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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. This is a super good idea. My bots have the same problem on live right now. My character just plain runs much faster than back in the day with Sprint, and the bots can no longer keep up. I am constantly leaving them behind just moving around normally. If all pets could have their normal running speed increased to match what Sprint gives players now, that would be awesome.
  2. You can't trade Afterburner for for anything at all? But all you use it for is a LotG set mule? What about Hover, is that already in your build?
  3. I like EM a lot. With EM, I don't need to slot Swift or Fly for flight speed. I can leave Fly at one slot and put an EndRdx in there, and I can one or two slot EM with EndRdx and I'm pretty happy. Almost at the flight speed cap. I assume a few IO set bonuses will get me all the way to the cap, even without trying to slot for it. This means I can save slots and put them elsewhere, and use Swift for something else. I just tested it this way and it's pretty useful to build like this. The cap is 102 mph with Afterburner, Fly and EM running. Time from north tram in IP to NW corner of the zone was about 1 min 47 sec (Swift had one level 40 Fly SO , but AB, Fly and EM were unenhanced). The time for the same trip with SS and SJ both running was 2 min 20 secs (both of those were completely unenhanced). Fly w/ EM and AB is pretty darn fast. I added one level 40 Run SO in Swift, and one Run in SS and one Jump in SJ, and I got a time of 1 min 56 secs for the same distance. That's pretty close, but still short of *unenhanced* Fly + EM. Of course EM requires another power pick like Air Superiority but still it's pretty decent.
  4. Yup just noticed this. Besides the speed boost, the effect that makes you not float around but stop immediately when letting go of a movement key is gone too. I noticed I was still be charged End though, and its toggle button indicated it was running. Clicking EM off and then on again fixes the problem.
  5. I got my first Tour Guide mission yesterday and it was pretty funny and well written, especially for just being such a simple mission (Unlucky in IP, any time you have the Freakshow talking in l33ts34k it's great). Kudos for spending so much time and energy making these fun to read.
  6. This was a brand new character on Brainstorm that I auto-leveled to 30 with the cheat menu. So no accolades, temp powers, day jobs, etc. All the powers are completely unslotted. So these are base values only. I'll try to test later with some SOs. Base Powers, nothing toggled on (not even Sprint) Run Speed: 19.33 mph Flying Speed: 24.41 mph Jumping Speed: 32.14 mph Max Jump: 10.67 ft W/ Fly: Flying Speed: 56.66 mph W/ Fly and Afterburner: 71.00 mph W/ Super Jump + Super Speed: Run Speed 69.44 mph Jump Speed: 67.80 mph Max Jump: 121.87 mph
  7. I added that, but I think it crossed with your post. Yeah I picked up on that when I tested it.
  8. I just gave this a quick test on Beta. Traveling from the north tram in IP to the northwest corner of the zone and back. Super Speed + Super Jump: 2 min 20 seconds Fly: 2 min 33 seconds. I was able to use Afterburner twice in that time. These times are VERY similar in my mind, Fly was only moments behind what someone with SS+SJ would do, and the travel in IP is nearly ideal for SS anyway. I think in practical terms these differences aren't that big of a deal. (And something I didn't realize but Afterburner is now a free power with Fly, so these two should not really be comparable in the first place.) Also the interaction of Hover and Fly animations is kinda yucky, and the Hover animation at fly speeds doesn't look good. But if you're traveling long distances you just shut it off? Or are there other reasons to run Hover while you're traveling? Maybe convenience, constantly having to adjust that one toggle could feel rather cumbersome.
  9. Don't forget that Fly+Afterburner is two power picks. It should be equivalent in speed and utility to something like taking Super Speed+ Super Jump. Especially now that a travel power is just one pick and not two, any Travel Power + A Power that enhances that travel power should be the same, or around the same, in terms of utility and convenience for the player. I ran two travel powers on many toons back in the day (including a MM with Teleport + Hover, no 15s bs for me, I just stayed in the air as long as I wanted). The new powers are great, but I think we have to keep in mind that there are some other options players have and ways of comparing powers need to be thought of in terms of the current powers, not how we used to do it way back when.
  10. Want to +1 this as well. Personally I hate being invisible because then no one can see my costume. Having a slider for how invisible you are would be ideal, but even a click button to toggle between "Really invisible" and "Not too invisible" would be ok.
  11. I just want to nth this, squared. This would be a super option to get rid of those annoying extra trays that we can't do anything with.
  12. Not terrible ideas, but as other have posted might need some work. Yin stance could be changed to "whenever a to-hit roll is made against you" you gain a damage boost. Like Brute's Fury. You could describe this as not getting hit but "redirecting energy back towards the enemy," seems like it might be martial arts ish. And Yang Stance, I like the idea of debuffing enemy damage (which is what I think Power Siphon does now). It not only protects you, it also protects your team if they pull aggro or get hit by a cone, for example. Powers which benefit a team are good, so I'd like to keep this as debuffs enemy damage when you score hits on the enemy, rather than switching it to your personal damage resistance.
  13. Yes! Right, this is pretty reasonable. To make Power Siphon work better with the existing animations, making its effect last longer so that it works well with the existing animation times seems like an excellent suggestion. I do like the existing animations. Not everything needs to animate with the speed of Claws or Spines or whatever. But the powers in a set should be tuned to work well with the whole set, and that includes animation times and not just sticking to arbitrary formulas. (The original devs seem to have had a blind spot in this regard.) I'd even go as far as to remove the animation from Power Siphon altogether. Just have a VFX on the player's fists or something. Zero cast time and zero interrupt time. Make its effect last a skoosh longer and that might be it.
  14. I only have one (or two?) lower level characters with Kinetic Melee. I kind of like it. It has style and that's somewhat rare in this game. I don't think every powerset has to be a top performer, it's ok if some have a little less performance than others. I'm curious why this ends up on people's dislike list so much. There's lots to play out there if you want raw damage numbers, including some set that I think are underrated for their damage output (War Mace).
  15. I would like to see both Synapse and Citadel get the Posi treatment: make two TFs and link them as a story. I realize this is more work but if I had my druthers this is what I'd do. I agree there's a certain amount of using long task forces as a way to grind XP, but I still think they're super long. Breaking the long TFs in half should provide a reasonable compromise. Oh, and when you break these TFs in half, make some reasonable replacement text for when you first talk to a contact. Be much more clear about which option does what. "Talk about what is going on in the rest of the city" isn't a really great description of starting a task force. Actually that's another TF that could use revamping: Positron's starting text in Steel Canyon. Can we get a bit more than "Character what can I do for you?" Maybe explain that there are two task forces and one takes place in Steel Canyon and one takes place in the rest of the city. Do this in-character, Positron explaining events to us, and then do it a second time in orange text that later missions used for breaking the fourth wall and giving instructions to the player. The choices that a player clicks on at the bottom of Posi's text box should also have "(Start Positron Task Force Part 1)" and "(Start Positron Task Force Part 2)" added to the end of the current choices, just to be extra clear to players.
  16. Putting the radar dishes in an "instance" in the open world zone would eliminate the problem of someone else doing the work for you, I think, unless they're doing the exact same mission at the same time. This would add a bit of immersiveness while also fixing the problem with the existing radar missions. Also when you click the blinkie at the radar dish it would be nice to have an actual effect or animation happen. The radar bursts into flames or explodes or animates with a WHHOOOOoooooo descending note sound and the dish sags and points at the ground.
  17. I wouldn't mind seeing Yin take over the second half of that current Synapse TF, if that TF is broken into two halves. Synapse can take the first half, which is based on him noticing that energy is being stolen around the city. That part seems fitting. Yin can preside over the fall of the Clockwork King, which seems fitting for her. BaBs can have the current Yin TF, which involves pounding Freakshow. That would be a good TF for him.
  18. I'd also like to see the Clockwork King's model made slightly larger. He's easy to miss even when you're right there. Making him at least half again as large as he is now would help, I think. And yes please give him some more hit points and more resistance so he doesn't go over like a wet sack of laundry. Aiming for about a 1 minute to 1.5 minute fight would be good I think.
  19. This might be obvious but Citadel also has a problem that players first have to do a mish in Talos, then in Independence Port, then back in Talos, then back in IP, then back to Talos, then back again to IP, etc. For almost every mission players must travel to a new zone, which is just nuts. Three to four missions in Talos, then three to four in IP please. Other thoughts: There's been some discussion about telling story through the mechanics. I think frequently the location of a mission matters. If we're to feel like we're moving through a story, sending us to random locations on a map doesn't really cut it. Some thought the physical location of a mission on a map, and how it integrates into the story are also important. Like if we're to discover a secret Council base, then we should be doing that, each mission moving closer somehow to that secret base. To me a lot of current missions don't do that. This might involve some special maps, but they don't have to be very special. Adding some carefully chosen equipment and enemy characters so that each map doesn't feel identical to the last would help. If we're investigating Council for stealing equipment from a warehouse in the first mission, that equipment better show up in the secret base in the last mission. Also adding cut scenes was mentioned (specifically for the Clockwork King). I think all missions in TFs should have a short cut scene when players enter the mission, which summarizes the mission text and explains what the players are expected to accomplish. Too much story and explanation is lost by the current system of dispensing missions, we need a way to make sure everyone is participating in the expository parts of a story.
  20. Using instances for this might work. "Do something that is not inside a door" is a good way to break up a TF. If the players were directed to a spot on the map that was instanced, for example, with a large number of Clockwork causing some sort of mayhem that they need to defeat, that seems like it might be a good way to both eliminate both a tedious hunt through a map and also provide something more interesting than just more "defeat all" maps. Maybe add one or more EBs that are "mini-Paladins" or something to add a large enemy to defeat. The clocks could be building the EBs and then they could come to life in the middle of the fight. Of course someone will have to add some instances to the above ground sections of Steel and Skyway, but hopefully that is not too much work.
  21. Something not on the list but I wanted to add: a discussion of new costume parts, maybe new costume creator capability, like more than two colors on a costume part.
  22. Mostly old TFs I think. Revamping some of the more questionable content would be a big lift to this game. Might want to open this up as well to enemy maps like blue caves and Council tunnels, since now I'm thinking of Citadel TF. Force Field, please please please. Also look at Poison at the same time, I feel it's really weak at low levels. As a MM secondary it's rather pitiful if you're actually trying to level with it. Cool downs in general, esp. Tier 9. "Your awesome power defuffs you" is not great. Rage from the SS set could be looked at as well. I see the role play aspects of what the powers are trying to do, just saying I don't like the debuff, I think it's bad mechanically.
  23. So I'm calling it a week, my haul is 54 million for one week's worth of marketeering, and not putting a ton of work in on it at that. Less than 20 recipes bought and sold. Some things I think could be improved: right now there are search filters which I seldom use, such as the level or the rarity or the origin. I think these could be moved to an "advanced search" box / pop-up, and some more common and useful filters added. For example I do often want to search for "Luck of the Gambler" but only in recipes, so a drop down to select "Enhancements, Salvage, Recipes, Inspirations" would be useful. (Those four are the top four nodes of the tree menu that everyone uses to navigate the AH, so it's basically just that list.) Then for each item, a context sensitive drop down could be use to select further what I'm looking for. For example, under "Enhancements" there's a list of Attuned, Crafted, Normal, and Special that could be added to a context sensitive drop down, allowing me to further refine a search. For each of the top four navigation items (the Enhancemets, Salvage, Recipes, Inspirations nav tree), each one has a separate sub menu that could just be added to a context sensitive drop down that could just be used to filter search results further.
  24. I'd like to see the median, the mean and two standard deviations for the last 30 days, updated once per day. That'll help with being able to determine where prices really are at. Then the same thing for the last six months, updated once per month. Not too hard on the server, and really useful for players. Edit: and by "mode" I actually meant the mean. Argh.
  25. I have to disagree with this. I don't make enough in just plain recipe drops to be self funding. Buying Recipes with Merits is hideously expensive. If you're playing with converters, you need salvage to craft first, and that almost certainly means buying it on the market. And fussing with converters isn't any more fun or interesting while you gamble with IOs than just buying them on the market. HC is better than live in many ways, yes I agree with that. But it still isn't good or good enough. The invention system still needs a big out of the box think to make it into something that's actually fun to deal with rather than a chore. "Better" is a pretty low bar, honestly, and there's still a fair ways to go up before it's good.
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