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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. Hover used to just use the basic fly pose instead of the floaty upright pose it uses now due to an animation bug. Those were dark days. The dev who became Castle accidentally fixed it when working on the new fly emotes. He is also responsible for Power Customization IIRC.
  2. We haven't had a savant since one of the intern programmers accidentally fixed the special Hover pose. True story btw.
  3. Oh c'mon! I throw out bait for a meme-off and no one takes it? I am severely disappointed in you internet.
  4. Maybe we could just move the PvE content like badges and plaques out of the PvP zones instead.
  5. Kind of figured that was the case. I'm glad you've resolved it. I had a nearby business once with an alarm system that really screwed with my wireless.
  6. You chose to make it personal and now you're attempting to moralize to me. Good luck with that and good day to you.
  7. Isn't putting words in your mouth. As for being what you just said, I claim no such thing. I fall short of my goals, I am only human.
  8. My standard is to not do or say anything to others that I A) Wouldn't want them to do to me B) wouldn't do to them in real life. Keep on trying to put words in my mouth though.
  9. There's no question that all the character models (maybe not the gigantic ones) are idealized version of the human form. At least this game doesn't have a genitalia slider like Conan Exiles.
  10. Ah yes, the call for silencing an opposing voice. Never too far behind when you're dealing with someone who thinks they're right and everyone else is wrong.
  11. Great suggestion, at least where the slap emote is concerned. You should make it to someone who can do that.
  12. Harassment is harassment. If you do that to someone you can expect to receive pushback/reporting for it.
  13. Those aren't real people. That's simply simulated violence against simulations. The person behind the player on the receiving end of this kind of behavior is a different story. The reason this behavior is wrong is that it objectifies that person. It removes their humanity and reduces them to an object of sport for the person engaging in this sort of nonsense. It's wrong, no ifs and's or buts.
  14. Thank you for the screen captures. Now we're getting somewhere. You have a ~10% bad packet rate during your spikes which indicates a network/signal/latency issue somehere. Are you wired into your router or wireless?
  15. Some things to try: Update whatever network device driver you're using. Open the command prompt (windows search for cmd) and then do /ipconfig flushdns Check your DNS settings under your connection. Google that one cause screenshots will help better than I can explain. Check the netgraph ingame and see if you have any packet loss. Additionally you can run a traceroute to the Homecoming servers but I don't know the ip addresses offhand.
  16. You did that yourself, not me. Here's the quote: "as for the reporting people over the slapping emote thing, good grief people. step away from the computer and get out into the real world. " - ZacKing
  17. If I pretended to slap your ass in the real world would that be ok or would it net me a trip to HR?
  18. Pizza is more of a fruit-covered flatbread than anything so I think technically it may be toast and jam? With cheese of course because cheese makes anything better.
  19. The Emissary of Shadows continues to kill my characters more than any other boss in the game. I also hate Earth Thorn Casters because their quicksand last way, way longer than they do.
  20. I think it has to do with how easy CoH is to just jump in and out of and not feel like you've fallen behind. There's no continually increasing treadmill of meta to try and keep up with like a lot of other MMOs seems to have.
  21. I just enjoy the world and the ride. I mostly solo (there was that one time but it doesn't make me a team-player I swear), run every story arc and mission set I can and have lately almost finished the Come Full Circle badge just for fun. I explore, badge hunt, mob hunt, and everything else I feel like doing when I log in. This game is more a second home to me that anything else.
  22. Ah yes, the launch of City of Brutes. I remember making my first villain a Ninja/Traps Mastermind. I was...less than impressed and rerolled a few days later to Robots/Forcefield.
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