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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I'm just playing around with the idea. To me Scourge needs to function in a way that actually makes sense. Right now it's basically an overkill button for anything less than a boss. What's the point of exposing an enemies weakness when they're already begging for mercy? The stacking counter doesn't need to pile on the damage. I was more thinking something like 5 stacks giving +30% damage vs minions, +25% vs Lts and +20% vs Bosses and up on the hit that consumes the stack. It could even be tweaked down fairly easy since it would be overpowered if it were to equal even 150% damage every fifth hit landed. It's not meant to be a crititcal hit method for Corrupters or to trivialize hard targets.
  2. For Scourge I could see it possibly changed to something like a stacking counter system. 5 stacks of scourge and it consumes them for a boosted hit. Wouldn't really change the functionality against harder targets but would see more use against lesser foes. Just throwing out the idea.
  3. Who needs to be a supervillain? Screw that noise I want to be a politician when I grow up!
  4. Cutscenes are ok but the option to skip all of them would be welcome. At least they aren't quicktime scenes where I have to tap some button as fast as I can. I awlays find them taking me out of the action rather than making me feel like I'm in it. Just show me the freakin scene!
  5. #3 was one of the things I liked about CO. There were several restaurants in Millennium City that you could go inside. +1
  6. How should I put this? I'm military trained in diplomacy. As for dropping out of a bad conversation? Yeah I do that.
  7. I would not have pegged you as an optimist. Hell, I figured 2020 got rid of all of those by now. I'll just be over here in my bunker waiting for the worst to happen. 😛
  8. Make me do anything. Go on. If no one has figured it out yet, assume I am hostile to the assumption that A) I need help and B) I don't know what I'm doing.
  9. I picture it going more like this: Uploading ThermonuclearWar.bin Estimated Time to Deployment: 90 seconds. Data limit reached. Calculating new ETD. New ETD 27 days. AI: 01000111 01101111 01100100 00100000 01000100 01100001 01101101 01101101 01101001 01110100 00100001
  10. I just hope whatever artificial consciousness that comes into being likes us. Or at least needs us badly enough to keep us around. Although life being what it is I highly suspect that said consciousness will simply end up being as unhappy with their ISP as the rest of us. 🤣
  11. You leave Brittney alone! She's been going through a rough patch in her career!
  12. Thats not a no on busting into threads and handing out verbal smackdowns. 😄
  13. Clearly you need some kind of Luminara symbol and a spotlight. It works for Batman.
  14. It's a judgement based on lack of actual knowedge of me in this case. I don't have to defend myself or my ability and I'm not going too. What I am going to do is pass judgement of my own. Don't expect me to respect the opinions of someone who does that to me.
  15. I'm glad it hasn't given you any trouble but that sort of came off as a l2p post.
  16. I've beaten that mission by attrition before but it's still difficult. I remember an argument in Help chat one time on whether or not it was possible to even do it that way. 😕
  17. That looks exactly like the mission list I get when all I need are two more Zeus Titans for the badge.
  18. The one I truly hate is the mission where you have to stop so many Fir Bolg from entering the menhir ring. There's been an AI change that makes them not always stop when one of them takes damage anymore. Pure frustration if you're primarily single target attacks..
  19. I'm hoping that now that it appears the Devs here have cracked the asymmetry issue with costume pieces that this may be closer to possible in the future.
  20. I can see a Spear or other piercing weapons set working. Maybe with something like a bleed mechanic that works like a minor DoT.
  21. Yes, that's built into Defiance now. If you slot Defiant Barrage into your T1 or T2 blast it can even free you from mezzes if it procs while you're held.
  22. Totally not the thread for me. I'd tell everyone how long it took to get my latest to 50 but I don't want to go back to the short bus.
  23. No worries, man. I get why they're doing it and I too see it as a good thing for Microsoft, Xbox and Gamepass. I was just planning on skipping the next Xbox in favor of the PS5 since I can get all the Xbox exclusives on Windows now, if I buy a next gen system at all.
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