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Everything posted by Haijinx

  1. The sad thing is the status protection gimmick would have been a great Tanker buff.
  2. I like the IO idea or even a Null gull option. But I prefer the fast snipe, just seems dumb to make everyone else have to
  3. Wow. Have never heard of this on COH Eve online, yeah. But you can put a bounty out on them to get wrecked and capsuled Sorry that went down for sure.
  4. Geoff was a lot nicer before those damned Giants invaded.
  5. Well the idea would be to give Brutes the bigger AOE radius and arc changes Tankers got instead.::
  6. Well yeah but that's all they can do right? So I guess they get to keep their glowy sticks.
  7. I use the fear power. Lot of dark powersets used on everlasting, so if I hit the fear combined with STJ Aoe fear it all stacks well if the tank or brute are sleepy time on the floor
  8. The double extra irony being my cellmate here in the Hospital was in Withdrawls ... Luckily he got moved to the ICU about 6 hours ago, so I have a new Pug.
  9. Haijinx


    Scorpion pool Mace for staff? Not that I ever liked Gambit
  10. I always pick boxing because it sounds cooler. And reminds me of Heroes Unlimited.
  11. I was gonna hit Fulcrum Shift, but then I got high. No one could take out the big bad fast, he ran around the whole warehouse, and I know why .. Apologies. Look it was Snarky's fault!
  12. That makes me the most leery in pugs, when people start talking about "heals"
  13. Then I'd be expected to use it, though.
  14. Hmmmm, a 0 eyed character named noclops with dark blast. Dark/ninja Blaster probably. Why dark blast? Because the look of the Eyeless is fear.
  15. It's too bad it doesn't work like a Malta sapper at least ST Cause those guys suck .. Your blue bar
  16. Or its stuck and you need to run to the stairs. Or obstructed. An alarm has it on lock down.. But Yes I like your idea.
  17. Black Panther is probably replacing Submariner. Who was in the Invaders for some unknown reason.
  18. They could have upped the AOE size of Tanker punch punchvoke, the AOE size of their taunt aura and the AOE radius of their Taunt power instead though.
  19. I would have chosen AOE melee damage, but they gave that to Tanks for some reason
  20. Mister Positron, are you free?
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