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Everything posted by gameboy1234

  1. OK to take this literally I think the costume goes back the the early start of the super hero comics, the uniform was copied from athletes of the day, especially wrestlers. Including the "wear your underpants on the outside" look. Maybe everyone knows this but I thought I'd post some pics. (I found this cool site with a history of wrestling uniforms, there's a few more examples there: https://intermatwrestle.com/articles/17094 ) The same look gets a call-out in the Watchmen comic, I think, when they depict the Hooded Justice, an original member of a super hero team. In his day job as a circus strongman he wears basically the same outfit.
  2. I've had this happen more than a couple of times for me. At the end of a mish, I'll summon a Rapid Response portal or an Ouro Portal for myself and teammates, then I quit the team, or the leader quits. Due to level scaling I change level. So my summoned portal promptly goes away. Could these portals / pets be set to NOT despawn on a level change. It's pretty silly and inconvenient to have them work this way. Since any member of the team could potentially quit and change my level, I don't really have full control over this either. Thanks!
  3. Band Maid again. This is from a "live" concert they gave, which was actually them playing in a studio setting and was broadcast over the internet, because covid. Still pretty cool. Manners and Black Hole, live.
  4. I'm not suggesting any stats be removed or lowered. Just add EndRedux. That's it. (Adding a new IO would mess with the number of IOs need to get set bonuses, I assume that would be bad. We could end up 7 IOs in a set that only supported 6 for bonuses.)
  5. I have a PBAOE that takes Taunt sets (actually only takes Taunt sets, it's Against All Odds). None of the Taunt IO sets have any EndRedux, which is a bit of a bummer because it really needs the EndRedux. I'd like to request that two to three Enh of each Taunt set get added EndRedux, just for folks who want to slot some Taunt into powers that also use End. Thanks!
  6. I'm going to +1 this also. I've wanted different necklines on costumes for a while, not just the basic T but also all of the older tights patterns. It's weird the way it comes up exactly to the seam in the character's neck and then stops. A few different options would be useful and look cool.
  7. Been listening to a lot of Band Maid lately. Five hard rockin' women from Japan who dress in cute maid outfits. Here's Domination live:
  8. Not a terrible idea. I do feel some chest emblems are overly large. Other's seem a bit on the small side. A slider that goes anywhere between 200% to 10% (or so) would be great and let anyone pick the size they like.
  9. I really hate to dis anyone's favorite set or some other bad-wrong fun, but yeah I kinda agree. SOC is way overpowered for its tier and considering the rest of the set. It should have a maximum number of targets about 1/4 of what it does now, assuming the rest of the power stays the same. I sincerely don't like a big nerf like this, but it's been pretty obviously overpowered since the set launched. Just something that needs to be done. Not that Mind Control doesn't need a buff, but if everything is brought up to SOC the game is gonna be a cake walk.
  10. My own contribution, Flying Monkey. It's the normal male physique, with the shoulders as wide as possible and the legs as short as possible and the waist as small as possible. I messed around with the facial features, basically making the face and cheek bones very wide, the brow short, and the jaw and chin short too (monkeys don't really have chins). I think I used the "cat" face, with yellow eyes, and one of the "animal" leg options, probably small cat. The western shirt and red cap help sell the effect. Also I used Beast Run which was pretty effective on this character.
  11. This is definitely my perception. SS feels like it's always doing less damage than other sets. War Mace if anything is bordering on OP. The numbers are just different, WM got a buff back on live right around the time of Going Rogue, and it was a pretty chunky one too imo. Played WM to 50 on a Tanker, it works fine. I think the main difference might be the no-crash self buff and WM's AoE is chunkier too, and arrives earlier. WM's second AoE does damage too, unlike Hand Clap. This would be fine too, but making all sets play the same probably isn't the answer either. I think there's a fine line between shutting down a particular set vs certain enemies, and having all sets play exactly the same all the time. Neither is desirable. It's player perception but it does matter. Adjusting resistances on all enemies is going to affect all powersets. Just changing the damage on SS affects only SS. The aforementioned survey of all enemy resistances would be a good start. Besides just raising damage (or lowering resistances) other things might be looked at, like soft controls (should SS stun more? KD more? The percentage chance might be increased) and also when powers are available. Give KO Blow a small cone, and remove the crash from Rage would all be good things, if you don't want to increase base damage directly.
  12. This is a fair point and one reason I think SS should get a blanket increase in damage. An increase would "make up for" all the mobs resistant to Smashing (and there's a lot) while it would also act as a sort of bonus damage against mobs that are not resistant to Smashing.
  13. SS and Rage: 1. Increase SS base damage. Reduce the buff in Rage and remove the crash. 2. Increase SS base damage. Make Rage a large buff like it is now, but make the recharge unenhancable and remove the crash. 3. Increase SS base damage. Make Rage into a short duration buff like Aim with even higher +Dam and +Acc and remove the crash. I kinda like the "Make Rage like Fury" suggestion but I wonder if it would be OP (or just wonky to implement) on Brutes.
  14. Ah so that's why. I didn't know that, thanks for the explanation.
  15. This is something I was going to recommend. If you don't know how to play the game and want to figure it out, running missions from contacts solo is the best way to work through it. Scrappers and Brutes probably work best for this, they're high damage and have good defenses so you can solo much more easily. This also allows you to actually read the mission text too, which is actually pretty fun and often good, if a bit wordy. I have solo toons that I use just so I can read all the content. I don't do that on teams, because most everyone knows it by now and they're expecting a quicker experience. Also learn to use the P2W vendor. There's some important stuff there. Like extra attacks will help you when you're low level and don't have too many attacks yet. Special items like a Jetpack is indespensible for when you have no travel power yet. Special run powers can help with role play or just getting around. Also the XP boosters are really handy for when you just want to level fast. After about level 6 check out The Hollows and Perez Park, two zones that connect to Atlas Park (there is no Tram there, so you have to go to the actual zone entrance). They have additional content that you might want to try out. Some of the content is hard and you might need to ask for help. Have folks join for just one mission if that's all they want. Don't run Death From Below too much. I'd run it once on a new toon before starting on regular contacts. At least until you exhaust the contacts and know what they do, don't pass them up. Better to solo and get some experience actually playing the game. And finally the Help channel in game is a good source of help if you just need a quick question.
  16. Usually when playing I try to concentrate on numbers, boosting my own effectiveness (IOs, etc.) and my own skill. I like to feel that I'm contributing to a team and also getting most out of the character I'm playing. I like to notice where things could be better and plan out how to address this. Using Hasten to recharge slow but powerful abilities. Or using IO Sets or Procs to boost performance. I'm almost always during down-time looking through the Auction House getting ideas for what might be added to a build, even if I can't afford it yet. Then I get an idea for a cool costume or a cool character name and I make an alt. That'll start over the process of trying to learn the new toon, discover its faults and where it needs improvement and where I should focus. Then I'll get another idea and start another alt. It's play, get idea and start an alt, play more, start an alt, play, alt, play, alt, play, alt, etc. I have a lot of alts. I call this "playing City of Heroes."
  17. Also an old Champion player, sorry it took so long for me to find this thread.
  18. Released: Stab Stick Grabbed: Bio Weapon X
  19. Just happened to notice this, sorry if it's a repeat The text of the Defeat badge, before you complete the badge, says "Defeat 100 Embalmed ones to earn this badge." Probably should be Embalmed Ones with a capital O.
  20. Ah, got it. I think of those as "instances", didn't know the CoH name for them. Thanks @Cinnder
  21. WOW! This is the feature I didn't know I wanted but I totally needed! Thanks for implementing this.
  22. /petcom_name GM_Bot att def There, fixed it for you. Get back to work.
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