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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. Didn't read the whole thread, sorry if this is a duplicate: Entering the Freedom Corps building in AP (the new one) I got a "Cannot Enter" message. I had to go around the side to enter Fort Trident. This is strictly an RP thing but it felt a bit off. There's a big marquee with the name Freedom Corps right there, so it felt natural to enter at that door. Be forced to go around to a side door felt second class to me. Just my 2 inf. I'd like to see the main entranced to Fort Trident moved to the main door of that building, or even just make all the doors go to Fort Trident.
  2. I went to the Icon store in AP today and someone's Symphony Control pet was stuck outside of the doors, unable to enter. Possible AI bug. Also when I clicked on the pet it said "Earth Control" in the target window even though it was obviously a Symphony pet.
  3. I asked on the Psi/Toxic thread if VEATS (well Widows specifically) could get some improvements too, so maybe a general discussion of EATs over there? Most EATs are pretty tanky, so I think it might apply.
  4. Could Widows get some of this? Mostly Toxic resistance, I'm caped to Psi. Maybe Toxic resistance and defense in Mask Presence, and some resistance in Foresight. (Mind Link provides about 15% Toxic defense on my toon, so take that into account, I think the base defense is 10%.)
  5. While I think the Freedom Force TFs unlocking Fort Trident is fine probably the way most players will do it (Positron counts right?), Shining Stars has always been a bit of a dud with players. Any thoughts on revamping these missions? I recall the animations and the way the AI works in these missions to be darn weird. Buggy even. Maybe collect some ideas from players about which sections need updating the most.
  6. If you've got a character to 50 and parked because you're working on other toons, I think it's fair to say you shouldn't have to re-log your 50 just to keep it. OTOH I'm not totally against a level 50 name being lost if a player truly isn't coming back. I think the entire account would have to be idle for 18 months though before it should happen. How to do this? Maybe run a script against the main login server every 3 months. If an account hasn't been used at all in 18 months, then update the individual game servers for that account with "name OK to take". Once a player logs in you'd have to figure out a way to revoke that immediately. EDIT: Or on a game server, if a name is 50 and over 18 months, when the request for that name is made, query the log-in server if that account has been used in the last 18 months. Then you at least do the check locally first before asking the name server for its information. Should reduce the load.
  7. Aside somewhat, but on my system a lot of the game is really dark Arachnos bases and The Crucible in particular look like someone forgot to turn the lights on. Could we look at making The Crucible a bit brighter? I think turning up the ambient light so everything gets a bit more visible would help. If it's suppose to get more use I think it would help if players could find their way around easier. Dark atmosphere is nice but player usability -- what is called "affordance" -- is more important imo.
  8. Actually, I'd go for this too. It seems like people would have to not be logging in at all to get tripped up by this. And remember, you don't lose your name automatically at 18 months, you have to not log that character in for 18 months AND someone has to try for the name. Seems fair to me. If I didn't log-in to check my characters for 18 months, I've probably left permanently.
  9. As long as it's an option, I think it's good. Personally I've been asking for a different theme for Sonic Blast. It's not so much that I wanted a music themed set as much as I really dislike the Sonic Blast sound effects and animations. The current look of Sonic Blast works for very very few of my personal character concepts. Please devs, still need customization on Sonic Blast so we can have some different character concepts. The *numbers* on Blast are great, but I really do dislike how it looks. Customization options would be the cat's meow here.
  10. I was thinking the same thing. After around level 5 or 10, after someone has had enough time to acclimate themselves to the game (if they're new) and figure out how zones work, "Fort Trident" or "The Crucible" should appear on their Super Group list as if they were a member or in a Coalition. That way it's just always "there." Players should probably be offered an optional tutorial introduction to the base around this time too. Maybe add a token to P2W players can buy for 5k or so that'll give them instant access to this "public base" if they really want it earlier.
  11. This is actually a great idea. "Only grab one taken name per week" would be a reasonable limit, and would help stop folks from just becoming a new name camper. I'd like to see this implemented before the full system goes live (doesn't have to be done now for just the messages to go live).
  12. As a further aside, one of my characters on Brainstorm was over the time limit, and clearly showed the triangular warning icon. It's a pretty good setup.
  13. This times about 1000. First nobody loses anything if no one tries to take your name. If you have an unpopular or funky name that no one thinks of trying, you won't lose it. AND! That only applies if you aren't actively playing the character. People camping names (purposely or not) are kinda being unfair to the rest of the folks still here. I have 50+ characters and many I don't play often. Time to think seriously about if I really need to keep them all. And finally IT'S NOT ACTIVE YET. All we're getting is warnings. Plenty of time to let folks think about the new system once everybody sees it on live. I think we should wait until the live population does see it, there's really no changes here at all except the message. ---- As an aside, what is your new name if you do get your name taken? I think the character should be renamed with lots of X's added to their name. xXXCaptain HotdogXXx would be a totally great name for your character. Because, you know, reasons.
  14. Thanks, I figured it was something like this. Personally I think making a better newbie experience (for real newbies) is a very good idea. The content by the original devs was somewhat lacking in this regard, unfortunately, and it's good to see the Homecoming Team paying attention here and taking some steps. The only thing I'd ask for, I think, would be a switch so experienced returning players can choose it and say "I don't want a newbie hand-holding experience" and skip past any forced path at the beginning. I don't think this is needed yet, DFB and P2W allow any player to skip the early missions easily. But in the future it might be needed.
  15. That's one huge update! The Homecoming Team has been busy! I especially like that weapons can now be visible on a character's back, that's a big and cool change for me. I checked out Brainstorm earlier today, not a lot of people on, so not much testing can be done. I wonder what the idea was behind removing AE from Atlas Park and Mercy? Just too busy in those zones and didn't want truly new people to get distracted by the AE?
  16. I'm not up on my DnD lore but I think rust monsters affect iron. Lord Nemesis sees further than most, and cleverly made his automachina out of brass. Those rust monsters won't work against the almighty Lord Nemy. Also, have you seen what those rust monsters do during breeding season.? No. Absolutely not. Get them back in separate cages, immediately.
  17. Yes, this and a singer voice for both male and female toons would be great. For music I think we should start with a growly/loud electric guitar and a more melodic synth.
  18. I grabbed Ann Droid, thanks! Was looking for an Robotics/Elec MM excuse!
  19. I don't think this is a "typo" so... Two contacts from Independence Port, when Ashwin Lannister offers to introduce me, the text that describes them (Eliza Thorpe and Miriam Bloechl) both says they have "access to Training Enhancements." This feels like it's a $Origin something in the text, and the type of enhancement isn't set correctly for those NPCs. They should probably be Science and Magic respectively. It's possible with recent changes that the type of enhancements should be updated so "Universal" or "All" is an option, and NPCs can just all be set to that. (P.S. It turns out Eliza is in Talos Island.)
  20. Now I want someone to start an Empathy/Dual Pistols with a German style uniform named Heal Hitler.
  21. Don't know where else to put this... I was poking around the new building around Dr. Aeon's new strike force. The elevators behind him make the right sound, but the Arachnos style doors make a sound like I'm turning a doorknob and opening a wooden door. This goes for the Arachnos style doors in the lobby of that building too, on the way up to the level where Dr. Aeon is. I don't know where the proper sound is, but if you go to Mercy and take the elevator lift to/from the ferry, it makes a good sound for Arachnos doors. Maybe this sound could be used?
  22. Could other pets be looked as well? This is a screenshot of my Umbra Beast. Its collision box is huge, in the screenshot I'm running at the pet and I can't get any closer than what you see here, which is roughly a meter away from any point on the pet. I can't walk through or push the thing and it's roughly the size of Texas. If nothing else, shrinking the collision box would be a start. I think if we clip a bit through the model that would be fine, my dog won't mind having its toes stepped on. I think the best idea would be to make all pets not collide with players so we can walk through them, like MM pets.
  23. I'm noticing that a lot of powers in game have really heavy and obtrusive SFX. Apropos of nothing much, I was watching a tutorial on how to use Blender recently and the tutorial just happened to mention "don't make your SFX too heavy" and showed a screen of what they'd been doing with the SFX turned up to 11 ...which just happened to look like every CoH fight ever. So I'd like to ask for a power customization where the power is still visible, but it expressly has it's effect turned down. Like way down. Many of the current power effects when customized are garish and super heavy, we could use something that's like 25% of what the current power VFX looks like. Not asking for "minimal FX" which is often "no FX". That's fine if you want none at all, I'd like to see some customization where the effect is still present but much reduced.
  24. 1. Think up a cool concept with a costume that looks totally awesome. 2. Pick some good power to go with that. Basically just have fun. If nothing else, try one of everything. I have a couple of defenders for the first time ever, they're fun!
  25. I'd really like it if my Mastermind pets didn't die every time I changed levels. It's really annoying, at least, and also kind of a chore for a player to keep having to resummon them. Couldn't the pets just change levels themselves, and strip off any inappropriate buffs? It seems like this wouldn't be super hard to do. That's about it, thanks for listening.
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