peak


    9.      Darrin Wade as “art thief”


    I still think that Graham Easton's arc is a better fit, here.  The Who Will Die? story where Wade is defeated is quite high level.


    11.    The mission "To Something Greater - Part Three: Coming Together" has Penelope Yin practicing a "Neat Trick" for the  “deranged little psychic” hint (https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Mission:To_Something_Greater_-_Part_Three:_Coming_Together)


    Infernia is a 40-50 level contact again, though, which seems to be too high.

    I actually just ran that arc on one of my characters yesterday, and there wasn't anyone tough to defeat aside from the Tsoo leader at the end. But I agree with you about Darrin Wade being too high - I just can't think of any other art thiefs in the game!


    And I have to agree with you on the 11. as well. I keep thinking it's Penelope, but nothing seems to match besides the Psychochronometron thing.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Rejolt said:

    14. (Doesn't Cole meet you on your way to the gate from Praetoria. It's essentially level 20+; but you also meet NPCs that discuss blue/red sides).

    I like that idea! Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't he just an NPC in that last part? I don't think he can be attacked/defeated. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Piecemeal said:


    @Grouchybeast We're close! 


    Updated list after others have chimed in with great info. I bolded the enemies I am confident fit the hint.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (big kudos to @TraumaTrain for the first three):
    1.    Dr. Hyperbaric from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Pirate”
    2.    Rising Vengeance from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Commander”
    3.    Steve "Mute" Mutombo from Sgt. Schorr story arc in St. Martial as “Mute”
    4.    Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1”
    5.    Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


    Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      ??? as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Kurse (thanks @LQT) from Jim Temblor's story arc as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    Chernobog Petrovic as “Lord of Death 1” 
    13.    Veles Petrovic as “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    ??? as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”


    The final hint: 

    Finally, find Freedom at the annual game,
    And claim the honor of gold medal fame.

    17.    Freedom Phalanx related... hmm maybe defeating a Freedom Phalanx member


  7. 19 minutes ago, mechahamham said:

    17 souls?


    I wonder if this is supposed to line up at all with the 22 Major Arcana:


    If we remove the 5 'individuals' referenced in the Mystic Fortune artwork, that leaves 17. However, you'd have to count Manticore and Sister Psyche as '1 soul' and then NOT have them be either of the lovebirds mentioned.


    0 - The Fool (Synapse in Mystic Fortune)

    1 - The Magician (Numina in Mystic Fortune, Dark Watcher in Praetorian Penny's arc)

    2 - High Priestess

    3 - Empress -

    4 - Emperor -

    5 - Hierophant/Heavenly Messenger

    6 - The Lovers (Manticore and Sister Psyche in Mystic Fortune)

    7 - Chariot -

    8 - Strength

    9 - Hermit (Dark Watcher in Mystic Fortune)

    10- The Wheel

    11 - Justice

    12 - The Hanged Man

    13 - Death (Ghost Widow in Mystic Fortune)

    14 - Temperance

    15 - The Devil

    16 - The Tower (Cryptic/Hell Forge in Mystic Fortune)

    17 - The Star

    18 - The Moon (Midnighters in Mystic Fortune)

    19 - The Sun (?? (Carnival of Light, Maybe) in Mystic Fortune)

    20 - Judgment

    21 - The World (Paragon City in Mystic Fortune)


    I think your picks could fit into the arcana, like assigning Romulus as the 'Emperor', but the arcana are SUPPOSED to be vague and subject to interpretation.


    Recluse and Red Widow could be 'Emperor' and 'Empress' and also be 'Lovebird 1' and 'Lovebird 2'


    Hmm.... I'ma have to think about this one.

    Interesting take! I wish I knew more about the story cannon to figure out the rest of those questions. At the very least it will be a fun hunt for whatever it ends up being. 

  8. My observations so far....

    On July 23rd, @@Piecemeal posted that he has been working on something since October of last year. He says he started with costumes and textures, but managed to figure out other background systems throughout the game on his own. He notes on a post on July 24th that once his ‘thing’ is closer to testing, he will spill the beans and describe it with a proper introduction (assuming no more rhyming hints? lol). 

    The hints really take off starting August 9th when he posts a cryptic (?) rhyming verse that appears to contain details relating to his ‘thing’ he is working on. To paraphrase and summate its contents based on my deductions, see below:

    This post first begins by addressing the community’s in game characters. The next sentence implies that there will be a feature which is tied to your alignment, perhaps defeating certain enemies spread across alignments will reward you with something. The next portion mentions a “new army”, perhaps this alludes to the screenshot of the multi-enemy costumed parted individuals. This section also has the most interesting part. Again, total speculation on my part. I think the next part, where it totals seventeen “souls” is a list of characters needed to be defeated to gain a badge. I’m going to go out on a limb and attempt to identify them as best as I can.


    First five are mentioned as a squad (may be Admiral Sutter TF):
    1.    Colonel Durray as “Pirate”
    2.    ??? as “Commander”
    3.    ??? as “Mute”
    4.    Jane Temblor from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 1”
    5.    Fusion from Admiral Sutter TF as “Lovebird 2”


     Next ones are on isle of yore (Striga Island):
    6.    Archon Burkholder from Ernesto Hess TF as “the bane of caldera”
    7.    Heracles from Stephanie Peebles story arc as “the humbler of the son of Hera  humble the son of Alcmene”
    8.    Arakhn from Moonfire TF as “the cyst-maker”


    Next part mentions getting mean, perhaps changing alignment to villain for these:
    9.      Darrin Wade as “art thief”
    10.    Night Widow Nocturne (thanks @Ironblade) from either Jim Temblor's or Agent G's story arc as “the widow whose sub is a goner”. Doc Deliah from Faultline as “the Doctor” who introduces you to Agent G, whose final missions you fight Nocturne.
    11.    Malaise or Mother Mayhem as “deranged little psychic”
    12.    ??? as “Lord of Death 1”
    13.    ??? as “Lord of Death 2”
    14.    ??? as “met on your trek to the gate”
    15.    Clockwork King from Synapse TF as “went to court and toppled the monarchy”
    16.    Dr. Vahzilok as “de-tenured Ph.D.”

    Last thing I believe implies completing the speed demon challenge at the Ski Chalet. The final part also implies there will be more ‘challenges’ like this, and the reward will also be a badge.

    On August 8th @Piecemeal posts “coughs in foreshadowing” in response to a comment about swapping alignment. On August 13th he further clarified that origin will not lock out players from getting the badges for this upcoming content. Also, on this day, he somewhat alludes to playing through the content instead of grinding past it may make it easier to obtain the previously mentioned badges. Again, on this day, he implies that in order to figure out what is needed to be done for those badges, players will need to be aware of the lore in the game. He also goes on to say that in the future the actions that players take will affect the nature of their game play.

    • Thanks 3
  9. 38 minutes ago, Piecemeal said:

    Please remember this is my virgin flight.

    I created conditions to spawn a fight.


    It requires attention to lore and collecting 

    So you can be rewarded with a vigilant reckoning. 


    Don't hype too hard, instead think of the future,

    When records of your deeds affect the gameplay nature.

    Okay so what I am imagining from all the rhymed hints is a new system that tracks badges? Probably way off. I love playing crossword and doing word searches, but I am not grasping the rhyming hints very well. It's exciting though! Thank you for the teasing, hopefully I can narrow it down from everything you have posted so far.

  10. 4 hours ago, Jolly Ogre said:

    I will not do this again... i still have PVP ones to get which will be a pain.


    Then the Keys and TPN masters... yeah right trying to get a league all together on the same page?  It took me weeks just to get Master Miss Lib because I could not get 8 people to listen for 1 hr.

    I've found doing a couple of iterations of these Masters' works better than crossing your fingers one person doesn't screw it up. The two arena badges which require patience and coordination are also a pain, as you said.

  11. In before someone complains for no reason! (joking!)


    Thank you so much for the update Jimmy! And thank you to the volunteer Homecoming staff, GMs, and development team. I appreciate the tease and I look forward to continuing to play this great game with this awesome community we've built.


    Keep it up!

    • Like 2
  12. 25 minutes ago, Marine X said:

    Copy and Paste of my Idea in another Post from Monday:


    Perhaps there is an as yet unmentioned opportunity here. What If you used the PVP Exemplar mechanic, everyone to a certain level and used it somewhere that hardly gets used, say the ECHO Zones. They could each get locked to set range like the PVP Zones but be PVE. It would certainly liven up that Badge hunt in Echo: Faultline if those CoT at the bottom of that trench could actually hurt you. we could consider them Flashback Zones since they are tied to Ouroboros, just a thought.


    Echo: Atlas Park - 1 - 6 Hellions / Vahz / Clockwork

    Echo Galaxy City - 1 - 6 Hellions / Vahz / Clockwork ( Maybe rework to spawn 6-14 Outcasts / Trolls / Igneous / Skulls / Lost

    Echo: Faultline - 14-19 Vahz / CoT / Clockwork

    Echo: Dark Astoria - 21 - 29 Banished Pantheon / Circle of Thorns / Tsoo

    Echo: Rikti Crash Site - 40 - 50 Rikti / Crey / Devouring Earth / Nemesis Snipers

    Edited Monday at 02:37 PM by Marine X

    Great idea! Looks like we had similar thought progression. I like the idea of tying them more to Ouro as well. You are essentially going back in time using the Fire and Ice Crystal, so it would stand to reason that those zones have a certain level range.

    • Like 1
  13. 5 hours ago, Oginth said:

    What if Echo always get invaded? Let's say, week one of September, only Galaxy City Echo is invaded by Rikti. Week two, another Echo is invaded by another faction. This continues on until it repeats back at Galaxy City Echo with Rikti.


    Down side: Invasion events may get too common, and GM will have nothing to throw at us.

    Interesting idea

  14. 7 hours ago, macskull said:

    Ehhh... the only PvP zone that's consistently active across all the servers is RV on Indomitable and there's pretty much nothing you can do to change that. Adding more PvP-enabled zones will probably not spread the PvP population out more, the new zones will just be dead.

    I'm seeing this comment and others like it as a common response to my suggestion. I appreciate the feedback. Thank you. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, Grouchybeast said:

    But more active with what players?  This is the part I don't understand,  PVP players already don't use most of the existing PVP zones.  Why would they use these new zones?  What's going to attract them there?  If the proposal doesn't include a mechanism to actually increase the number of players who want to PVP, you have, at best, less activity in some zones balanced by more activity in others.  So you've made the Echoes more active, and the other PVP zones less active.  How does that benefit the game or players?


    Honestly, the only outcome I can imagine is that any badgers -- the only people who do, currently, actually make use of the Echoes -- will be cranky, and will spend less time there, due to the annoying PVP game mechanics and the outside chance of ganking.   So it would most likely have the exact opposite effect in terms of total player time spent in the Echoes.


    Incidentally, do people RP in the Echo zones?  If they do, I don't imagine adding PVP mechanics would improve their experience, either.

    Very good points. I'll have to rethink my suggestion with this caveat in mind. 


    Thank you

  16. 2 minutes ago, Greycat said:

    First, "easy to implement" is never a good thing to assume.


    Second, even if the zones were switched to PVP and nobody cared, there's one OTHER thing that would probably annoy people. PVP mechanics for powers *are different* from what they are in PVE in many cases. Hell, it's one of the reasons PVP withered after the changes implemented in i13.


    So not only would your proposed change keep people out who are absolutely opposed to PVP (and deprive us of zones where, for instance, people can hold RP events - Galaxy used to be a very popular event for that - because they don't want someone coming by and *starting fights* for the "fun" of disrupting events,) but even those who would otherwise not care would have zones where their powers operated differently.



    Fair enough. I went in to the dev console on my private server and changed the player flag mechanic to all. That worked. It's the same as how the zone Warburg works.


    I have experienced the differences you discussed between powers for PvE and PvP. I think that because it's a legacy decision that we are stuck with it. 


    I appreciate the points you have made. 

  17. 1 minute ago, Bentley Berkeley said:

    See here is what you dont seem to be understanding, and are certainly not making any kind of real argument, you just keep stating what you want, and finish with a condescending thank you. What your advocating for would be a active deterrent to the above reasons people might choose to go to these zones currently. I am certainly not going to feel comfortable holding an RP memorial for Galaxy Girl in Galaxy City and her statue if while we are all there with our toggles turned off and having a  nice social RP moment, we can get ganked by scum bags.


    Nor am I going to go hunt  the GM in DA echo with less then a decked out 50 loaded for war if I have to risk ganking. Nor are badge tour guides going to casually use their own fresh alts while showing others the routes to the more obscure badges in such zones if they can be ganked.


    You need to offer actually arguments for why what you want would not lead to any negative impact on players current player habits.


    Otherwise nothing you say has any substance nor validity. Thank you very much!

    Hi,  my suggestion is not an ultimatum. I can enjoy all the game play mechanics you mentioned in your post if these zones were to be modified as I suggested. 


    I appreciate the passion of those who have replied to my suggestion. I love this game too and I'm happy we can discuss how we think the game could be improved. 

  18. 7 hours ago, Black Zot said:

    There is no middle ground - a zone either allows PvP and is empty, or forbids it and might see some activity depending on what else there is to do there.  If you want to add foot traffic to a zone, add missions and PvE objectives that point there.  Forcing PvP on people just encourages them to find other zones - or other games - to spend their time.

    I am more hopeful there is a middle ground - this is a suggestion not an ultimatum. I pointed out in an earlier post that all of the normal content was removed from these Echo zones, except for their street spawns. So aside from the badges I've collected and the fun ambience of sitting on the tops of the faults in Echo Faultline or wandering through the foggy and aptly named streets of Echo Dark Astoria, there aren't any gameplay mechanics present in these zones that currently draw players in to experience them. I'm advocating for using an existing game mechanic, which is easily implemented by changing the flagging of players, in to Echo zones to increase the number of reasons a player may venture there. I love badging, I love looking at and exploring the intricacies of this game, I love PvP - these are all game play mechanics. My suggestion looks to use one of these. 

  19. 3 hours ago, srmalloy said:

    From what I've seen in other MMOs -- and one of the things that encouraged me to join CoH just after launch was that it didn't have PvP -- is that entirely too much of PvP consists of people whose only measure of their "1337 5k1LLz" (and, yes, I'm using 'leet' deprecatingly, as many of them are so firmly wedded to it that I wonder if they can actually write coherent English) as a gamer is how fast their level-capped combat god with BiS gear can gank newbies fresh out of the starting zone, roaming around looking to bump their gank score. Sort of like people measuring their worth by how many ants they've stepped on.

    Well it's a game mechanic that has existed in this game for a long time, so I'm advocating for it to be implemented in Echo zones. 


    Thank you for your post. 

  20. 6 hours ago, Grouchybeast said:

    I feel like I'm fundamentally missing something about this suggestion.


    There's already such a small PVP population in the game that it almost all takes place in the Arena + one out of the four PVP zones.  And your proposal to make PVP more popular is to take the miniscule sub-population of PVPers who PVP in the other three zones and spread them out over seven zones instead?


    What's the actual mechanism by which you envisage this increasing the number of players who want to PVP?  Badgers don't convert into PVPers when they've collected the exploration badges in four zones, but eight zones will somehow definitely do the trick?  I genuine don't understand the thinking behind this.

    My suggestion is to make the Echo zones more active by bringing in a game mechanic which is minimally resource intensive to implement. Going in to the dev command and changing the flag player rules. 


    Badges and chilling/nostalgia are the reasons I and other folks in this thread have mentioned for visiting these zones. I'm advocating for adding another reason to visit them. 

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