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Everything posted by Frostbiter

  1. I dunno, setting goals for my relaxation time seems a little too much like work.
  2. I really like the set but the way I see it it suffers from two issues: Animation times are slow. I like the animations, they look great but they feel like I'm watching my character move underwater. Only one AoE. Not as big of an issue but hte set should have at least two to bring it in line with other Brute sets.
  3. It takes two to fight. Sometimes things don't work out and we all do things we regret later. God knows I could have behaved better myself at times.
  4. Sort of off-topic/on-topic but is it wrong for me to sneak onto my ex's Amazon Prime and watch The Boys after I changed all the passwords to my streaming accounts?
  5. Ex's right? Can't live with them, can't show anyone where the body is buried. I'm kidding. I think my ex is still alive. We're not exactly on speaking terms anymore. If you can believe it I left because she was the mean one.
  6. I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to have some sort of mid-life crisis or something but I don't really like sportscar and I just bought a new truck. I did try hitting on this 20 year old but I can't interpret all those emoji's. :/
  7. I'll turn 42 ina few months. I want to make some joke about suddenly being gifted with the answers to life the universe and everything but well, that would be a fucking joke.,
  8. Something like /bind F1 "inspexec_name Dramatic Improvement" Note that that will only pop medium green ones since it's by specific name of the Inspiration you want to use.
  9. It just requires the proper commands to set up. If you don't have your base passcode set up the command is: /sg_passcode PHRASE That will give you the passsocde string. Then to create the macro its: /macroimage Veteran_TeleportBase "Superbase Teleport" enterbasefrompasscode PHRASE-#### Just substitute the string it gave you for PHRASE-####
  10. That just raises more questions. Like how did Penelope's mother meet Mr. Yin, a simple shopkeeper?
  11. One of my favorite sandwiches is what I like to call the triple butter sandwich: apple butter, peanut butter and dairy butter. More of a dessert in sandwich form really.
  12. Not a fan of the Discord stuff. You have the game itself and these forums to communicate with, Why involve 3rd party apps and websites?
  13. Glen Larson, creator of Battlestar Galactica, was asked once how just how fast a Viper fighter could travel. He responded that they move at the speed of plot. I always take that into consideration when it involves fiction.
  14. To be honest there's not much on tv these days worth watching and modern games are homogenized into so few categories that I struggle to find other things to do. I spend equal amounts of my time retro-gaming and reading.
  15. Well yeah. This is still Paragon City. Any experiment has a 30% chance of turning out deadly. That quotes actually from the To Save A Thousand Worlds arc. If you notice when running the arc, you rescue 10 scientists split into two entities by portals gone wrong and only end up rejoining 6 of them.
  16. After tescuing a Portal Corp scientist from a Devouring Earth dimension: Scientist: Bunnies. From now on all my research is going to be cute fluffy bunnies.
  17. Did you try /priorityBoost 1? It may be a true/false flag
  18. The only Story Arc I even know of that got Developer approved and moved to the Live game is the one by Troy Hickman: Smoke and Mirrors
  19. Dark Astoria? If Blueside you talk to Captain Nolan at the PD Station In Peregrine Isle. Redside you open the Threatening Arachnos Letter that appears in your contacts.
  20. Just run across this gem in Eagle Eye's Personal Mission when I got turned around and went the wrong way: Eagle Eye: Deadlock wandered around for a bit, maybe he was disoriented or checking for other exits... Deadlock: Where's the crapper in this joint anyway?
  21. Don't underestimate the strategic value of repositioning out of the battle. If you don't have control of the fight then you've already lost it. This was my Blaster's #1 rule back in the days of Defiance 1.0. Draw too much aggro? Run away. Didn't see that illuisionis or sapper? Run away. This opens up more options than tasting floor. Picking off too much aggro a few at a time as they catch up is s pretty effective tactic.
  22. Around my area it's membership in the Hunting Club. Which is ok I guess but I have less issues with golfing even though I think golfing is an excuse to ride around on an electric keg.
  23. Can confirm that a Robots MM is sill a bucket of lasery goodness. I just wish I could paint my bots and maybe change their laser colors.
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