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Everything posted by arcane

  1. If the transformation has a head that is disproportionately small, sure. That way we can still get periodic forum threads about it.
  2. I will admit that I likely can’t solo steamroll +4x8 Carnies on most of my characters, but I think your exaggerations aren’t helpful. I can play on a +4x8 pug team with minimal support and be fine with just one Barrier and just small inspirations earned from average kills, nothing from vendors or the market. You make it sound like we have to go out of our way to cover our asses, and that’s simply not true. Oh and yes, you can do most things either way. But take 8 soft-cap meta toons loaded with Thunderstrikes and Artilleries instead of damage procs and -resistance procs, drop them in an Omega K’ong fight, and they will quite simply fail.
  3. Even so, it’s the comparison between humans and non-humans that’s questionable to me. I keep trying to think of silly examples. Like, it’s like saying that just because I can’t legally defecate on your stuff, we need to start putting birds in prison.
  4. I guess I should clarify that, obviously, if you have 5+ defense powers, it would be best to go ahead and use the proc. Kind of silly not to. The part that’s more optional is bothering to pick that many defense powers in the first place if you have other priorities. For example all of my Tankers are going to have Hasten/SS/CJ/SJ/TP/CTP/Fold Space/Char/Melt Armor/Fire Ball. No room for a 2nd defense power on my Rad/SS after that.
  5. Here is the complete list of your options. So yes, some are only color customizable I guess. Effect: Chill Original Color Tintable Minimal FX Effect: Darkness Original Color Tintable No Fade Or Pulse Soul Noir Soul Noir With Eyes Murky Cloud Murky Cloud Tintable Cloak Of Fear Cloak Of Fear Tintable Effect: Drone Original Color Tintable Effect: Earthen Original Color Tintable Lava Crystal Color Tintable Minimal Lava Minimal Crystal Minimal Effect: Entropic Original Bright Energy Dark Energy Energy Glow Effect: Flames Original Bright Fire Dark Fire Original Flames Bright Flames Dark Flames Effect: Ghost Original Color Tintable Minimal FX Effect: Luminous Original Color Tintable Color Tintable With No Bubble Eye Aura Eye Aura Tintable Effect: Organic Original Color Tintable Effect: Photosynthesis Original Color Tintable Overgrowth Original Overgrowth Tintable All Original All Tintable Effect: Psionic Original Bright Dark Effect: Puncture Original Color Tintable Thorns Metal Spikes Crystalline Spines Slate Spines Effect: Reflection Original Color Tintable Minimal FX Effect: Shadow Original Color Tintable Minimal FX Effect: Shocking Original Villainous Charged Bright Charged Dark Charged Heroic Conductive Villainous Conductive Bright Conductive Dark Conductive Heroic Static Villainous Static Bright Static Dark Static Effect: Umbral Original Color Tintable Color Tintable With No Bubble Eye Aura Eye Aura Tintable
  6. Okay hang tight and I’ll get you the details.
  7. I will refrain from posting 16 screenshots and say yes, they vary in number of options available. Usually they line up with what’s available in an armor set. For instance you have animations for all three of Electric Armor’s shield toggles here.
  8. Sure, see example: “Effect: Shocking” gives you access to all of these auras, in addition to color customization. I find them far cooler than the standard lightning aura, and even better when combined with it for 2 different colors.
  9. Also I glanced at the HCWiki for Lt. Harris and didn’t see anything bad at a glance.
  10. I think this is a niche position that doesn’t quite justify the complete deletion of the St. Martial casino and the 5th Column, so I’ll let others take it from here.
  11. People who skip tough/weave, def/res bonuses, etc aren’t necessarily lacking in sturdiness unless they’re just bad players. I think everyone here claiming that they build for superior offense knows how to juggle Incarnates, inspirations, and tactics such that there is nothing slowing them down. On the other side of the coin, those that built for sturdiness can only do so much to catch up with the offensive capabilities of the aforementioned players. Even if you compensated with a full tray of reds you’d run up against damage caps that proc builds are bypassing.
  12. Can you please give more details about what exactly has offended you?
  13. They are good but not mandatory. My Rad/ Tank only has one in his build and yet I’m confident that no soft-cap building 5x LotG pug is going to make me feel bad about it.
  14. I may not know what the OP is about, but I know it ain’t about that.
  15. I will always want tray 1 at the bottom. My OCD tendencies are not about to let that change after 21 years.
  16. Never going to happen considering it would be a massive buff to afk farming.
  17. Literally false btw
  18. None of my 50 active characters have any defense or resistance beyond what they get from their primary, their secondary, combat jumping, and maneuvers or stealth. In the case of my tanks, I got the procs too. I don’t get the fighting pool anymore on anything, and I don’t waste slots on defense or resistance bonuses that can be better spent on damage/procs, recharge, or mobility.
  19. Seems like a reasonable request to me.
  20. I don’t know about any of these proposed changes, but, speaking of Shatter / Shatter Armor, I wish they would offer an alternative animation for one or the other. It’s slightly lame that my soldier has two attacks that look identical.
  21. .
  22. Try Electric/ like you said. I abandoned several Sentinels out of disappointment, but my Electric/Stone/Psy I am genuinely loving for a change.
  23. SOAD was a big influence on the subgenres I refer to as “kids metal”, but I still like this song.
  24. Rudra alt? Please. Rudra’s position on patrol xp is even more ridiculously niche than Hardcore mode players, and I bet he couldn’t accumulate half the moderator infractions I’m capable of. You can think of a better comparison than that.
  25. The cheerleading squad has arrived. Thank god.
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