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Everything posted by Haijinx

  1. The particles idea does seem to help a little. Thank you. Ran 2 more Yins today. Comparing. My current project now level 39.
  2. Reddit is kind of a Scary place. You can find people who will say nasty things about anything there.
  3. On full teams with support the Brute is definitely more buff friendly with the 90% resist caps and more hp With a set like Invulnerability the Brute is definitely harder to kill than Scrapper Invul even solo. So this can work in the Brutes favor. If durability is a goal. Scrappers are fairly sturdy for most content of course.
  4. Those are just ideas not trying to say any of those changes need to be made. Just stuff that follows historical trends. And of course I am not suggesting that the set will ever even see the Test Server, unfortunately, for points made elsewhere in the thread.
  5. I wonder if you could latch on to the recent Arsenal efforts by the dev team. Call it Arsenal Armor Not that I think your name is bad. But hey they have already given us two sets and pools with the name recently ...
  6. Yep, and one where others have already done it. Most of the Pylon time types spreadsheets say where they put the proc
  7. Hmmm I have often been interested in how Master Brawler works. Where having X powers leads to Changes to earlier powers. And with how fighting synergy works ... where the more powers taken make each individual power better. A whole Armor set like that could be interesting. Of course it might prove unpopular with the "I need to skip half the set so I can have Vengence and 2-3 travel powers" crowd. ≈======= Could such a set exist utilizing the current "power armor" powers also? Perhaps? Maybe use some of these: Body Armor (auto)- from munitions/arsenal mastery Cloaking Device (toggle) - from Arsenal Control / similar to Field Operative from devices. Power Armor (auto) - from Sent Energy Aura Energize (click) - from Energy/Electric Durability (auto) - from Sent Invul Environmental Resistance (auto) - from Sent Invul A bit how Willpower borrows from other sets, even with other names for the powers, these will sort of define what numbers would look like for an Auto Power heavy Set.
  8. Scorpion shield energy glow effect
  9. Okay so Good news is that I am home from the hospital. Bad news is I can't sit in a computer chair and play Homecoming on my Desktop. I have a laptop that runs the game to an extent. I was able to run 3 Yin Taskforce Pugs today and did ok. I have a good internet connection of around 90 mbs download so missions load quick, And I have lowered settings and effects way down using the options tab. My question is is there a way to further lower settings using ini or slash commands. Stuff like turning particles off, lowering draw distance, etc. Thanks!
  10. I never skip tough and weave on any character. Especially not a Brute
  11. I was only trying to make a point. This is probably the 100th Power Armor suggestion thread I have seen. I get the appeal. It even exists in Champions Online from what I can remember. But you all may need to answer the key question, why is it needed? Because just "Power Armor doesn't exist yet" runs into the problem I was trying to describe. Though who knows? I am not a dev.
  12. Easiest in a sort of game design balance friendly way. If the problem is Tankers got overbuffed on AOE damage and Brutes need a damage role where they can shine but not surpass scrappers ... well.. the origin was the Tanker AOE thing. I of course know it would never happen. None of the suggestions I made would ever happen. I think over 99% of anything in this subforum also never will happen. I am not so sure everyone recognizes your point about it not being a zero sum game between Tankers and Brutes tough. Or perhaps they do but ignore it on purpose.
  13. I wonder what people would think of less power pools if the ones that remained were better designed. It seems like part of the reason some are such clunkers is they do things that the Devs want to keep a closer control of.
  14. This has come up before. I'm pretty sure the idea was that "Power Armor" isn't a power set, but it's more of a Power Origin flavor thing. For example your Power Armor grants you the Invulnerability and Energy Melee sets. With all the START stuff you can really gimmick things out. Now we have 3 powers that even suggest "Power Armor" specifically. One is the cloaking suit in Devices/etc, another the Body Armor in the Weapons Epic. And of course the "Power Armor" power in Energy Aura for Sents. While none of these suggestion threads are necessarily bad, they never seem to extrapolate what it would mean to combine Origin and Power Set like this across the board. I want a Danger Sense powerset, Super Reflexes just is wrong flavor wise .. I want a Flamethrower powerset, Fire Blast is just not the same...
  15. The impression I always got from these were that scrappers and brutes are basically the same role. And incidentally most of my characters have been Brutes and Scrappers. With a few Tankers, Stalkers, Widows and Blasters thrown in.
  16. That bug fix should happen. Since the entire fury building mechanic was altered as part of the Tanker change in the first place. Will it? I don't know. But it seems unfair not to do that much ASAP.
  17. Oh I know. That was in response to the question, did I have any ideas. Not in response to the question what did I think the Devs would do. That question is a lot simpler. Nothing. They have hemmed Brutes in on damage. They can't raise their ST above scrappers. And the Tanker AOE change is years old now I imagine that's why the mezz prot idea appeals so much, at least it's not railed off by previous Dev judgements. But thing is the mez prot Brutes could use are the ones the devs are the most leery about rewarding. Because it should probably be stuff like, DDR, recharge reduction resistance, regen reduction resistance, damage reduction resistance, to hit reduction resistance, fear resist, repel resist etc. Enough that at 90% or so fury the Brute could laugh at most of those. I think that stuff would be fair, since Brutes lost a lot to Tankers.
  18. Because I personally think all these adjustments are bandaids. And no way Cap PH or whoever is doing it these days will go for them anyhow. So it's unfortunate. I think this entire game as a sort of "diced based rpg simulator" is off the rails at this point. Not the front end lore, concepts and that stuff, but under the hood. But someone asked specifically if I had ideas so shrug, ideas are easy. Some we've talked about for years.
  19. You seem to have the unfortunate habit of either declaring victory in threads, or deciding when we should or should not discuss them. I imagine it is just word choice and not a concious choice of claiming to be the boss of the thread. But this is the third time I've seen it since I got stuck in here a few days ago, and now it's being used to address me. I being it up becuase when the devs do make balance passes the do not just think Brute vs Tanker. When the Tanker choices were being made the place of Scrappers were also of high import and openly referenced. And the reason we have so many near identical Ats .... and so on.
  20. Not meaningless. Context. We have to balance 4 melee Ats though, not 1. Ideas? Several. First, fix Brute's ATO if it's broken. Also give some of their damage cap back. No one can self buff past 700% without insp anyhow and if you are getting it from team Support, who cares if the Brute is one shoting bosses 80% of the time and the Scrapper only is 75% of the time? Stuff is still just getting steamrolled. Then adjust ... Easiest- Make Brutes the melee AOE specialists. Revert the Tanker AOE radius and Arc expansions and give them to Brutes. This would not touch the current Stalker/Scrapper/Brute ST damage difference. Yay. -------‐------- 2nd Easiest- since they already reduced Brute damage in favor of Scrappers. They owe Brutes some Tanker Durability. Increase their base values for Def, Resist in their armor sets from 0.75 to 0.85. Possibly some other armor fixes. Maybe more mez resist w/e, Make it very clear Brutes are halfway between Tanks and Scrappers for durability. The problem I see there is it doesn't address Tanker's dmg outclassing Brutes. ------ Middle Ground, Make Brutes Primary Armor, Secondary Melee damage. Give them Tanker Scale everything, then adjust Fury to give Brutes more damage than Tankers. There would need to be tradeoff adjustments from there, in durability and Aggro control. That is nice since it gives us 2 tank ATs and 2 melee DPs making separations easier. But I doubt anyone would go for it. ________________ Hardest, though it's probably better from a game design standpoint - Remove Brutes and Stalkers from the game. Brutes are Scrappers with certain offensive powersets like SS or Savage, etc. so an effect based on being brutish. Stalkers are Scrappers with certain Def stealthy powersets like Nin or Dark or Energy But really that path is unlikely. The big problem though is you have to define each AT. You can't just say they are already defined, because the legacy definitions predate Going Rogue.
  21. Sort of? All the current fixes have been just band aids without any real look at the bigger scope of the game design. And a very real trepidation to rollback any bandaid that didn't work right. Like the Tanker buffs. People coming from games where they have 12+ ATs don't usually get that COH was designed for 5, and never had the room for the granularity they expect.
  22. Coh and Cov were not designed to live together. They were intentionally designed NOT to. On purpose. You could not switch sides. The rift was very much part of the original plan. Did it matter if Brutes could outdamage Scrappers and also often survive as long as Tanks PVE? Nope, cause Brutes were Redside.
  23. What it seems like is the Tanker buff really emphasized the COH plan, not the combined Coh/COV plan. Making Brutes not really fit. Because they don't fit in COH.
  24. TW is a choice of those willing to trade player discomfort for performance. And the numbers even post nerf seem to favor Scrappers. This is true of any Melee primary, really, thus the discussions. Some Secondaries favor Brutes over Scrappers.
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