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Everything posted by Darmian

  1. He's tried it! Did like that, found the rest of the game, to quote him, "completely f**cking toxic". And quit it.
  2. Not a typo but a needed change. If you decide to auto complete a mission and you get the "You must wait X days before you can use this again" routine, it should not say contact customer service if there's a bug.
  3. Make ouro missions like AE. Quasi Task Force/Strike Force but you can still invite others along AFTER you've started. Hell, make actual TFs/SFs like that, why not? I mean you can open them solo, why not add the invite option? Have I mentioned this already? I may have, I didn't read back through the thread.
  4. While this is probably blindingly obvious to you, the order of the AE arcs is in my signature. Feel free to try the Pre War Praetorian ones, but they're a separate story, an attempt to write more for Gold side that fits in. Whether I succeeded or not is up to the players really. I hope I did.
  5. I find it handy when testing, never mind playing stuff. Did the boss speak? Oh hell, they all spoke at once! Gotta fix that, and so on.
  6. I dunno, maybe ranging from 8 mill to 250 mill depending on the character? It's literally not important to me. I just need my peeps to be able to get by and I have fun. And I periodically spend time writing in the AE, which is a big part of playing the game for me, but that doesn't earn you anything apart from a few tickets if I'm lucky enough to have players find my stuff. But everyone has their own niche.
  7. I don't know if you do this @DougGraves, or others, but I keep a small floating tab 4 between my Target and Nav reticules that only has NPC Dialog and Cutscene Captions in it. Saves me scrolling through chatter and I see if anyone has spoken, even if it's only text movement caught out of the corner of my eye.
  8. Nah, we're not really. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey, the Menders predicted Atlas would bite the dust, but it was Galaxy instead, we're not stuck with it. They'll probably deal with it somehow though.
  9. Hi, @DougGraves! They are all finished, however I'm happy to take notes from any players, I mean how else am I going to get better? But detail is cool too, and if I have a single request, let me know if the through line of the plot hangs together. There's a few things I've done that I hope worked, but the AE limits are what they are. And I hope you have fun! If you squint a bit it slides into canon just about, with some standing in the shadows going on LOL. Usual caveat I gave people too, read the clues, they help! And while you're an old hand at this, no sprint or you'll lose the escorts!
  10. LOL, I know at least three, one a RL friend who just enjoys it! He tried farming, found it tedious, and then went to AH. And loves placing bids and waiting and all that palaver.
  11. It doesn't actually ask that at all. Posters have veered off into that but that isn't what @DougGravesstarted this with.
  12. I'm not really disputing this, but that does literally depend on your hero. Pretty certain Dare Devil gets the train. Batman, while rich, still has to make his stuff and has a company to buy and sell things. So I don't think you're saying get rid of all of this, but rather make them optional perhaps? I just have no idea how you would balance this.
  13. Have you seen the state of the Destroyers' teeth? I would not be surprised!
  14. I always read the drug war thing in CO* to be more like "Venom" from Batman, than say real world drugs. And that seems reinforced by the Gold side equivalent, Fixadine, since it seems to work like that for the Destroyers.
  15. A Longbow version of VEATs. Yes, WS & PB are HEATs, but they're NOT equivalent. So obviously that would mean, I dunno, a Nictus arc on Redside allowing WS & PB to start there? It's an assumption on my part of course that that would be simpler (ha!) than creating a new Kheld equivalent whole cloth. Yeah, I know lots of people don't like Longbow. Lots of people also don't like Arachnos. Whatever.
  16. It kinda does though, doesn't it? Take an ouro mish, get exemped, and don't do it. Just sweep in the level you're now in? I had to do that to get Hallowe'en stuff for my Gold because I can't go anywhere else and home is too low level for door knocking. But, take an ouro mish, then knock on doors in Imperial, no probs.
  17. Odd thing is, Studio 55 feels MORE like a club than Pocket D LOL.
  18. All valid points 🙂 Thanks for that. My own suggestion above (still vaguely nebulous as I've said) has literally nothing to do with socialization though, just leveraging these places because frankly, (a) they're cool. and (b) surely it's easier to use a place you already have in the game as opposed to building a new one? (Ok, I prefer the Rikti Monkey Fight Club to PDP but that's just me!) But apart from Seasonal stuff and a thing that ties in to Night Ward, what missions are in Pocket D? No, I'm not counting skiing or the Arena. While I'm in agreement with @Icecomet that PDP (and the rest) need some love, I'm not advocating them as RP/meetup areas at all. Pocket D and dedicated bases do that pretty well already, as you've pointed out, and people will go to where there's stuff to do, even if it's only visiting Bobcat in Studio 55 for her missions. Anyhoo. That's not a critique of your response or the OP, just me hijacking the thread!
  19. Talk to Rothstein in the tutorial. and go through his full speech. He's after you pass by the Clockwork and down into the Underground. He'll be standing on something that elevates him higher than the surrounding Resistance members.
  20. Welp, the Warzones outside RV are dead because nowhere else lets you have all the top end shinies. Back before "thedawnatime", before Incarnates, Warburg used to see a lot more action because people WANTED those nukes to actually use, as opposed to have a cool temp power/get the Rocket Man/Woman badge. You needed it for some things. Now? Nope. I used one last year in an ITF, didn't even notice it in all the Ion Judgements going off. Shivan Shards? They're handy but you can buy a Sig Summons at the P2W so...whatever. Thing is, the "other players", as far as I can see, in your proposition, majority of them, don't want to be IN a PVP zone in the first place. So there's that to deal with.
  21. Ah, if you level by content, then you level by content. We do have Ouro. It needs more things in there that aren't in there, but we have it. Now, lower factions having new content at higher levels? Oh yeah, bring that on. What Ouro AND the TFs need - especially since you can open a TF solo now, is the quasi TF function that the AE has. If I start an Ouro/TF solo and someone wants to join then they should be able to. Simple as that.
  22. If they implemented this I'd want their ground level chatter to be things like, "Curses! Ok, who memorized the Levitate spell? No one? AGH!"
  23. Well, I personally don't remember being in one in Port Oakes, BUT I've had people argue fiercely with me that there was and they were in it, and I have no proof they're wrong so...there we are 😄
  24. I have several dedicated alts. ie Golds that never left Praetoria and hit 50, Villains that stay villainous and never soften to Rogue, and Heroes that are , well, Heroic. But the majority roster of my gang crosses back and forth across the lines pretty well, whether I'm on a tip hunt or just visiting the Gull for stuff. It's an issue that is easily worked around to be honest.
  25. I've heard that Indom is the place to go for PVP. Anyone care to enlighten further? And you can be on BOTH if you like Excel 🙂
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